For Ghost Lantern Manyue, Loquat Juzo and Shisui are basically the same as his guardians.

Although Hatake Sosuke's influence on him is irreversible, even if he becomes what he is now, Hatake Sosuke basically played a decisive role.

However, Shisui and Loquat Juzo are very important people who spend most of their time with him.

He has always had no real sense of emergency news, and he couldn't tell what was wrong when he was a child.

After he grows up, Hatake Sosuke can easily propose solutions to big problems, and other problems will be solved by two other people.

Guideng Manyue himself has not experienced anything too sad. There are so many people around him, and everyone is very strong. He doesn't need to have any parting.

But now, he has a subtle premonition that he is not very good.

When Ghost Lantern was in Kirigakure before the full moon, he was a Mizukage. It is impossible for someone to cheat his friendship like he is now and then seal him for information.

He was in a complicated mood at first, but now that he came out like this, he now wants to go back immediately.

Hatake Sosuke pursed his mouth thoughtfully, then blocked his hand in front of him, and muttered to the ghost lantern full moon.

As he listened, Ghost Lantern Manyue widened his eyes in disbelief.

"This... not necessarily possible."

"And it always feels not very reassuring."

For the time being, the ghost lantern full moon didn't want to cause Kirigakure's second innocent disaster. He couldn't say anything except that he was a little shocked by Hatake Sosuke's methods.

"And that can't even think about it, right?"

Ghost Lantern Manyue's expression was slightly distorted, and he didn't even understand how Hatake Sosuke did it.

"After all, he is faster. Flying in the sky is faster than running on the ground and riding a boat."

Hatake Sosuke shrugged of course.

"No... I didn't mean that, but it feels like they will be a group. It doesn't seem to be long..."

The ghost lantern full moon certainly doesn't mind the speed of Deidara riding the bird, but it sounds so fucking ridiculous to let the people of the Qianxiao organization flee with them.

Why would someone come up with this kind of wicked suggestion?

It's Hatake Sosuke, that's all right.

"If Akatsuki's people took Three Tails away at this time, they should be busy looking for Deidara..."

"It's nothing. I have left his ring in the country of Tao. If Xiao organization wants to find him, he will go there first."

"After that, they may come to Sunagakure, but of course they may not come. It doesn't matter. It is also good to let him and you go to Kirigakure to avoid the limelight."

Although it is not bad for Deidara to stay here, it is a good thing to draw him further.

Tao Zhiguo is so close to Sunagakure that Akatsuki is not allowed to find him.

Hatake Sosuke stroked his chin thoughtfully, Deidara had no way to go back now, and while he was still interested in Garna, he could use Garna to contain him.

Ghost Lantern Moon couldn't help pursing his mouth, and he did a lot of calculations, not only on their own, but also what the Akatsuki members would do, including some of their plans. Couldn't this guy count it?

In a sense, Hatake Sosuke is really scary.

"Teacher... It's amazing to be able to think so carefully in this situation."

For Ghost Lantern Manmoon, Three Tails is tricky enough, and now Shisui and the others are still seriously injured.

Judging from the description on the scroll, the situation should indeed not be optimistic, otherwise he would not rush him back to help.

But Hatake Sosuke still looks like he can do everything, as if nothing can bother the man.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon took a subtle deep breath, calming himself down as much as possible.

Shisui is not just his important person, it should be the same for Hatake Sosuke, but when the ghost lantern full moon saw this, only his head was blank.

Hatake Sosuke can directly output solutions to him, and he even predicts the possible actions of others.

This kind of ability is really superior.

"Huh? It's not a problem, but it has to be solved."

"It's definitely not what you can do to go back blindly. I still have to clean up the people here, otherwise I will go back with you~"

"If there are no major problems after you go back, remember to send me a letter."

"I won't be imprisoned by someone using a seal technique."

Hatake Sosuke said jokingly.

A faint embarrassment appeared on the face of Ghost Lantern Manyue. Don't taunt him with the fact that he was sealed by the sealing technique.

It's not what he wants.

After all, I rashly trusted others outside the village.

Hatake Sosuke patted Ghost Lantern Manmoon on the shoulder, to comfort him.

It is estimated that after this time, Ghost Lantern Full Moon will also take a good look at the people approaching him, whether it is a friend or an enemy.

Although quite approachable and strong enough, if you have been in that position and have no chance of refreshment, it really doesn't bode well.

Hatake Sosuke stretched his arm and glanced at the door.

This matter is said to be confidential and indeed confidential. The entire Kirigakure situation is written on it, even the situation of the tail beast, and all human casualties.

It is really troublesome if seen by people in other villages.

It's like telling others directly that my house is in chaos now, and speed comes to fight me.

Although Kirigakure and the other countries in the five big countries are across the sea, if someone really wants to fight, it won't be impossible.

Ghost Lantern Manyue also followed the direction to look outside the door, his lips moved slightly.

"Don't tease me, I won't make this kind of mistake carelessly."

"However, there should be no way to leave this place now."

Ghost Lantern Moon’s eyes gradually sank, Hatake Sosuke asked him to find Deidara, he must not be able to walk through this gate anymore.

Although the people outside are standing still, if they see any action by the ghost lantern full moon, they will definitely follow it up.

At that time, not only will the ghost lantern be in trouble, but Deidara's presence will also become troublesome.

"Well, there is another way, which leads directly to the scientific research room."

Hatake Sosuke nodded steadily, seemingly not bothered at all.

"No, another way?! Hasn't someone investigated this place before? If there is an exit, it will definitely be discovered."

"And inside, it looks like you haven't been here in a long time... won't it be out of use?"

The ghost lantern was stunned for a moment at the full moon, and looked aside blankly.

Immediately, he saw the distance from the kitchen, and the pattern on a piece of the floor looked a little different.

If you don’t look carefully, you won’t find it. .

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