In short, after considering various situations, Hatake Sosuke made this decision.

Although the Akatsuki group is still incognito, the better, but there is also such a bad decision-making situation.

Is it to hide him or expose him?

After all, the longer the hiding time, the worse the situation after being discovered. Although it may not be unclear, it will be a little troublesome.

Hatake Sosuke also inspected the scientific research department before this. It was Sand Shinobi and Konoha who came out together, as well as some doctors that Hatake Sosuke called.

Simply put, in the past few years of getting along, these people are now completely mixed together.

Originally, whoever is good at any aspect will work in which aspect, so now it is completely messed up.

Sand Shinobi and Konoha's people are mixed, and even adjustments in many positions will inevitably lead to some bad situations.

So Hatake Sosuke thought for a while and decided to keep the current work situation of all personnel.

It would be too troublesome to subdivide each aspect of the person, and it is easy to expose Hidan's situation.

Even if they don't want to admit it, Hidan's existence is a bit too eye-catching.

No matter who it is, you should be able to detect him.

Moreover, Hidan's immortal body is estimated to be able to find a lot of criticism, and it will be a bit embarrassing if he waits for it to be heard.

Hatake Sosuke went out for a stroll after releasing the falcon. After all, it was meaningless to stay underground, and it would feel a little boring.

The researchers underneath may have become accustomed to this kind of thing. After all, they work overtime all the year round, but Hatake Sosuke still has to sneak out often to get some air.

Sasori seemed to be thinking about something, and it seemed that Hatake Sosuke was only persuaded. He went back underground without saying much.

After Kakashi received the letter there, although he felt a little sorry for Shikamaru, he went to Tsunade to explain the situation in a short time.

So as not to cause unnecessary confrontation and loss.

Although Hatake Sosuke cut it first and then played it too much, there is currently no other solution.

In Hokage's office, Tsunade turned his back to the back window and spread out the letter paper in front of the desk.

To be honest, since Hatake Sosuke passed by Sand Shinobi, the whole person has almost disappeared, and there is no news of him anywhere.

Even in the usual Chūnin exams, Hatake Sosuke didn't mean to participate at all.

But when he let his past pass, he almost guessed this possibility.

The previous experience with Hatake Sosuke made her feel that this person is a little different.

And after he passed, he established that research institute, which even more connected the relationship between Sand Shinobi and Konoha.

Although I don't know what Hatake Sosuke is doing, obviously his intentions are good, so there is nothing to entangle him.

"So that person was really him that day?"

Tsunade put the letter paper on the table, folded his hands and ten fingers on his chin, and asked a little serious.

Although Kakashi's expression was a bit awkward, he scratched his head and smiled helplessly.

"Well... didn't he already admit it."

Hatake Sosuke already wrote it in the letter? !

Don't ask him again for obvious things, it's really troublesome.

Even if Hatake Sosuke is not in Konoha, trouble will definitely follow.

Kakashi couldn't help sighing deeply, it was really embarrassing.

Although Tsunade wanted to criticize Hatake Sosuke, Hatake Sosuke did a lot of things before, and this thing is not a bad thing in nature, but it may be a bit uncomfortable for Shikamaru.

"Even if he wants to use it for research, it should be approved by us. He took it so, I thought there was some new force..."

Tsunade's voice gradually became quieter, and she had always felt that there might be a new force coming out these days.

Akatsuki’s wind just went down, and now there is another one.

But when she heard that it was her own fiddle, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although a bit too much, it can be regarded as good news from bad news.

"Because he was worried that Shikamaru would not allow it, especially that the forest is the dense forest of the Nara clan, he was worried that the negotiation would fail, so he did this."

Kakashi explained it a little bit. Although the first impression is indeed unreasonable, if you think about it, this is the best way.

Although Kakashi doesn't know how to do this kind of thing, if he changes his position from himself to Hatake Sosuke, he can understand it all at once.

Tsunade would naturally understand what Kakashi could understand, so she didn't mean to criticize, she was just lost in thought.

If they were asked to come to Shikamaru, it might not be able to make sense to him. Shikamaru is no longer the kid who used to fool around. Now that he has his brain power and thinking ability, they may not be able to get Hidan's head at all.

Even Shikamaru doesn't even have to stop them, as long as he drags for a while, Hidan will naturally die after a long time, and it will be useless to dig him out at that time.

In a sense, Hatake Sosuke chose the best strategy, but it depends on whether people can accept it.

"Use Hidan's immortality to test drugs and improve equipment to avoid losses caused by human experiments."

From this point of view, Hatake Sosuke is also the choice of sacrificing one person to benefit thousands of families.

In fact, the farther you go in medicine, the more you can realize this.

Tsunade is a highly skilled medical ninja, so maybe you don't need to care too much about this kind of thing.

However, in the case of relying on drugs and general medical treatment for treatment, that is, the case of popularizing medical treatment, it is inevitable that human experiments will be required.

Orochimaru needs to be tested, and medicine is actually needed, but more often medical ninjutsu will choose to prescribe the right medicine instead of taking the initiative.

So there will be some differences between the two, after all, conservative treatment will never kill a person.

But with the new technology, it is inevitable that things will happen.

Hatake Sosuke puts this kind of thing on Hidan alone, it is better to say that it is a very good situation.

If Hidan died during drug testing or device testing, it would be considered a betrayal.

Kakashi stood a little numb, Tsunade didn't ask him any more questions, but didn't let him go, so he could only stand here.

Just as Kakashi was about to lose his mind, Tsunade finally spoke.

"Yes, it is allowed to proceed in secret, but it is not allowed to be exposed to the surface."

"Nor, tell Shikamaru.".

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