Sasori hugged the falcon on tiptoe. To be honest, the size of the falcon was not small, and when he fluttered there, Sasori almost missed the big bird.

If you need to use Chakra wire even to catch a bird, your own body is a bit too bad.

Before Sasori sighed, he saw the letter paper tied to the falcon's feet.

What a busy person, whether it's a crow or a falcon, they are always looking for the door.

Not surprisingly, this letter should have also been sent to Hatake Sosuke, after all, it feels like nothing special recently.

Sasori thought for a while and still didn't take the letter paper off the falcon's feet directly, but walked into the house with the wings of the big bird in both hands.

I thought it would be necessary to wake him up until tomorrow morning, but now I can just call him up.

Sasori tossed the fluttering eagle to the door of Hatake Sosuke's research room. Sasori thought about it, and instead of knocking on the door, he walked in.

After he tiptoedly closed the door, he suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

Even the eagle falcon in his hand seemed to sense something, and became honest.

The falcon stayed silently in his hand, and he was throwing around in the hallway.

The surrounding area was dark. Although the light switch was at hand, Sasori's hand stopped abruptly.

It seemed that something terrifying was staring at him.

Sasori turned around hesitantly while feeling a chill in his back.

Immediately after seeing a pair of shiny eyes, staring straight at him in the dark night.


Sasori was so frightened by the small light bulbs that he was blinded by the black lamp that he almost left the falcon with his hands, but out of amazing willpower, he still firmly grasped the wings of the big bird.

"Oh... your expression is really wonderful~"

"Every time you come in, you can scare you--"

Those shiny eyes flicked in the air, and Hatake Sosuke's nasty voice rang.

Sasori paused and frowned slightly.

Although his eyeballs are artificially made, there is no such thing as seeing things in the dark.

It's just pure, he just turned his head too suddenly, so he didn't see Hatake Sosuke clearly.

"It's so annoying, don't look at people with such horrible eyes."

"If your eyes are not covered, it will reveal a very strange line of sight."

Sasori's expression of astonishment was fleeting, and then he complained a little dissatisfied, and turned on the light switch beside him.

After the whole room lit up, Sasori took a close look at Hatake Sosuke's eyes.

Unexpectedly, it really is that it will emit some dim light at night...

There are many possibilities that have emerged in Sasori’s mind just now, such as sprinkling phosphor powder on the eyes...

Others may not be able to do that kind of thing, but with Hatake Sosuke, this guy is definitely possible! !

"Huh...? No feeling, I'm just looking at people very often."

Hatake Sosuke obviously didn't feel that there was a problem with his gaze, and blinked blankly.

He knew that his eyes would faintly emit a little light, so he planned to scare the ghost lantern into a full moon.

But I didn't expect that it was Sasori who came in. This kind of thing is not bad, anyway, scaring anyone is scared.

Although he needs to rest, the time for each rest is not very long.

Although I asked them to yell, I just talked casually.

It would be great if it can scare people. That's how it is thought.

"Yes, there is a feeling that no one can see."

And it's subtle, and it has a sense of coercion.

Even if Hatake Sosuke doesn't do anything, it's a bit scary to just look at those studies.

Most people’s eyes are emotional, laughing or crying, or emotions.

The emotions on most people's faces will be reflected in the eyes, after all, the so-called eyes are the windows of the soul.

However, Hatake Sosuke didn't show much of this matter, and this guy seemed to be innocent and indifferent.

Although he always has a grinning expression on his face, if you just look at his eyes, there will be a very scary feeling.

It is very profound, not only able to see through people's hearts, but also revealing a subtle killing intent.

Of course, if he was laughing, those eyes didn't look so scary.

Sure enough, covering his eyes most of the time is a good thing for him...

But if you just look at the eyes, it really feels very strange.

"No, this bird has been flying outside. The sign looks like Konoha. Although I don't know if it is looking for you, it has been getting in the way at the door, so I brought it in for you."

Sasori raised the big bird in his hand and handed it to Hatake Sosuke.

"Eh... it doesn't have to be mine to fly outside, right? What are your criteria for judging it."

Hatake Sosuke raised his eyebrows slightly, took the big bird in Sasori's hand, and while talking, untied the letter paper on the big bird's leg.

"Which one can fly here besides you."

"Aren't you the one who has the most things?"

Sasori folded his arms, curled his lips and murmured.

People involved in the three countries, isn't the so-called busiest person you are?

"Well, although you are right, but I don’t have so many letters."

Hatake Sosuke unfolded the letter paper and flicked Sasori's forehead.

Sasori covered his head and took two steps backwards, and couldn't help but shook his head.

Hatake Sosuke unfolded the letter paper and took a look at the signature. When he understood it, it was Kakashi who was responsible for the search.

He also sent this letter.

Well, many things would be convenient if it was Kakashi, Hatake Sosuke thought thoughtfully with his cheek.

Sure enough, Kakashi also stated in the letter that he had concealed Hatake Sosuke's affairs. At present, no one knows that this matter is related to Hatake Sosuke.

But he still wants to know why Hatake Sosuke took Hidan away. If anything goes against the village, he will just kill him.

Hatake Sosuke blinked. Although Kakashi had exaggerated suspicions, if it was really bad for Konoha, maybe that guy would really come to battle with him.

"Konoha will send you a letter now, there won't be anything left there to expose it."

Sasori stood by and said as if asking casually.

Hatake Sosuke's hand holding the letter paper tightened slightly, and his face appeared from behind the letter paper.

Hatake Sosuke said in a somewhat undue beating voice.

"That's right~ I guessed it so quickly.".

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