Shikamaru's chasing pace gradually slowed down, and he stood on the branch and looked to his side hesitantly.

Although that person may also leave to other places, but I don't know why, Shikamaru has such an instinct.

That person has completely left here, and may even have left Konoha.

This kind of no evidence, similar to intuition, made him very uncomfortable.

He is generally a person who makes judgments based on the actual situation, and what is constantly buzzing now is his intuition.

This thing is very strange.

"Damn it!"

Shikamaru finally stood next to the branch and slammed the trunk next to him hard.

What the hell is this! Obviously, I have seen the person who took Hidan's head, but those people left under their noses.

Those people don't seem to be from Akatsuki, but they should be deliberately hiding their identities.

So I put on a mask on my face and covered my hair tightly with a Kabuto cap.

Although there is no way to determine the identities of those people, the young man who originally watched for those people outside was definitely a ninja.

He didn't wear a forehead protector and couldn't tell which village it was from.

Although it was only a moment, Shikamaru saw the silver hair scattered out of him, but what if he knew it was silver hair?

There are too many people with silver hair in this place.

The man whose Kabuto cap was knocked off didn't use his own strength at all, he was definitely delaying time.

He dodges the attack quite familiarly, and beat the two kunai together.

But this only shows that he is a very capable Jōnin, without any particularly obvious characteristics at all.

"Is there nothing more obvious and special?"

Shikamaru frowned thoughtfully while walking in the direction of returning to Konoha.

The two adults are wearing masks, only the child being held is unnecessary.

Then the only thing that can be started is the child's face, so I have to go back and investigate in Konoha.

If the red-haired child was with them, he should wear a mask too.

After thinking about it for a while, Shikamaru decided not to go back and take a look at it.

The ghost lantern full moon is very strange, and the person behind with Hidan's head is also quite suspicious.

It's really suspicious.

That person has been saying something quite familiar, and what makes Shikamaru most uncomfortable is that he really feels that the voice is quite familiar.

If nothing else, he should know that person, but in any case, he didn't know who the number was.

This kind of prisoner almost appeared, but the feeling of being covered in a mist made Shikamaru very uncomfortable to death.

Go back and report to Lord Hokage. Now this situation is no longer something he can solve by himself.

The deer are not injured, and the puppets are nothing more than to block their sight, and they have no lethality at all.

As those people left, the puppets disappeared.

When Shikamaru remitted the matter to Tsunade, Kakashi just returned from the door with the mission report.

Naruto and the others were recuperating in the hospital due to the battle with Kakuzu.

Kakashi has a short blue stripe, and no one is the same, so naturally he has been lying down for almost half a month.

Fortunately, it is not too serious to make him immobile, Kakashi still has to be responsible for the paperwork report of the task.

He hurriedly wrote it out before the deadline and prepared to hand it over.

Kakashi also met Naruto, who had recuperated a long time ago, on the road. Naruto rushed towards him and asked vigorously whether his injury was healed.

Kakashi said in his heart that young people are good, running around so energetic so quickly.

"Well, almost, I want to hand in the last mission report~ "."

"Shikamaru should have reported it long ago."

Kakashi scratched his head thoughtfully with dead fish eyes, the white paper in his hand rattling.

Shikamaru played against Hidan alone, so he wrote all the mission reports about Hidan.

Moreover, Shikamaru is a kind of brain that is easier to use, and it is not difficult for him to write a mission report.

As Kakashi thought, he looked at the energetic Naruto next to him unconsciously.

If you let Naruto write the report...

Not only is it possible that the characters are written so that people cannot distinguish them, it is more likely that this guy can't hold back a word for an hour.

After all, it is Naruto. Naruto is a person who has grown up in constant practice and cognition.

Most of them are the combination of theory and practice, so they can write more or less anyway.

Kakashi sighed deeply. It seems that in the future, this kind of paperwork will mainly rely on himself.

".~ Now that Mrs. Kakashi has recovered, can we carry out new tasks..."

Naruto was chattering beside Kakashi, and Kakashi sighed silently in his heart with the exposed dead fish eyes.

Don't torture him anymore, but not everyone has such vigorous energy.

Kakashi can only feel tired endlessly. He almost wants to go back now and go straight to the hospital to recuperate for a few days.

Sure enough, it is not suitable to leave the hospital today. I met Naruto when I went out, and it was no different from being beaten back to my hometown when I was out of town.

Kakashi glanced at Naruto hesitantly, he wanted to refuse.

But when looking at those azure blue eyes full of expectation, Kakashi swallowed the words in his throat again.

Kakashi shook his head helplessly, and said helplessly.

"Hi hi..."

"Wait for me to hand in the report (Zhao's), by the way, I can help you ask Master Tsunade."

"If she distributes tasks to you, you are not allowed to complain and perform the tasks well."

After Kakashi told him, he walked into the Hokage building amidst Naruto's mouthful promises.

But when he opened the door, Shikamaru was lying on Hokage's desk, and judging from his expression, he was talking quite excitedly.

When Kakashi opened the door and entered, the voices of the two people inside suddenly fell silent, and both eyes looked at Kakashi who had opened the door and walked in.

Kakashi was taken aback by the two men. He held the report in one hand and scratched his cheek in the other.

"Did you bother you? I kept the door open, so I hurriedly opened the door and came in..."

"Why do you all look at me like this."

Is it a secret mission?

Knowing that it’s good to knock on the door, you’ll be read again if you don’t know for a while. .

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