Originally, Sasori didn't care much about his age, so why these two people are here to play for him.

Ghost Lantern Moon was glared fiercely, and was taken aback for a moment.

In fact, I feel that he is exuding murderous intent to be quite aggressive, but Sasori thinks it himself.

With his current height, he raised his head and looked up at the full moon of the ghost lamp, and said viciously, he looked no different from the little cat with its teeth and claws.

In addition, Sasori's face is very cute, the ghost lantern full moon can only see the word cute from this face for a while.

I'm really sorry, it's so fierce for you to work so hard-I am.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon moved his eyes awkwardly for a while, then scratched his cheek and coughed.

"Sorry, sorry, don't be so hot..."

If you tell him at this time, it actually looks cute to be angry, Sasori will definitely not listen to him.

"Ah, when I came, it was the teacher who said he would wait for Hidan to speak before getting him up. I want to come over and see the situation."

Ghost Lantern Moon hurriedly pulled the subject back so that Sasori wouldn't say anything again.

"Huh? If you are asked to come, what is he doing?"

Sasori raised his eyebrows a little strangely. Hatake Sosuke raised his eyebrows in the first place, but now that the instigator is not coming, what's the situation for the few of them to be busy here?

And according to Hatake Sosuke's previous state, he should come to harass the nutrition department at this time.

Sasori can almost think of Hatake Sosuke's bounce, it looks very annoying...


Ghost Lantern Full Moon replied almost immediately.

Sasori froze for a moment, then nodded in response.

sleeping? Did that guy slept last night? Anyway, I don't feel like him.

Although Hatake Sosuke has strong abilities, he is still an ordinary person in terms of physical strength.

Although he can barely sleep for a few days, he will rest on time and give himself enough rest time unless necessary.

This person is like this, he is already in a state of invincibility in the world, but he is unexpectedly like an ordinary person in terms of physical strength.

So he usually advertises that he is just an ordinary person, in some respects, there is no problem.

"Oh, I should be able to recover in the evening or afternoon."

"Hidan guy is very tenacious, but his limbs are gone, so I don't know how he can recover."

If it's Kakuzu, Hidan's limbs should be sewn together, but now there is only Hatake Sosuke, I don't know what he will do.

And even if Kakuzu can sew Hidan, one thing is inevitable.

That is, all the limbs of Hidan are gone, and there is only one head left.

If you want to bring him back to life in the true sense, you must find a body to replace him.

Although Hatake Sosuke is studying various medical aspects, including equipment, including research and development of treatment levels.

But in essence, he will not conduct human experiments at all except when he will use medical equipment developed by himself when necessary.

"Well-just leave it there when you're done, and wait for the right person to come and test."

According to Hatake Sosuke's command, the scientific research room produced many equipment of different sizes and functions.

But most of these things are piled up, and few are actually put into use.

Hatake Sosuke was holding a stack of papers in his hand, looking through it as if he was in a good mood.

Sasori came here to inspect with him at the time, and was stunned when he saw that a large piece of equipment was just piled up together.

"No, shouldn't you find someone to experiment with these things as early as possible?"

"You are piled up here, there is no meaning to make it?"

Sasori was taken aback at the time and looked at the piles of extremes.

Hatake Sosuke took the seal and put a stamp on the paper to be considered as qualified. After leaving the operation answer and the backup copy of the entire device, the person in charge of these medical devices hurriedly left the ear.

"You must find someone to experiment, but you will die."

Hatake Sosuke tossed the seal in his hand up and down, and answered Sasori's words carelessly.

"But these things can't just be left like this..."

"I'm not Orochimaru~ Let's forget about using people to do experiments or something, and there will be someone to assist in the future."

"Even if something goes wrong with these things, I can quickly find a solution, so don't worry~"

· ····Seeking flowers············

Hatake Sosuke stuffed a pile of relevant information into the system space.


Sasori didn't think of a more appropriate reply for a while, but just froze for a while.

It is not the kind of person like Orochimaru. In short, with the emergence of scientific research, there must be sacrifices and sacrifices. Although it is not humane, it is also a must.

"Yo Xi~ Don't just stand there, let's go, let's go, there's another place!"

Hatake Sosuke jumped to the door, turned around and waved at Sasori.

In human experiments, this kind of thing is unnecessary in Hatake Sosuke's eyes.

If you want to talk about other things, it's okay, similar to a ninja being killed because of lack of abilities, this is a matter of course.

....... .. ...

Because that is the task, that is the meaning of their existence, that is their job.

The slain that belonged to was killed, even if it was killed by Hatake Sosuke, there was no way.

Who caused their interests to conflict and stand at different angles?

But ordinary people have no guilt, and there is no contradiction with their own interests.

Because after all, there was no need to conduct human experiments at that time. Although he was developing something, there was nothing about the people he wanted to save.

So let it go, and wait for Hidan to come and let him try everything alone. Isn’t it the best of both worlds/

But at the time Sasori didn't know that Hatake Sosuke had this abacus. Apart from not being able to understand Hatake Sosuke's behavior, he just felt that this person might really be a good person.

It is not easy to do scientific research to cherish human life and respect every individual, instead of sacrificing anyone for the goal.

But now, if you really want Hidan to be the experimental subject, there is an unavoidable fact that if you want to recover him, you must sacrifice other people's bodies.

What choice will Hatake Sosuke make between the individual and the overall problem solving?

Sasori looked at the nutrition department where Hidan's head was closed, with a faintly curious look on his face.

Maybe, Hatake Sosuke will come up with something interesting. Spoon.

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