Hatake Sosuke is also well aware of Sand Shinobi's situation. He certainly can't solve the high-levels like when he recommended the ghost lantern full moon.

After all, Kirigakure was in an unstable state at the time. Whenever a more reasonable force came out, the people would support it.

They don't care who the shadow is on stage at all, as long as it can bring stability to them, it can be whoever is.

But this is not the case with Sunagakure. First of all, it is a regionally stable state. Gaara and the senior management are in a joint relationship, and they have not said that they are opposed to each other.

At this time, if Hatake Sosuke kills these people rashly, everyone will feel strange.

The subjective reason Hatake Sosuke wants to do it is the ghost lantern full moon, but the ghost lantern full moon is the former Mizukage of someone else's house, which is a bit strange to say.

He understood this kind of thing himself, so he said that he wanted to kill those high-level officials, which was just a moment of hiatus.

Anyway, after a group of people died, there will be a group of people to make up. The point is to get Gaara to bring back the rights.

If this happens again, they will not be too passive.

Hatake Sosuke collapsed, and both of them glanced at each other slightly.

He rarely shows this expression on 700. Not only does it feel strange, but it also has a subtle sense of anxiety.

I'm afraid he will suddenly say something terrible in the next second.

After Hatake Sosuke paused for a while, his lips moved slightly.


The two joined together in unison.

"Give me sweets, I feel annoyed by thinking too much, now buy it for me right away -!"

"You two~"

Hatake Sosuke raised his head and smiled slightly.

"Eh... but my words..."

Gaara froze for a moment, and pointed her finger at her face. He will go in for a meeting later.

It's not good to be taken away directly like this.

"Yes, I haven't eaten anything all night. I will take Master Fengying to eat first."

Yamato reacted almost instantly, and Hatake Sosuke felt that the two of them were a bit in the way here, so I wanted to dismiss them.

Yamato nodded, grabbing Gaara's wrist and dragging it away.

Gaara still had an unclear expression on her face, and looked back and forth at the people on both sides blankly.

"What I like to eat, you should know~ Go go."

Hatake Sosuke smiled and waved to them both on tiptoe.

The Anbu who squatted outside the window observing the situation couldn't help but raised their eyebrows, although they all knew that Hatake Sosuke should not be underestimated.

Although he is representative of Konoha's power, the senior leaders dare to embarrass the former Mizukage ghost lamp full moon, and Hatake Sosuke shouldn't be their troublesome object no matter what.

And now the most excessive thing is that this guy directly instructed Konoha Anbu Fukage-sama to buy something for him.

Who can be treated like this? This is too scary, isn't it? !

When Gaara and Yamato walked downstairs, Hatake Sosuke was opening the door facing the upper floor.

At this moment, all of them suddenly heard an explosion.

The power of this explosion is not very big, it is like setting off fireworks in the sky, and it is also a certain distance from them.

Did not shake the entire building.

The people outside the window raised their heads and looked overhead. The explosion was fleeting, and no one came out to attack them.

But this is certainly not a good sign, someone left their position and reported to Gaara immediately.

Hatake Sosuke paused, and looked out the window, where a little white wings could be seen.

Deidara should have left with Ghost Lantern Full Moon.

I knew that the guy would not leave honestly, and there would be an explosion before leaving.

Well, 80% complained that as soon as he was brought together, he was directly assigned a task.

There is nothing to do with this kind of thing, Hatake Sosuke shook his head helplessly.

The people at the top frowned. They didn't know what the situation was, but Gaara was outside, and there was something for him to solve first.

If there is a danger involving the village, it is mainly Gaara who has to take action to solve it. They are all people who are meeting at the upper level.

"This explosion..."

Gaara's pupils on the stairs shrank slightly. He couldn't be more familiar with this explosion, after all, he had been fighting with that person all night before.

"Huh? Why would there be fireworks today?"

Yamato looked out from the window on the stairs with some curiosity. It doesn't seem to be a holiday today?

And judging from the smoke and dust outside, it doesn't look like fireworks or the like.

It's more like something exploding in mid-air, but because the height is too high, it can't cause any impact on people on the ground.

"That's not fireworks..."

Gaara glanced at the window and ran down the stairs quickly.

Before the sun had gradually risen, an untimely white bird was flying far away.

White, poorly crafted, something that doesn't seem to match art at all, but it was made by a guy full of art.

Why does that guy come here, and does he want to do anything? !

"Ah, Master Fengying, that..."

When the two went down the stairs, they ran into Anbu who was reporting.

Gaara was paused. Although it is important to follow the guy's actions in this situation, it is better to listen to the situation.

"Are there any casualties or loss of personnel."

Gaara asked concisely to the person who ran up.

"No...no, nothing..."

"Except for the explosion just now, nothing happened."

Anbu pushed his mask a bit, apparently also showing a little futility.

But to be honest, he didn't understand why the guy left silently after making an explosion.

"Huh? Nothing happened, that person just left after a blow?"

Yamato also poked his head out from behind Gaara in a daze.

"Yes, we saw the big bird in mid-air before."

"We have been asking each other about the situation since then, but nothing happened."

"The bird seems to be planning to leave Sunagakure directly, so we gathered the information and reported it."

This made them all a little bit confused, and the three of them looked at each other. If nothing happened, why did they throw an explosion down.

Did you kidnap Gaara before and also kidnap your feelings?

Sunagakure, who is passing by now, still have to say hello to him?

"Let's go down and have a look before talking, anyway we have to go out."

Taking advantage of the short silence between the two people, Yamato proposed to speak generally.


Gaara hesitated for a moment, and then walked out with him. .

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