Although the Anbus had said that there was no special situation, Gaara patrolled in midair just in case.

"It's not that I don't trust them, it's just a little strange that the guy will come here without a word."

After Yamato bought a bunch of snacks, the two met again at the dessert shop.

"I always feel that these things appear too densely, but there is a kind of weird feeling that can't be said."

Gaara frowned, all things indicating that something bad was going to happen.

But no matter how the inspection was conducted, there was no result.

As if they were blinded by something, there was no result at all.

"It's really strange..."

The two of them were silent for a while, and there were frequent visions. If they were to be spent on this command, it would not be Hatake Sosuke's plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain.

Although the high-level people are basically the same as Chiyo, they are all skilled people.

Although it can't be said that the strength is very strong, but the focus is on rich experience, and most people still can't handle them.

But Hatake Sosuke distracted them, he didn't want to show signs to the group of people.

"Probably not, since he said it, it's better to believe him."

"After all, the teacher knows the importance of the top in each country better than we are."

Gaara swallowed her forehead. It's too much to speculate on the teacher.

But don't know why, they will all agree that Hatake Sosuke will do extreme things.

Sure enough, it was affected too much by that person's character.

On the other side, Hatake Sosuke, who was sitting on the chair, yawned grinningly.

There are no people he valued in this place, or in other words, there are no people worthy of his respect.

He put his legs on the table, slouching his back against the chair behind him.

His chair is the one made by Fengying. Before, Gaara was sitting on it, discussing issues with them.

Good guy, Hatake Sosuke was almost as rude to the naked eye when he came in.

Even after coming in, he didn't even say a word, leaning on the chair and staying silent.

Because he was wearing sunglasses, several people didn't even know if he fell asleep on that chair as soon as he came in, or planned to come in and argue with them for a while.

This chair is quite comfortable...

Hatake Sosuke didn't think as much as those high-levels thought, after all, he was a threat to others, a dangerous man.

But he basically didn't care about this group of people at all, and he followed the words agreed with Gaara when he was able to talk.

Bring the power back and let these guys converge.

If you can’t talk, just send it off on the spot.

Although sending away on the spot is basically the worst strategy, it is also his hole card.

But when can those two people bring him sweets, it always feels boring to sit here.

From time to time, Hatake Sosuke's gaze shifted to the glass of the door door beside him, wanting to see the situation outside.

However, he only pushed the two people away not long ago, and it is estimated that he will not be able to come back in a short time.

"It's so casual..."

"Insolent junior."

A few scattered people whispered to each other, their eyes swept over Hatake Sosuke from time to time.

These executives didn't like Hatake Sosuke very much before, and naturally they couldn't make any good farts at this time.

At that time, the top management supporting Gaara was considered to be one thousand generations, but after Chiyo retired, Hatake Sosuke didn't bother to know what moths were in the top management.

Anyway, there are just so many old men and old ladies, and whatever can be done, it can be done.


An executive sitting on the other side couldn't help coughing, and Hatake Sosuke's eyes behind the sunglasses turned slightly and looked over.

The few people who were sitting felt a sense of coercion for a while.

Obviously there are so many of them here, even when Feng Ying is sitting there, they don't feel this kind of pressure.

But it seems that Hatake Sosuke just moved his gaze slightly, and when he glanced at them, it caused a lot of pressure on them.

Whether it is this posture or this attitude, there is a feeling that people can't tell.

The high-level people took a deep breath. They have always been the uncles. Why are there still people running to them as the uncles? This feeling is really unspeakable.

"We are going to discuss with Fengying, what are you doing?"

Finally, someone said as if unable to hold back...

Although it wouldn't be impossible for them to kick this guy out at this time.

But I don't know why, this person is standing here, they have no confidence to drive him out.

This person seems to be more suitable for this kind of occasion than they are. He is obviously a young man with little age and experience.

"Huh? Fengying?"

Hatake Sosuke seemed to be suddenly energetic, shaking his head to the left and right, looking at both sides curiously.

It was as if I had heard some terrible question.

His voice was frivolous and with a hint of sarcasm, and after a contrived look, he leaned his back on the chair.

Said with some sullen tone. a

"Eh-why are you looking for him?"

"To be honest, it doesn't matter if that person is here or not?"

"Anyway, he can't do anything decisive, whether he sits here or I sit here, it doesn't matter at all."

Hatake Sosuke curled up his lips and sarcastically said with a smile.

Whether it's Fengying or ordinary people, isn't the result of sitting here all the same?

In the end, isn't it all those who make decisions that really have to influence? It doesn't matter who the people here are.

The color on the faces of the several senior executives sitting behind the table was blue and white, and they pursed their mouths in embarrassment.

This kid speaks really badly, and he doesn't show mercy.

Even if someone else sees this problem, it might not be straightforward to say it so bluntly.

This kid said such words in front of them so unceremoniously.

"What are you talking about? Fengying is the shadow of a village. Of course, it plays a decisive role. We are just giving suitable suggestions for his reference."

"After all, you are not from Sand Shinobi at all. This is a private matter in our village."

"Konoha definitely doesn't want you to get involved, it's a situation involving alliance relations."

As long as they talk a little bit bigger, and deal with people-to-people things, the village and the village-to-village situation that has been opened up, they should be able to suppress Hatake Sosuke.

It can be said to be suppressed, or it can be said to simply let this person not pursue this issue anymore. .

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