There really is something like Cthulhu...

The pen in Guideng Manyue's hand suddenly paused, and he quickly lifted the pen, but fortunately, it seemed that the pen was a little heavier, and there was no major problem.

If this piece of paper is crossed out, it will be written again.

After all, it’s something to keep on file. It’s similar to something that made a mistake in a student’s time and had to repeat it if the noodles were inappropriate.

Ghost Lantern Manyue and Sasori had a common idea at the same time. Although it was a bit too much, I really didn't blame them for thinking like this.

Hidan didn't know why he believed that Hatake Sosuke was the evil god. From this point of view, it felt very strange.

Then from Hatake Sosuke's concluding remarks just now, it sounded that most of the things seemed to be Hidan's own physical problems, which led to the current situation.

Therefore, both of them almost agreed that Cthulhu's stuff might just be something he made up indiscriminately.

And because of his obsession with Cthulhu, his tolerance for pain has increased. Even if there is such a statement, it obviously seems to be a subjective point of view.

In essence, it has nothing to do with the Cthulhu cult itself.

"You can't deny the existence of Cthulhu because he seems too unreliable..."

Hatake Sosuke almost laughed at the reaction of the two people in front of him, and couldn't help but shook his head.

Even if the ghost lantern is full of the moon, Sasori and Hidan also spent some time together in the same organization.

When talking about this kind of problem, the first reaction reflected on his face was that Cthulhu was a nonsense thing.

How don't you believe Hidan?

"After all, there is a big difference between religiousists and atheists. There are not necessarily a few people in the Akatsuki organization who can hear the cult."

"And that guy is always talking about Cthulhu, we are actually very annoying."

Said this, Sasori shrugged and said, he is not nonsense, the Akatsuki group of people don't care what other people are doing.

Just as he and Deidara are focused on art, they don't care about such religious people at all.

Generally, it is not very pleasing to people who are spreading religion.

Hatake Sosuke gave a wordless smile and shook his head.

"Almost the end of his own research is basically here, and there are some instruments that have been tested during this period and can be officially put into operation."

Hatake Sosuke lazily leaned back in his chair and said.

Things that should be kept on file are also on file. In fact, Hidan's situation regarding cell division has basically reached a certain level.

It should take less than a month to speed up the blood splitting in other people's bodies. This problem can solve the blood shortage situation, as long as the patient himself has blood.

However, this thing has no disadvantages in Hidan, but it is hard to say whether it has any disadvantages in others.

Hatake Sosuke stroked his chin thoughtfully. Although he wasn't too anxious, he didn't find it convenient because he hadn't had an experimenter.

"In a sense, you are very good at making money."

"You did the construction of Kirigakure before."

Sasori said thoughtfully.

Just looking at Hatake Sosuke's current series of operations, you can basically guess how he reinvented Kirigakure in the first place.

The ghost lantern is full of moon, but he is still a child. If he has the ability to transform Kirigakure, then he is indeed a gifted child prodigy.

"Of course, these things are all involved together ~ so-called natural or something."

Hatake Sosuke apparently listened to this sentence as a compliment, and agreed quite proudly.

After Ghost Lantern Manmoon put down the pen, he blew a few breaths at the writing on the scroll.

The black and shiny ink gradually dimmed and turned into some matte writing.

"I'm going to put these materials back into the archives room."

Ghost Lantern Full Moon picked up a few scrolls that had recorded other things nearby, and walked to the door.

"Don't talk about things that I don't know while I'm away! Wait for me to come back!"

When the ghost lantern walked to the door with the full moon, he paused, and then quickly ran out holding the scroll.

Hatake Sosuke watched the ghost lamp full moon leave, and smiled in a good mood. He pulled the dessert on the table in front of him.

It's this straightforward way of speaking that makes people feel good, and every move of the ghost lantern full moon is quite hearty.

It's like a dog around people.

However, there is nothing to say without speaking behind his back.

Hatake Sosuke is accustomed to letting people around him have a certain degree of information gap. Although it is not intentional or deliberate, it is so-called if you don't ask me, I won't talk about that situation.

Saying that he is concealing the facts, Hatake Sosuke will only shrug innocently and say, after all, you haven't asked me, things like that.

Sasori watched the ghost lantern and ran out in a hurry.

Although Deidara and him are both artists, the affinity is pretty good, except for occasional quarrels over art topics.

But the full moon of the ghost lamp is to remove all the wrong Deidara, not only Sasori can play with him, no matter who it is, he should like this person.

Sasori retracted his gaze and fixed it on top of the cake in Hatake Sosuke's hand.

"Grandma Chiyo told me before that you did these things to save people. Based on your relationship, if you want to save people, can't you just find Tsunade?"

Sasori sat in a chair facing Hatake Sosuke and asked.

As far as the current situation is concerned, rather than saving people, Hatake Sosuke is more like accumulating money by doing small actions in the research room.

After all, what Hatake Sosuke is now saying is someone who has something to do with Hokage and Fengying. Isn't it easy for Tsunade to save a person?

Moreover, Hatake Sosuke is still studying medical treatment, which can explain a problem. The person he wants to save is not dead yet.

If it died, at least it shouldn't be in this direction.

Although Hatake Sosuke, as a person without Chakra, he can't use techniques like Impure World Reincarnation.

But what should be studied at that time is to come back to life.

Since people are not dead yet, finding Tsunade will not be easier than they are struggling here now.

Hatake Sosuke paused and blinked, as if he hadn't guessed that Sasori would say such a thing.

Is Uchiha Itachi's condition hidden so well?

Although in an organization, I don't know the situation at all.

Hatake Sosuke thought it was now, and these people should be a little conscious anyway.

"Because it doesn't work, Tsunade will never treat him."

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