Hatake Sosuke walked almost without shyness in the shopping street.

Maybe it's because his style is too strange, and he walks too arrogantly, he doesn't look like someone who skipped class at all.

Shisui and Itachi's heads were exposed from the roof, and the two looked down at Hatake Sosuke, who seemed unaware that there was something wrong with them.

Uchiha Itachi hasn't graduated from the Ninja School yet, but he doesn't have any important things in the school.

And compared to the ninja school, the civilian school ends later-a lot.

"The object of this mission seems to be the friend you mentioned before."

Shisui said so and unfolded the paper with the photo of Hatake Sosuke printed on it.

"How could he...?"

If the client is Hatake Sosuke, there is nothing unreasonable, but the target is Hatake Sosuke, which is a bit strange, right? !

What task can be done to that person.

Uchiha Itachi looked at the piece of paper curiously, and then saw that he left school before class time, and did not change after repeated teachings. After that, even if he sent someone to look for it, he couldn't find the person at all.

Sometimes pictures of him fishing have been taken, but Hatake Sosuke couldn't be caught.

Occasionally, Hatake Sosuke would kindly go back to school in advance to let the self-study students leave school, but most of the time this person disappeared without a trace in the afternoon.

Being late in the morning and leaving early in the afternoon is not like a teacher at all.

In a stack of criminal fish-fishing photos, there are even photos of Hatake Sosuke lying on the roof and a group of cats taking a nap in the sun.

Under Shisui's concerned gaze, Uchiha Itachi pursed his lips and looked away.

"How should I put it, he deserves to be..."

Uchiha Itachi is not good at speaking badly, not to mention Hatake Sosuke is a genuine teacher.

So when I talked to Shisui about Hatake Sosuke, most of the time I said he was more reliable.

Or maybe it's a nice person or something, after all, some words are just complaints between friends.

As an ordinary person, Hatake Sosuke is indeed a pretty good person.

Shisui was a little surprised by this, after all, this person who has become the target of the task no matter how you look at it shouldn't be a reliable person.

But in Uchiha Itachi's narrative before, I still feel that this person is a good talking ordinary person.

For reasons such as this, the two of them were a little curious and went together to catch Hatake Sosuke, a teacher who is good at skipping classes.

Hatake Sosuke seems to have been spotted completely ignorant, still holding his wallet to buy food.

Originally, it was difficult to be a teacher based on his attendance rate, but his grades are so good that it makes no sense to leave this student who is the number one student in the entire school year almost every year.

This was originally a symbolic act, because people who can do Hatake Sosuke are generally closer to the daimyo.

As a result, what they didn't expect was that Hatake Sosuke really condescended to be a teacher in this place.

After all, I still have a younger brother here, so I have to take care of him.

Of course, Hatake Sosuke used his family to find a reason to stay here.

During this period, Kakashi stuffed himself into Anbu and didn't even bring home back. Hatake Sosuke's remarks are simply nonsense.

Staying here and there is a hot potato for myself, but it is a pity not to have such talents, after all, it would be a good thing for Hatake Sosuke to be a teacher.

Although there is a lot of peace in the surrounding area, because of the war, not many people really stayed as teachers.

The school did lack teachers, so he ignored Hatake Sosuke's attendance rate and chose to keep him.

However, even if he stayed behind, Hatake Sosuke seemed to have taken advantage of the school's weaknesses, and even slipped away, doing whatever he wanted, completely failing to fulfill his responsibilities as a teacher.

As a last resort, I had to entrust some Genin to bring Hatake Sosuke back.

"It feels like he didn't find us at all..."

After itachi and Shisui ran for a certain distance one after another, they couldn't help but mutter.

Hatake Sosuke's various behaviors didn't look like they had discovered them. Even during this working hour, not only did he come out to eat, he even went to the store without hesitation.

It's better than going out on vacation.

"Then... grab him when he comes out of that shop?"

"Originally this is not difficult."

Uchiha Shisui smiled at the Itachi next to him, and then the two of them carefully followed the shop Hatake Sosuke had just walked into.

· ····Seeking flowers············

However, the two of them waited for almost twenty minutes and didn't see even a single figure coming out.

This is just a shop, and it doesn’t take so long to choose something in it.

After the two looked at each other, they jumped directly off the roof.

If Hatake Sosuke doesn't come out of it, they just go in and look for him.

Anyway, this shop is not a big place, and it’s not a problem for the two of them to block one person.

It's just that I just thought it would not be good if the normal business of the store was disrupted.

The two rushed directly into the store and jumped off the grandmother sitting in front of the cashier.

However, there is no one in it. This is an old bookstore, except for the dust that is flying in it, it smells of worn-out old books.

....... ... .......

"Obviously... I didn't see him going out."

The two of them were dumbfounded at once, Shisui also specially checked nearby to see if there were any back doors around.

But how could this kind of second-hand bookstore have any back doors? The entire dim small shop was kept bright by the dim light coming in from the door.

Shisui wouldn't be able to show an ordinary person away, even though he was obsessed with second-hand bookstores.

After all, he really thinks that Hatake Sosuke is such a big one, a person who is quite eye-catching can sneak under the eyelids of both of them.

But the second-hand bookstore is obviously devoid of people, there are only books here.

"Go out and look around here first."

Shisui couldn't help but frowned, and walked out with Uchiha Itachi.

As soon as the two of them stepped out of the door of the second-hand bookstore, Shisui immediately felt a person standing next to the door of the bookstore.

It's hard to describe what it feels like. To put it simply, he didn't realize there was someone here until he came out.

According to his usual vigilance, he shouldn't be unaware of this person standing here.

Hatake Sosuke seemed to stand here for a while with his legs sticking, instead of just standing here.

He was biting a string of dumplings in his mouth, and his eyes were blinded because of his blindfold, and he could only tell from the movement of his head tilting that he was looking at people.

"You should be in class at this time, why did you skip class~?" Shao.

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