As soon as Anbu's words fell, the surrounding atmosphere instantly became serious and solemn.

It seemed that this sentence was like a code. After saying it, Hatake Sosuke clearly felt that the number of Anbu around him had increased.

He can even feel that many people around him are in a state of ready to go, don't hesitate to use force if he doesn't want him to meet the ghost lamp full moon?

Hatake Sosuke's hand stopped in the air, and he pursed his mouth, staring at the dark door somewhat coldly.

He opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

Immediately, a strange circle pattern was curled up on his tongue, not only on the surface of the tongue, but also on the two sides of the corners of the mouth.

"Don't get in the way."

His voice was low and cold, as cold as ice quenched.

This sound didn't even sound like Hatake Sosuke's. These people were familiar with his always fluttering, hippie smile.

At first hearing, my heart felt a little chilly.

The sound of the three words 14   was not loud, but all Anbu who was preparing to move or be on guard heard these words clearly.

"Ding ding dang dang" sound of a piece of iron falling on the ground.

Their hands were almost uncontrollably released, and the kunai and shurikens in their hands fell to the ground.

Hatake Sosuke glanced back coldly, cold blue eyes exuding chill.

The pattern on his face also revealed a different kind of weirdness.

The Anbus couldn't help taking a sip of water. Although they thought they were well concealed, from the attitude of Hatake Sosuke, it was obvious that they had spotted these guys a long time ago.

Hatake Sosuke turned his head, without even looking at the two Anbu standing next to him, pushed the door straight and walked in.


When the sound of closing the door sounded, a group of Anbu gasped at the door.

Everyone's face was an expression of horror.

Almost all of them had thrown away their weapons uncontrollably just now. Although Hatake Sosuke just said a word to them, it was almost a fatal threat.

If they don't follow that sentence, they will definitely die.

Several Anbu touched their chests, and the hearts in their chests were still beating "pounding" as if they were all just coming out of the ghost gate.

When the cold wind blew in the night, their backs soaked in cold sweat couldn't help but shudder.

"A terrible person, just a word of deterrence..."

"So we all said not to provoke this guy. Although he usually looks kind, but if he gets angry, he is more terrifying than everyone!"

"I really don't want to fight him, this pressure is too much, right."

"Don't say it, it's not a problem to be around here anymore. Find a few people to inform the senior staff first."

The people of Anbu whispered to discuss, and then sent a few people to the high-level to inform, while the others continued to stay at the door of the room, waiting for the situation to change.

Inside the wind shadow building.

"Ghost Lantern Moon is not Mizukage anymore. This kind of confidential urgent news must be Kirigakure who has something to discuss with him."

"This situation is likely to be a problem in his own country. If you must investigate, you are stealing secrets from other countries!"

Yamato took a deep breath and tried his best to argue with the old men and women in front of him.

Who is Ghost Lantern Manmoon, and who is Kirigakure's colleagues? Yamato has almost never learned from the letter he returned.

Kirigakure is the fastest-growing village in all the villages. The two people who assisted the Ghost Lantern Moon in the past are almost as concerned about the Ghost Lantern Moon as their father.

The country of water and the country of wind are so far apart, no matter how you think about it, the confidential news will not be Sunagakure who has come to join the Ghost Lantern Full Moon attack.

This group of high-level statements is nothing but shit, but he must provide a reasonable explanation to reject high-level secret theft.

"I think so too, if he had any ideas, he would have made them long ago."

"For a long time, the ghost lantern full moon is worth talking about in Sunagakure. What's more, he has also made an indelible contribution to Sunagakure's greening and environmental protection."

"It's not feasible to treat him this way."

"He is the former Mizukage. Isn't it normal to have confidential documents for him?"

"From the geographical position..."

Gaara is also trying his best to make it clear. He is a new recruit, although the last time he fought Deidara to protect the village, his popularity has risen a lot.

The senior management has also delegated a lot of decision-making power and work to him.

But for some problems, these high-level stubbornness makes it difficult for him to deal with them.

"You are still too young, you have no experience with this kind of thing at all."

"Kirigakure formed an alliance with Konoha at the time, but it has no direct relationship with Sand Shinobi."

"If something really goes wrong, it's your negligence as Fengying!"

"All things must be for your own village first. You are still obsessed with your friends' feelings. The bad guys won't write me as a bad guy on your face."

The high-level people refuted Gaara in one set, probably because the new Fengying was young and not too firm, so he argued with him one set.

The entire meeting room was smoggy, and people on both sides were constantly debating, asking, and resolving vetoes.

This group of old men and women seemed to be spending time with them, only they were in a hurry, and this group of high-ranking officials simply said that they were not eager and unhurried.

Yamato took a deep breath and looked out the window with a headache.

When will Hatake Sosuke come back, now he can't stand it anymore.

Not only him, Gaara, even though she is a wind shadow, is almost beaten up.

Gaara almost finished what he would say for a year in one night, but still couldn't stand this group of people arguing.

He didn't listen to him very much at all, relying on his seniority to take turns to educate Gaara Fengying to neglect his duty, and he couldn't afford it.

Gaara feels that he hasn't played so hard against Deidara. You can lose in a direct fight, faint, or die.

In this kind of oral argument, nothing will work. You can only waste your saliva constantly, and then talk to people about a bunch of things that you don’t have.

The black night outside the window fell heavily, just like everyone's situation.

The thick, thick, and almost invisible darkness, just as their debate was heated up, Gaara did his best to pinch the group to death without using sand.

Knocking on the door suddenly there was a crisp knock on the door.

The sound of arguing in the room stopped abruptly, and everyone's eyes gathered at the door.

An Anbu wearing a mask rushed in and said panting.

"Sosuke... Master Sosuke is back.".

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