Hidan struggled hard all of a sudden, the more fierce his clamoring attitude, the more it showed that the current situation was quite unfavorable for him.

The arm that he could move just now is now completely bound up firmly. The more he struggles, the tighter the restraint on his body.

The current situation is too passive. Although Hidan is not afraid of death, Shikamaru's approach obviously already knows his characteristics, and he wants to find a special way to sanction him.

"I am immortal, Lord Cthulhu will punish you...!"

"Give me a good wait for the sanctions! Even if you trap me in this place, I can still get out."

Hidan began to struggle hard, the wound on his neck spurted out bursts of blood from time to time, and his whole body was almost constantly swaying in mid-air.

Losing the support point under his feet, the steel wire squeezed his whole person severely, and some tattered Xiao robe had been torn one after another obvious marks.

Even if Shikamaru doesn't do anything now, Hidan will hang here sooner or later because of the lack of blood circulation and necrosis of his limbs.

Of course, it is hard to say whether his head will die in the end.

After all, Shikamaru is not a person who studies this aspect. After all, they don't understand why a Cthulhu can really make people immortal.

"Stop clamoring, no matter what you say, you are bound to die here."

"And you have no chance to escape from here."

"This is near Konoha, the place of the Nara clan, no one will come in except us."

"...They will watch you."

As soon as Shikamaru's voice fell, there was a rustling sound in the nearby woods.

Immediately, a few heads came out of the forest, it was a deer.

The deer's eyes were wide open, spinning brightly like glass balls, and their dark pupils were staring at Hidan in mid-air.

Although they are harmless and cute herbivores, for some reason, staring into their eyes will produce a subtle sensation.

It was like something hiding behind, secretly peeping at the people in front.

Hidan is still chattering and yelling, anyway, even the people of Akatsuki's organization, at this time, it is inevitable that they will panic.

Shikamaru didn't bother to listen carefully to what Hidan was clamoring. After all, he didn't think he was going to die, nor was he reconciled to die like this, so he would speak out.

In Hidan's mouth, the nightmare that Shikamaru is expected to have in a few years has been said all over.

But it doesn't matter, Shikamaru's action is to kill the people, and for many days and nights, he will not be awakened by Hidan's screaming face at night.

"Da da……"

After a few clicks of Shikamaru's lighter that looked like it had broken, the swaying flame finally lit up.

Shikamaru took the lighter and stepped forward.

Although it was in the daytime, the sun was slightly dim in the dense forest, hidden by the lush trees.

Hidan can clearly see half of Shikamaru's face, which is quite brightly illuminated by the orange fire.

The face of the young man who has grown up in the flames has become angular.

Hidan's feet kept sliding in the air, he wanted to retreat, but there was no place in the air that could make him retreat.

"whispering sound……!"

Even if Hidan has the ability to be immortal, he does not have the ability to regenerate the broken limbs.

Once the detonation talisman blows him up to pieces, he will really fall apart.

Although his recovery ability is excellent, it is also a regular ability. He can't do the same as Tsunade's medical ninja, which can regenerate limbs.

Although he had broken his hands and feet before, or there was some huge wound on his body.

But as long as Kakuzu re-sews him with that black thread, it will be enough. If it is blown up, there will be nothing left.

There is even no place to recover.

"When you are about to die, you will show this expression too."

Shikamaru stepped beside the huge ground collapse, his expression with a hint of indescribable sarcasm.

To be honest, when he really did this step, he would only have a sense of ridicule for Hidan.

Always relying on his own immortality, an arrogant look of dying.

No one is immortal, no matter who it is, there will be weaknesses.

This guy is so arrogant, so arrogant, it's nothing more than that his mind can't think that he will die.

Shikamaru raised his hand expressionlessly and threw the lighter over.

Hidan's expression showed a trace of hideousness, and he showed an extremely rare emotion similar to fear.

He has always been appreciating the pain and dying struggle of others.

The flame quickly ignited the detonating talisman, and the markings on the detonating talisman quickly lit up.

The pungent smell of gunpowder diffused, and now no matter how hard I struggled, it was useless, and the dazzling light instantly spread.



The detonating talisman flickered bright light one after another, and the entire dense forest was illuminated by the explosion produced by the detonating talisman.

Because there was a big pit at Hidan's feet, he was blown to pieces in midair.

The steel wire was connected to the ground near the big pit, and the nearby ground trembled a few times and began to bury Hidan's body continuously.

His body had fallen into the hole below.

Shikamaru steadied his body and stood on the ground not far away. The smell of gunpowder and gray smoke from the explosion of the detonating talisman swept across the forest at once.

The little deer who just came out didn't know when he disappeared. Shikamaru blocked his arm in front of him and waved the dust around him.

The smoke and dust generated by the detonation talisman has not yet dispersed, and the clods on the ground nearby have also been falling continuously.


Hidan coughed up blood.

His head had been chopped in half by Shikamaru. Although it had recovered partly just now, the wound was still there.

The detonating talisman produced a huge impact, and the wire tightly restrained his body.

His head was almost directly separated from his body.

The splash of Bloodline almost spilled half of his face.

His head rolled, and some blood that smelled of dirt and rust was eaten in his mouth.

Immediately after falling directly into the deep pit, he bitterly looked up at the clear sky above, tilting his head and even seeing his leg aside.

Hidan's body was directly blown to pieces by the detonation talisman. Although he was not dead, he enjoyed the pain most of the time.

But now his immortality has become a characteristic that embarrassed him.

After a person is blown off most of his body, he will either faint with pain, or he will quack to death.

But Hidan won't, he can only endure this almost inhuman pain soberly. .

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