The man with the mask pattern like a cookie was able to deal with the group of people under the tree with ease. It was not so much dealing with this group of people as it was just teasing them.

No matter what kind of ability, he couldn't really hit him. He kept talking in a funny tone, as if he was amusing with them, ignoring the mood of the following people.

"Sasuke is right behind here, fighting Uchiha Itachi... We are trapped here and can't get close to Ben for half a step."

"Damn it..."

Naruto bit his posterior molar a little bit fiercely. He usually doesn't reveal such fierce emotions, but now he is so close to Sasuke, but he can't do anything.

And every time it was like this, every time it seemed that they could touch Sasuke, someone would come out to hinder him.

Of course, it does not rule out the fact that even the Sasuke they saw could not restore him at all.

The masked man has been teasing them and arousing their anger, but even so, no matter how they cooperate and act, it seems that they can't hurt him at all.

All the attacks passed through his body, and nothing was left. He couldn't even hit a hit, let alone defeat him.

What's going on, this person is obviously not Shadow Clone, so why can't he hit him? There is no effect at all.

Only they are wasting their Chakra for nothing.

Kakashi frowned involuntarily, and the longer the delay, the more things went wrong.

This news was revealed to them by Hatake Sosuke. Although he did not know what his calculations were, his information was generally quite accurate.

Generally speaking, the person Hatake Sosuke knows basically everything, it just depends on whether he wants to say it or not.

When Sasuke followed Uchiha Itachi into Akatsuki before, that person was also the Master who had this information, but he slipped away without revealing the slightest.

No one could embarrass him anyway, he just looked at them so freely.

The appearance of this masked man can also verify that what Hatake Sosuke said is not wrong. Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi should be facing each other in the back.

But the current situation is that they are blocked by the masked man, unable to move.

The face was too tight, and I didn't understand what was going on.

Kakashi couldn't help but frowned, staring at the people standing on the tree.

You can't waste Chakra's useless attacks anymore, you have to figure out what is going on with this person as soon as possible.

"Chill down, Naruto."

As soon as Kakashi's voice fell, there was a strange "creaking" sound next to the masked man.

Then, two huge green leaves emerged from the trunk, and the leaves wrapped the whole person next to him tightly.

"How about it?"

The masked man converged to a joke, and asked in a low voice to the side.


White Zetsu's face emerged from the leaves, he turned to look at the masked man and said.

He is clearly alone, but only one mouth is moving when he speaks.

"What! How come such a strange person appears again."

"It's still a prickly aloe."

Naruto was obviously impatient by the masked man. Now the masked man hasn't hit him at all, and a prickly aloe appeared next to him. Although he doesn't know what he has, it seems to be a hindrance.

At this time, stop getting in the way.

"He actually called me aloe."

White Zetsu frowned quite dissatisfied and turned to look at Naruto who was standing on the ground and yelling at him.

He was easily distracted, and it seemed as if he was going to talk to Naruto about whether he was like aloe vera.

What a rude, Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

Black Zetsu didn't have any fluctuations, and said coldly.

"Leave him."

White Zetsu curled his lips, and then realized that there was no use for talking to them at this time.

"It's over, Uchiha Itachi is dead, and Sasuke won."

A group of people standing below stood frozen in place, as if they had heard something incredible.

"Sasuke... killed Uchiha Itachi?"

Naruto frowned in disbelief.

It's not that I doubt Sasuke's strength, but no matter what, Uchiha Itachi has been killed now?

The current Sasuke has become strong enough, and has taken revenge, and should not be controlled by that man.

You can go back to the village with them.

But now the two people in front of them appeared inexplicably, they seemed to still be blocking them, preventing them from contacting Sasuke.

But this time is undoubtedly the best time.

Naruto's mood was a bit complicated for a while, but he had to pass these two people and bring Sasuke over.

The spiral-printed mask strictly blocked the man's face, and he couldn't see his expression.

"Eh-unexpectedly, that Itachi will die..."

The weird voice sounded, and then the masked man's voice sank again, revealing an indescribable gloomy feeling.

"Just kidding, I expected it a long time ago."

"But even though Uchiha Itachi died, Sasuke also fainted. It's probably going to die soon."

White Zetsu looked at Naruto provocatively and said with a grin.

Since you are worried, let you worry twice.

Although it has long been known that the Akatsuki group has no sense of companionship, even if Uchiha Itachi and Sasuke fight for this kind of purpose, will they not care?

It feels weird no matter how you think about it, to force the two people in the organization to fight to the death.

But that place is the Akatsuki organization, so there is nothing weird about what happens.

Kakashi didn't pay too much attention to the nepenthes that appeared next to him, but stared closely at the man wearing the mask.

I always feel that something is wrong.

Kakashi frowned and looked at the masked man.

After the mask man appeared, the liveliness and cheerfulness that he had deliberately made disappeared, and a gloom and cruelty that matched his strength was exuded all over his body.

"Since it's over, let's go quickly, and I'll deal with you next time."

As the mask man said, he lowered his eyes as if he realized something.

Kakashi's pupils shrunk slightly, an eye was exposed in the spiral print mask, and he clearly saw a scarlet Sharingan.

What's going on...who is that person! ?

Shouldn’t the only remaining two pairs of Sharingan be Uchiha Itachi and Sasuke? !

Why does this person... also have a Sharingan. .

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