While Hatake Sosuke was idle, Sasuke on the other side was quite busy.

While performing the tasks arranged by Akatsuki, he secretly found some Orochimaru remnants of the past.

Both Korin and Shigogo were brought in by him in this situation, anyway, Orochimaru was dead, and it was only natural to have similar combat power.

Akatsuki presents a state of extremely scarce talents. Thanks to the sharingan between him and Uchiha Itachi, he always feels that he will use it as long as it is not bad. This is not a good sign.

I still secretly prepare some candidates for myself, although they will definitely be related to Akatsuki, but it is a good thing to be able to share the pressure with a few more people.

The configuration of three people is a relatively common configuration. The most important thing is that Aromatic Phosphorus is a nanny, and this is enough for the general configuration.

Although it's a bit annoying, it's better for those who can use it.

"But to be honest, is it really okay for you to woo us?"

"You still belong to Akatsuki..."

Xianglin said hesitantly.

Although I don't know why Sasuke suddenly became interested in them, it was obvious that he had killed Orochimaru for a while.

And it always feels a bit strange for Akatsuki's people to pull them to form a team.

"It doesn't matter, they don't care about this kind of thing."

There was no change in the expression on Sasuke's face, and he answered coldly.

Rather than care about this kind of thing, maybe the group of people in the organization would hope that he can bring some fighting power.

After all, there are only a few tools that can be used now.

"Nothing happened recently. You can stay here as usual. Of course, you can follow me if you don't want to."

Anyway, it is to win over tool people. People with strength and villages are naturally not good candidates.

Sasuke is also reluctant to involve too many relationships with the various villages, but these people on Orochimaru have no place to belong.

After losing Orochimaru, they also have no leader. They still need a strong person to control the situation.

Sasuke is the best alternative in this situation.

In fact, Sasuke originally wanted to take these two people back to Akatsuki's organization.

However, after he found the fragrant phosphorus, there were some changes, so he asked him to temporarily change the plan.

It was not Akatsuki's task, but another person sent him a letter.

Sasuke stood on the coastal reef, and the surging waves crashed on the reef.

The early morning sun revealed a little coldness, and the Xiaopao on his body got into the sea breeze and was blown together with his flying hair.

He came here to find someone during the time when he took the next task. Akatsuki's method of doing this high-intensity, two-person service by one person is a bit too underworld.

So he has not reported the situation of the last mission, but he is not sure whether the Nepenthes will pay attention to him somewhere, and the results have been reported long ago.

Now they don't have many meetings through the Magic Lantern Technique, and they are almost no one, and there is no reason to insist on a meeting.

There are arrangements to bring people together directly.

Sasuke also has a kind of feeling watching Akatsuki walk all the way to this point. I can't say what it feels like. Anyway, it's just gradually don't leave the dead and become the rest.

But this time it was not an eagle who was assigned the task, but a crow that seemed to be blown away by the sea breeze.

Among the white seagulls nearby, the black crow seemed to have an indescribable sense of contradiction.

The crow's crimson eyes rolled, and then fell directly to stand on his shoulder.

The two black paws shook a bit unsteadily.


Sasuke took off the paper tied around the crow's ankle. This time it was not a regular paper.

This piece of paper is not big, but some words are written more casually.

After Sasuke untied the piece of paper, a whole black crow disappeared with a "poof". Along with the falling black crow feathers, the crow feathers continued to disappear.

The identity of the sender is clear at a glance.

Uchiha Itachi proposed to compete with him and have a gift for him.

Sasuke frowned subtly at the short note. He didn't know what Uchiha Itachi was doing to him at this time.

After all, every time you say you want to give him a gift, it doesn't feel like a good thing.

· ····Seeking flowers············

The writing of this character is a bit crooked, although it can be vaguely seen that it was written by Uchiha Itachi himself.

"Is it written outside...?"

Sasuke murmured a little strangely. He turned over the paper in his hand, but there were no signs of damage on the paper, and it didn't look like it was written on the way to the task.

Uchiha Itachi is still very particular, whether he uses paper or writing, he uses scrolls or letter paper.

Even the details of encryption will be neatly cut out and sent out neatly.

Even if the situation is urgent or in a hurry, the words he writes will not be incomprehensible.

....... .... 0

Like Hatake Sosuke, tearing a piece of paper at every turn, even the traces of the tearing can be clearly seen.

There is also no regularity in writing. Even if there are vertical lines on the paper, the writing is still messy, which makes it easy for people to have dyslexia.

It seems that he is as unruly and unruly as he himself, and the sloppy records like taking notes form a sharp contrast.

Having already done this, Xianglin and Shigeo don't need to guard these places anymore.

So both of them decided to leave with Sasuke, but Sasuke also told them that he has some things to solve by himself, so that they can wait nearby.

I don't know if Uchiha Itachi wants to be nostalgic or has other plans.

The meeting place was in the past where the Uchiha clan stored weapons. This place is not very familiar to Sasuke, after all, it was basically impossible to know this place at his age.

It took him two days to reach that place, after all, it still takes some time to pass after crossing the island.

He deliberately didn't go directly to Itachi, who left him a lot of time.

Sasuke was still faintly excited, although every time he said that it was nothing good to give him a gift, no matter what he is now, Uchiha Itachi should not be able to give him any gift.

After all, I am no longer the one who would collapse in illusion after being glared at.

Sasuke rested in the forest for a night full of confidence. It is rare that Uchiha Itachi offered to compete with him. He had to take this opportunity well. Spoon.

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