Three people climbed in from the courtyard over the wall. This kind of thing is obviously not a problem for Uchiha Itachi and Shisui.

But in order to take revenge for what Hatake Sosuke had just cheated on, Shisui didn't mean to pull him up.

However, Hatake Sosuke only took a slight run-up from the bottom, and then directly grabbed the tiles to support himself.


Shisui choked, as if he hadn't found any suitable response for a while.

The heights of him and Uchiha Itachi weren't that tall, and the wall shouldn't be too easy for them.

But he completely ignored that Hatake Sosuke was already over one meter seven at this time, and he could lift himself up with a little stretch of his arm and a jump.

The light movement and the arm strength that can directly support yourself, although it looks thin and thin, it shouldn't be like this at all.

Uchiha Itachi didn't mean to embarrass him, but it seemed that Hatake Sosuke was really just an ordinary person.

There is no ninja aura in every move, Shisui is good at instantaneous body, and the bounce and climbing ability that they all exercise, Hatake Sosuke has none at all, he is quite simple just picking things up and turning up.

If this is the case, why does Hatake Sosuke always carry an inexplicable and very powerful aura?

Uchiha Itachi frowned slightly and couldn't help but think about it.

"What are the eyes of you two—"

"I don't think I can even turn this wall over, right?"

Hatake Sosuke squatted on the wall, turned his head to look at the two people beside him who were looking at him with their heads tilted, and put his finger in his face.

"Huh? Of course not. It just feels that your actions over the wall are not the same as ours."

Uchiha Itachi hurriedly stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him. He was considered negative. He was basically of the kind who didn't mean anything bad, and he didn't say anything bad.

"It doesn't look like you are doing this kind of thing for the first time, right?"

Shisui paused for a while and directly denied the sentence, instead leading the topic elsewhere.

"Ah, after all, in my family, I am alone most of the time."

"If I'm the only one, sometimes there will be that kind of situation, similar to the situation where you can't enter the house without the key."

As Hatake Sosuke was talking, he jumped off the wall. It always felt a bit stupid to squat on it.

He is telling the truth, because it is inevitable that a person lives alone.

Do something casually, and you might lock yourself out of the door because you forgot to bring the key.

The guy Kakashi doesn't know when he will be on the mission. In short, he doesn't even have a word. Who knows if he is free or not. There is basically no possibility that he will come back and give the key.

And after all, the relationship between him and Kakashi is not good. Who would bow his head to ask for the key from the person who puts on his face, Damn it.

"Oh... In that case, it's really hard to avoid."

Uchiha Itachi jumped down from above and said thoughtfully.

Although he thought that Hatake Sosuke would say something more terrible, he didn't expect it to be so simple.

Shisui's thoughts were similar, he thought Hatake Sosuke would say something outrageous as a matter of course.

I just got over the wall and got out of school. There is nothing wrong with this, right? Answers like that...

In the end, it turned out to be a skill that was developed because living alone would pick up the keys. If you think about it this way, you suddenly feel that this person is not easy.

Although he has such a personality, Shisui raised his eyebrows, and his liking for Hatake Sosuke increased a little.

Hatake Sosuke didn't know what the next two people were thinking about. He remembered that the Uchiha clan that appeared in his impression was almost always after moving to the edge of the village.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi's family doesn't have much impression.

He glanced around and said, in a sense, if the Uchiha clan didn't engage in treason and other things.

Given these family conditions, what the two brothers want to do can't do.

The courtyard houses are quite large and have been carefully arranged and cleaned up.

And here is the center of the village, and there is such a big building in this kind of place, it always feels quite powerful.

Although the big house of the Hatake family is not small, the usable part of it always feels a bit crowded. After all, most of the places are not used by anyone. No matter how big the house is, there are only a few usable parts.

What's more, Hatake Sosuke and Kakashi are not the same. They will never start cleaning at home when the task is over.

Hatake Sosuke also cleans up, but there are too many old things in the house, and sometimes I don't know where to start.

There is always a subtle feeling of crowding and desertedness in Hatake's house.

It's totally different from this place. Not only is it quite large, but it also feels very popular.

Popularity is not only an argument, sometimes it can be seen just by looking at it like this.

The way someone lives, the house will become alive.

"Come here first, sometimes Dad will chat with people from the clan in the hall."

Uchiha Itachi is also not sure if Fugaku is at home, but if he is at home, he has to explain Hatake Sosuke if he walks through the front door.

Fugaku had seen Hatake Sosuke before, but other tribesmen would not say anything if they saw him.

It feels weirdly troublesome, so let's go back secretly.

Uchiha Itachi ran to the side of the house, between a dark path between the wall, and beckoned to the two people.

The trail was a bit crowded when two people walked side by side, that is, the size of one person walking.

But even this small corner was kept clean, and the green blades of grass on the ground shook slightly.

The three of them rushed in from this path. When passing by the outside of the hall, Itachi and Shisui's movements were obviously much lighter, and they seemed to be tricky.

There was a series of low male voices inside

Hatake Sosuke glanced into the room slightly curiously through the gaps in the neatly arranged wood.

Uchiha Fugaku was sitting inside, frowning as if a little embarrassed, and there were several black-haired Uchiha people sitting next to him.

Anyway, there are young people as well as old people, it is not clear what they are talking outside.

But Hatake Sosuke can almost guess the difference.

Uchiha Itachi stood at the end of the trail, and the dim sunset came in from the side. Uchiha Itachi's upper body was immersed in the sunlight, while the other half stayed dimly in the trail.

He was a little anxious and waved to Hatake Sosuke. .

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