Gaara still looked confused. He didn't know what Hatake Sosuke said, and directly shocked the group of old guys.

You know, he and Yamato talked to these people all night, and they didn't seem to be as effective as Hatake Sosuke in these few minutes.

Gaara was called back to God by Hatake Sosuke, and Hatake Sosuke didn't seem to be as hostile as before, but looked in a good mood.

Does the mood change as long as you see sweets?

In a sense, the person Hatake Sosuke is very tricky, but on another level, this person is simply coaxing to a certain extent.

Gaara handed the paper bag in her hand to some Hatake Sosuke, still looking at the person next to him hesitantly.

"Ah, it's just something you often eat."

"Some of them are in Yamato."

"Are these people really okay? Why don't they look so good on their faces..."

Hatake Sosuke opened the paper bag and wiped his hands with the paper towel he took out of it with a look of indifference, and then took out the dumpling with a bamboo stick with a paper pad.

"Huh? Maybe it's because I didn't sleep all night."

"After all, these people are not young anymore. They always stay up all night and it is hard to say whether they will die early."

Hatake Sosuke bit the dumpling and ate his cheeks.

It can't be said that he is hungry, but doing troublesome things always makes him feel idle. If he doesn't eat something, he wants to talk nonsense with others.

And the irritable mood can also be soothed by sweets, after all, sweets are things that can improve people's mood.

Of course, it can also make his thinking turn faster.

What is early death? Gaara looked at a few people hesitantly, and didn't find a better answer for a while.

"It is better for the elderly to pay more attention to health preservation, don't overwork~"

"It's better to learn from a thousand generations of mothers-in-laws. Sometimes it is better to hand over the right world and rights to young people—~"—"

Hatake Sosuke got up from the chair and shook his body from side to side while biting on the bamboo stick.

"In short, that's the end of the story. I don't like troubles anymore."

"I can do it once, and I can do it the second time."

Hatake Sosuke's gaze sank slightly, and then walked out with the sweets dangling.

After the depressing evening, it is quite refreshing to be able to eat sweets in the morning.

"Although it feels like he is threatening people, what he said will make these people so honest all at once..."

Gaara couldn't help but muttered in a low voice, then turned to look at the high-levels who were all shocked.

What the hell, what other methods Hatake Sosuke didn't know about?

"There is nothing more, Gaara, we have almost understood the situation. It would be better for you to take a rest."

"There are other things in the village that need you. You don't need to spend time with us here anymore."

The seniors looked at Gaara, who didn't know whether to stay or go out, and exhorted.



Gaara was a little dazed for a moment. After talking for a while, there is nothing wrong with it?

It seems that these people didn't care about the ghost lamp full moon watching the scroll leaving, eh? !

After tossing with them all night, Hatake Sosuke came here and nothing happened! ?

Wouldn’t it be enough to let Hatake Sosuke come first?

Gaara took a deep breath in her heart, and then followed Hatake Sosuke out.

The moment Gaara closed the door, a group of high-level managers took a breath of air. The few juniors were here just now, and it was too obvious that they were not doing well.

But is the thing Hatake Sosuke said true?

"But think about it carefully. There is indeed a big problem with the age of the ghost lamp full moon. The main reason is that we have not studied the situation on Kirigakure, so we don't know this matter."

"Kirigakure is so far away from us, and it's a place where the secrecy measures are desperate. Who knows what will happen to that group of people."

"The time he said is not bad at all, coupled with his ability, it is really possible to do that kind of thing."

The high-levels leaned into the back of the chairs one after another, with different expressions.

Hatake Sosuke told these people about Kirigakure's situation. Of course, although it was a more real situation, it was still a bit more eloquent.

The Ghost Lantern Full Moon is the person who Hatake Sosuke directly pushed to the position of Mist Shinobi by himself. At that time, the Kirigakure ruler was divided into two parts.

One part belonged to Yagura, the other part belonged to Yuanshi, who was the senior of Kirigakure at that time.

Hatake Sosuke directly reduced the position of Yuanshi to almost zero, and now he has no real power at all.

Not to mention controlling Mizukage's decision-making power. Over the years, whether Mizukage listens to his advice is the same thing.

The person behind Kirigakure is Hatake Sosuke.

Kirigakure's drastic reforms cannot be done by a child. The reforms and reconstructions in a short period of time are almost entirely attributed to Hatake Sosuke.

Hatake Sosuke casually said that Yuanshi's situation was a bit miserable, and threatened them by the way, since he can do this kind of thing in Kirigakure, he can do it here too.

A group of high-level officials have never seen such a madman, and everyone is stupid.

The main thing is that everything Hatake Sosuke said can correspond to it, which makes them a little bit unbearable.

What a joke, this young man can really do this! ?

If others say that they want to bring down the top management, they can just listen to it as a fun, but Hatake Sosuke is a bit hard to say.

"...Anyway... Sooner or later, the right will be taken over, isn't it a matter of sooner or later?"

"He (Zhao's good) said nothing wrong. The times are young people, and we can't intervene too much."

To put it bluntly, there are two people who are firm and not firm.

Some people have already begun to shake at this time, and as long as some people start to shake, then the entire high-level is not stable.

Everyone was silent for a while, and decided to discuss it again, as soon as possible to vest the right of Fengying to Gaara.

After all, it is better to rule the country by yourself than to let Hatake Sosuke secretly get involved.

Before Gaara was guilty of Hatake Sosuke, they had to pick Hatake Sosuke clean.

"What did you say to them during that time? Why did they calm down all at once?"

After Gaara and Hatake Sosuke and Yamato walked a distance, Gaara couldn't wait to ask.

If he has any language arts, he can also learn about it.


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