Sasori's body looks like a handsome boy. The reason Deidara calls him Dan is purely because when they first met, Sasori stayed in Fei Liuhu.

Deidara thought Fei Liuhu was him, so he naturally called him Dan.

After seeing the fifteen-year-old Sasori's body, Deidara began to feel that there was a problem with this title. Now when I saw the five-year-old Sasori, he felt that this title was really a big problem.

Watching Sasori retract the tail behind his back, Deidara sighed a little regretfully.

"Although people have become cute, their character is still terrible, huh."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped by Sasori and had to be honest.

Although he and Sasori are noisy, they are still a little bit measured before each other, in other words, they can restrain each other.

It's not too disgusting, and it's not like 703. It's normal teammate relationship.

Because of Deidara's reaction, Sasori didn't want to use his body to contact Akatsuki's people at all.

Every time I came to taunt his body, it was too great.

"Also, there are only a few people in the Akatsuki organization. Are you going to pull them all over?"

Sasori held his forehead with a headache.

Hatake Sosuke stroked his chin thoughtfully, as if thinking about something.

"Anyway, most of them are their own people, and there are many of them."

Hatake Sosuke pondered for a while, and replied with a seriousness.


"What do you mean by most people... We are just two of us."

After speaking, Sasori's pupils shrank slightly, as if he had heard a familiar name before.

In the past few days, he heard a very familiar name.

Sasori paused, and he frowned slightly, like a laborious memory.

Yes, just when the person from Ghost Lantern Man Yue came to find him, he heard a name.

"Loquat here too?"

One is that Sasori didn't have a deep impression of Loquat Juzo, who had been killed in battle for many years, but Akatsuki's organization came and went only a few people.

Except for people who don't even have a name, Sasori still remembers a few people.

Although not much contact, but Loquat Juzo is also a very talkative person, so Sasori still has an impression of him.

But to say, he had forgotten that person originally, but when the ghost lamp full moon was sitting on Deidara's bird, he didn't know how he heard that name.

He is still a little strange how Ghost Lantern Full Moon would suddenly mention that person's name. Although it is one of the Seven Ninjas, doesn't that guy know how many years the ball has been dead?

"Huh? Not at all, he's not here, he's in Kirigakure."

Hatake Sosuke blinked innocently in response.

Sasori was silent for a while. Loquat Juzo was killed by Mizukage at Kirigakure at the time. The report on the content of this mission was the person who was teammate with Loquat Juzo, Uchiha Itachi.

Although it is not excluded that Uchiha Itachi was deceived by Hatake Sosuke and mistakenly thought that Loquat Juzo was dead, so there was an error in the content of the mission reported back.

But because they both belong to the same village, Uchiha Itachi is Konoha Rebellion.

Maybe they have met before. Uchiha Itachi has been criticized for his genocide affairs.

But I don't know why, but it feels that Hatake Sosuke's constrictive approach, even if Uchiha Itachi is implicated in him, is not an exaggeration.

Because whether it is Sasori or Deidara, in the final analysis, they are all evil people.

No matter which village they fall into, it is probably a dead end. In the final analysis, even death is their due.

But Hatake Sosuke is the kind of person who doesn't necessarily require you to die. If you can be a tool for my use, even if you are a villain before, it is not a big problem.

Although Sasori's body has been replaced with puppets, his memory is profoundly different from ordinary people.

He is sensitive and vigilant to many things, so meticulously recalling the past, he quickly straightened out the whole story.

Not surprisingly, when Ghost Lantern Manmoon was doing Fifth Mizukage, Uchiha Itachi and Loquat Juzo went to investigate the specific situation of Three Tails.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon probably didn't kill Loquat Juzo, and Kirigakure later issued a betrayal order to cancel the Ninja Seven.

This kind of news has been connected in series after so many years, and it is basically clear.

"Uchiha yours? Although you are great, it should be impossible to control him."

"You should be the same as you did to me and Deidara, you are intimidating and tempting him..."

Since Uchiha Itachi has a problem, the situation of the two brothers is not easy to say.

Uchiha Itachi was originally a thoughtful person, Sasori had a mediocre impression of him, and he could even say that he hated that person a little.

Sasori was originally a person who was extremely attached to his parents who died early, and basically did not understand the operation of Uchiha Itachi's genocide.

However, since Uchiha Itachi is not his teammate, or is in his way, he doesn't care much.

In fact, thinking about it so carefully, the teammates that Akatsuki assigns to everyone is actually quite caring.

Basically, I didn't choose the kind of people who looked at each other to be teammates.

Hatake Sosuke turned over snacks from the drawer of the bedside table. Basically, his food was placed in the upper drawer.

Because he had stocked a lot of sweets in those drawers, ants even crawled out of the cabinet underneath.

It caused a lot of damage to his old mind.

Hatake Sosuke took out the tightly sealed chestnuts and sat up straight.

He lifted the bag and carefully looked at the honey chestnuts inside, so as not to eat anything like honey ants.

"No, one dozen seven is Konoha, isn't it normal for me to know him?"

"Before he became Rebellion, we were good friends."

"He didn't do anything for Konoha. We will contact him occasionally."

Chat or something.

Akatsuki's information, Hatake Sosuke didn't use Uchiha Itachi to tell him.

He knew what happened, there was no need to let Itachi risk being discovered to tell him.

Of course, what Hatake Sosuke said was commonplace, as if he was talking about ordinary things.

"Friends...It's really rare to see people who can be called friends by you."

"I thought you would want to be everyone's teacher."

Sasori raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. Hatake Sosuke is keen to be a teacher and give others gu. Of course, the so-called gutting is just an argument.

He will convince everyone and listen to him willingly.

But in the final analysis, being a teacher is a generational difference from a student, but being a friend is not the same thing. .

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