
Hatake Sosuke repudiated it straightforwardly. His words were too straightforward, and for a while, Shisui didn't know where to begin to treat this person.

Hatake Sosuke's reliability and sense of responsibility are all up to him, similar to what he wants to do.

He didn't do things that were unnecessary, and he didn't really give up those students.

Irresponsible is irresponsible, but he will do his own thing before leaving.

Isn’t it just that you didn’t stay with those students until school time?

Anyway, he has finished teaching, and he also made sure that some students have learned it, and those who do not understand and are willing to learn can ask themselves.

If you don't want to learn, it's not very appropriate. If you have a teacher to discipline you, you can do whatever you want.

"Well, although I am indeed irresponsible, I am not as exaggerated as the group said."

"I haven't been a teacher for long, so I can wait until my students' grades come out."

Seeing Shisui14 who was speechless for a while, Hatake Sosuke paused, seeming to reluctantly find something for himself.

Although he doesn't care much about what others think of him, it's better to leave a little impression on someone who has the opportunity to be a tool man.

Hatake Sosuke shrugged. The group of people in the school has a lot of things. Shouldn't the so-called teacher just look at the results?

As long as the students he teaches are qualified, there is no problem.

It would be too boring to send a group of people to arrest him when the assessment result is not yet reached.

Hatake Sosuke tapped his own cup with his nails, and the wall of the cup made a crisp sound. The ice cubes inside shook, and the lemon slices on it shook to the bottom of the cup.

"Students don't have so much time to delay, right..."

"Although for a genius like you, learning should be easy, so you can't understand the mood of those students, even if you wait until the time for the assessment to see the results, it will waste a lot of their time."

Shisui said slightly.

Although Hatake Sosuke wanted to say that an idiot is an idiot, and if he can't learn it, it's not the only way.

But when you think about it, it's really arrogant to say so.

"Well~ at most in the afternoon, it's too uncomfortable to let me stay until the official off-hours—"

After thinking about it, Hatake Sosuke just made a childish quarrel and leaned on the chair behind him.

Ah...it can be quite childish sometimes.

Shisui's gaze fell on Hatake Sosuke's movement of leaning back on his back, which really didn't match his age and profession.

"I will report it truthfully."

Shisui smiled unconsciously. Although it can't be said that the task was completely completed, it can be considered as persuading Hatake Sosuke.

"Are you thinking that although I am no longer a young man, my every move is still a child-like thing."

Hatake Sosuke leaned back on the chair, then suddenly turned over, still biting a finished dumpling bamboo stick in his mouth.

His face suddenly came up, and only the bamboo stick kept the distance between the two.


Hatake Sosuke didn't have murderous intent or maliciousness in his body, this kind of distance, Shisui might think that this guy was premeditating him.

Hatake Sosuke bit the bamboo stick in his mouth and shook it up and down, seeming to be asking.

"Don't suddenly get so close, and use a bamboo stick to face others."

Shisui stretched out his hand speechlessly and removed Hatake Sosuke's bamboo stick facing him. Whether or not he thinks that way, this matter is not very important at all.

Hatake Sosuke's reaction was so big that he was startled.

"A little bit, after all, you look...very childlike."

Shisui considered it for a moment, and chose an adjective that felt like he could listen to it.

After all, Hatake Sosuke is also someone older than him. If you say directly that he is childish, it always feels impolite.

And judging from Hatake Sosuke's words and deeds, he is not a simple person.

So when he makes some movements and speaks some words, it will seem quite contrasting.

"Hey, I might not be happy to be said such things by someone younger than me."

Hatake Sosuke put down the bamboo stick and made a face at him.


Shisui curled his brows weakly, not sure how Itachi got along with this person.

"Have you finished?"

Uchiha Itachi leaped out of the crowd and picked up the remaining dumpling on the table.

His voice was still a little panting, probably because he had just thrown kunai in it.

A piece of sweat oozes from his forehead, and his forehead is a little messy sticking to it.

He held a small green dinosaur in his hand, which looked very cute and familiar.

It seems to be the one that Sasuke used to hold when he was young.

Shisui patiently wiped Uchiha Itachi's forehead, and said a few words to him by the way.

Hatake Sosuke didn't think about it here, and didn't care much about what the two of them said.

He just raised his head slightly to look at the aunt in the shop on the other side. Although he was wearing a blindfold, the aunt gave him a keen look.

"Speaking of a dozen, it seems that I haven't seen your brother since he was born--"

"Now you are going home, just take me to have a look~"

Hatake Sosuke said abruptly to Uchiha Itachi, who ate his cheeks.

"Ah... well, okay."

Uchiha Itachi held the little dinosaur in one hand and nodded at Hatake Sosuke.

"Yo Xi, let's go then—"

"It's not alright for you to go back too late."

Hatake Sosuke stood up heartily, picked up Uchiha Itachi directly, and took him out of the door.


Shisui vaguely felt something bad, it seemed that Hatake Sosuke was with him, and a lot of eyes around him were watching together.

Hatake Sosuke quickly ran to the door with Uchiha Itachi looking blank.

After he stood at the door and paused for a moment, a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

Shisui, danger.

Shisui just wanted to go out and was stopped by the people around him.

"I haven't paid for the consumption just now, including the cost of the little brother's throwing kunai."

Depend on.

Shisui secretly swallowed blood in his heart, not only cheating people but also carrying money.

No wonder this guy, as a C-level quest, basically no one takes orders and brings people over. What reason did Hatake Sosuke use to directly cheat people with money?

"Oh...I know, I know.".

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