
"When did you release your hand? Hey, we obviously saw you just now and didn't look back at all, huh!"

The expression on Deidara's face was sullen, even if Sasori poisoned that person in advance.

But Hatake Sosuke's claim that he killed people in advance, he didn't notice it at all!

This scene is a bit embarrassing. When he wanted to praise, he found that the person had been resolved in advance.

Deidara glanced at Sasori next to him. Sasori stood beside him, with a calm and expressionless gaze, with a hint of doubt.

Obviously he shouldn't have noticed Hatake Sosuke's shot.

You know, if he and Deidara realize that this person is already dead, it won't take much effort.

"You don't have to turn your head to kill, right~"

"And even if I don't turn my head and look at it, I can still notice all the changes in the surrounding scenes."

The white clay mountain in front of Hatake Sosuke almost disappeared. He shrugged a little innocently and spread his hands to the two people.

"What?! Are you also the kind of person who has something to do with pupil skills? Huh."

Deidara was obviously a little unbelievable in her eyes, and with a wailing sound, she tiptoed up to Hatake Sosuke.

If you can attack the enemy with your back, Sharingan, Byakugan? Or something messy?

Speaking of which, Hatake Sosuke hadn't taken off his sunglasses in front of him.

Although you can vaguely see Hatake Sosuke's eyes through the sunglasses, the effect of wearing sunglasses and not wearing sunglasses is really different.

"Pupillary technique, probably there is something like that."

"However, it's not the type of Sharingan, I don't know how to use illusion~"

Hatake Sosuke looked at him and smiled slightly.

He is still aware of Deidara's hostility towards Sharingan and Illusion.

"Well, now that you have packed your things, then go back."

Hatake Sosuke patted his hands and stretched out in front of the two.

"How do you want to go back..."

Before Deidara had finished speaking, Hatake Sosuke put her shoulder on her shoulders.

The moment he turned his head blankly, it seemed that in the time he raised his eyes, he had crossed countless distances all at once.


Although Sasori knows what Hatake Sosuke seems to have, it is the first time that he has experienced it so personally.

The two of them stunned for a moment, and then the four of them disappeared into place in an instant.

Everyone's breath disappeared, as if no one was standing here before.

With the flames and sound of the explosion, the surrounding villagers came out one after another.

They don't know what happened in these short few minutes, and they can only see the burning house directly razed to the ground.

And there is a huge hole nearby that I don't know how to make, it seems that it was used to store something before.

But obviously now, there is nothing left there.

"There are really cracks..."

Hanru stood in front of the porcelain kiln, and she picked out the porcelain inside and set it aside.

Just now, there was a huge explosion in the direction of the village, and Hanru could clearly feel the shock from the explosion in the forest.

She was preparing to burn porcelain and was taken aback by the vibration and air currents.

The flame was not as good as the Master's, but suddenly increased the firepower.

She thought that the sudden increase in firepower would directly cause the porcelain to be broken in the kiln.

However, when she took out the porcelain, as Hatake Sosuke told her, some irregular cracks appeared on the porcelain.

It looks like porcelain is blooming.

A smile appeared on Hanru's face, and she spread a dazzling smile beside the porcelain that had not yet cooled down completely.

Even if the master is not there, she will be able to make this white blooming porcelain herself!

After that, you don’t have to worry that the guy who burns it will always embarrass the few technicians and destroy the few white flowering porcelains.

Although the tremor just now was strong, it didn't seem to destroy anything.

Although Hanru’s place of residence is some distance from the village, if there is an earthquake in Tao Zhiguo, there will definitely be some problems with her residence.

There are no other people in the village that Han Ruo has to watch.

Ma Shao is not only her teacher, but also the one who raised her.

Han Ruo believes that Mo Shao has gone to find New World, and sooner or later, Mo Shao will come back.

At that time, you must tell Master about the things that she has learned to bloom, and Hatake Sosuke.

"I'll go to the village tomorrow...If those people haven't left yet, I have to thank him well."

The face of Hatake Sosuke emerged in Han Jin's mind.

She was a little shy with a smile, and then she covered her cheek, showing an eye between her fingers, and looking at the porcelain in front of her.


On the other side, Sunagakure.



Deidara and Sasori stood silently in a pale environment, with some tables and other objects nearby.

Sasori couldn't be more familiar with those things, after all, he used them to make puppets.

It's not that he doesn't know this place, he really doesn't understand how they came back.

"You... can move so far in an instant?"

Sasori pondered for a while, he could hardly find a suitable adjective to speak.

They all know that Hatake Sosuke can teleport. After all, whether it is a fight or a chase, they all have this vague feeling.

Although the distance between Sunagakure and Tao Zhiguo is not too far, it still takes several hours to travel.

This guy came back in such an instant! ?

What is this guy doing there during the daytime! ! !

Really, with the mentality of going to travel, I sneaked into the country of Tao with Sasori! ?

"Where is this...?"

"It seems that I just turned my head!? Huh!"

Deidara's eyes widened in horror, and he was busy looking at the surrounding environment. There was still Sasori making puppets on the table.

It seemed that he didn't know what was going on, and he entered Sasori's house.

"This is Sunagakure, inside the research room."

"Aren't those things all Sasori's?"

Hatake Sosuke agreed naturally, and then picked up the kettle on the table in the room, poured a glass of water, and took a sip.

"Of course I know that kind of thing, but how did I get in... After all, I don't quite understand how to leave!?"

Deidara's eyes turned into bewildered circles, and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

"The wanted criminal from Akatsuki wants to come in through the front door. Your head is broken.".

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