Hatake Sosuke kept that spider purely for fun, well, after all, those people are so dutifully watching them.

He has to keep some gifts too.

He was sitting on the window sill outside the Fengying Building, the sky had begun to turn white, and the night was about to pass.

Hatake Sosuke turned his head thoughtfully. He doesn't have the extraordinary stamina of a ninja. Rest and sleep are still necessary for him.

After solving this group of guys, he has to go back to catch up.

The people in the wind shadow building looked tired, and because Hatake Sosuke came back early, many of their things were disrupted.

They didn't want to oppose Hatake Sosuke, after all, they were still in a cooperative relationship after all.

I just want to take the opportunity to test if there is any problem with the ghost lantern full moon, plus let Hatake Sosuke converge a bit.

This person is obviously Konoha's person, and as a result, he made every effort to influence them. Although Feng Yingduo is still a matter of fact, Hatake Sosuke is indeed worthy of thanks.

But at the same time, there are also powers in the upper ranks, which essentially do not support Gaara Jōnin's wind and shadow.14

They always think that Hatake Sosuke and Guideng Manyue have too much influence on Sunagakure as ‘outsiders’.

Although they have contributed a lot, they are also actually influencing the decision-making power of the top.

This made them quite uneasy, but they didn't dare to face Hatake Sosuke clearly.

That's how I wanted to do something secretly, but I didn't expect to be caught by Hatake Sosuke.

I didn't ask for the information I wanted. Looking at the current situation, Hatake Sosuke was offended. This was the worst development.

Several higher-ups whispered timidly in the room, while Gaara and Yamato went outside to catch their breath.

"It's really tricky for high-level people, don't you even give Fengying the face?"

Yamato sighed at the window, turned his head and asked Gaara next to him.

He used to come here to negotiate and chat with high-level people because Sasori and Gui Deng Man Yue didn't know what they were messing up with. At that time, he realized that Sand Shinobi's old stubborn gang was really tiring.

But fortunately, no matter how you say it, in other words, let Hatake Sosuke take them both well.

Yamato has forgotten about this kind of thing. If he tells Hatake Sosuke these high-level words, that guy will definitely be able to carry the banner to smash this group of people.

If you tell him it's hot or boring, they really have to think about it and kill the aftermath of Sand Shinobi's top management.

"In this situation, they don't know what to do, so they can only delay time in this way."

"It's not that they don't give me face, but that they can't take it anymore."

Gaara glanced faintly at the back room. The people inside were all sad. Although they were still dying and hard, but it is estimated that when Hatake Sosuke came over, this group of people basically did nothing.

And it was them who shot first. Hatake Sosuke would really kill them all if he was upset.

They are getting a little bit stiff with Gaara again, and the highest combat power in the village will not protect them.

This group of people can immediately find a good-looking grave for themselves and prepare to enter the soil.

"I don't understand what they all want to do..."

Although Yamato doesn't quite understand it, Gaara still knows a little bit about his family.

The group of people didn't support him as Fengying. After he was Fengying, he tried his best to keep him away from Hatake Sosuke and Ghost Lantern Manmoon.

Gaara is not the first person they identified as Fengying, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Those high-level people can temporarily control some rights to block the current Gaara.

But some things took a long time, and naturally they would have to be handed over to the Fengying who had already taken office. During this time, they would draw Gaara closer to them.

Not Hatake Sosuke.

This group of high-level executives have a stumbling block to regard Hatake Sosuke as their own power, and Gaara's success in the shadow is a turning point.

Before that, they thought that Hatake Sosuke was nothing but Konoha who loved to do some weird things.

And because of the reason that this guy seems to be quite strong, the high-level attitude towards Hatake Sosuke is basically just letting it go for the time being, and if you don't do it to him, you can't do it to him.

But after Gaara became the upper hand, the group realized that Hatake Sosuke seemed to do nothing normally.

But people are actually prepared for a long time, everything is prepared secretly, and they have begun to fall into a passive state.

And now that Hatake Sosuke caught the bag, they fell into a more passive state.

They were wrong first, and they could have suppressed this situation by force.

After all, this is the boundary of Sand Shinobi. For ordinary people, this problem is not a problem at all. It must be honest in other people's homes.

But this person is Hatake Sosuke, which is a bit of a hassle.

Because there is a certain possibility that this kid is their biggest hidden danger in Sunagakure, and they really can't pick someone who can beat Hatake Sosuke with satisfaction.

There is a big problem.

"Are you two chatting here? I thought you would be in there~"

Just as Yamato and Gaara were chatting outside the window, a voice suddenly rang through the window.

As soon as the two turned their heads, they saw the sun that was about to rise slowly from the horizon with their backs.


Hatake Sosuke was squatting outside the window wearing sunglasses, looking at them both grimly.

"Scared me……!"

Yamato turned his head and immediately took a step back, and Hatake Sosuke suddenly jumped him out.

Backlit, hideous face suddenly appeared by the window, normal people will be scared of myocardial infarction.

If Hatake Sosuke used this spirit to scare the old man and the old lady in the room, he might be able to send them away directly.


Gaara was also caught off guard by his sudden appearance, and the sand around him almost flew up to block him.

Hatake Sosuke, a guy who appears everywhere, really challenged people's heartbeat.

Fortunately, even though he was taken aback, Gaara still maintained his normal mentality. He quickly reacted and opened the window.

Hatake Sosuke jumped in from the window, and the unspoiled night wind rushed up, blowing his silver hair up.

"It's so sad. You obviously don't fear the group of people inside, but you are afraid of me~?"

Hatake Sosuke jumped off the window sill refreshingly, and said in a disgusting tone for the two of them.

"Are you scarier than the people in the house..."

Yamato couldn't help but whispered.

What is Hatake Sosuke's positioning of himself? .

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