Half a month later, the underground scientific research room.

Most of the researchers have resumed their full-time labor, leaving only a few people in charge of monitoring Uchiha Itachi's vital signs.

Judging from the current situation, he is just in a coma, and it seems that there is no major problem.

"After that technique is used up, shouldn't it be resurrected directly on the spot? Why is it so long..."

The ghost lamp is full of the moon lying outside the door of the scientific research room, looking inside against the glass door.

"What is the resurrection in place? Isn't he already alive? It's just that he didn't open his eyes."

"And he has no eyes to open now."

Sasori sat on the shoulder of the ghost lamp full moon, and followed the whole person on the glass door.

"Your mouth is really poisonous..."

A few black lines fell on the head of the ghost lantern full moon, and he glanced up at Sasori on his head.

"What I said is also the truth."

Sasori curled his lips and pressed the head of the ghost lantern full moon with his hands.

In short, Hatake Sosuke is probably the only person who can figure out a way on the end of the road. To be honest, Sasori never thought that the kid would directly hit Chiyo.

Before Hatake Sosuke brought Sasori back, it was actually a bargaining chip. Sasori didn't expect that he would be exchanged as a bargaining chip at the beginning.

Hatake Sosuke used Sasori to sell Chiyo a favor, although Sasori is now a big one, it is definitely impossible to have a close relationship with Chiyo.

But she was an old woman who originally only wished to see Sasori again.

Not only did I meet Sasori, but even spent so long with him, it was already quite difficult.

So when Hatake Sosuke asked Chiyo to revive Uchiha Itachi, the old lady just hesitated and agreed.

"After all, I have old bones. Even if the Master performs this technique, it is estimated that it will not be alive for a few years."

"It's not a bad thing to give it to young people."

Chiyo obviously saw it quite thoroughly. She was a person of this age, but she let go of some things, and she also spent the last time getting along with Sasori.

Sometimes when seeing this young Sasori, she still has a feeling of returning to many years ago. Although she is reluctant to bear Sasori, this is the first choice she made.

"The old woman agreed with it herself, of course I don't care."

Sasori is still a bit disgusted with this kind of humanitarian inquiry, like dragging him out of the puppet abruptly, and reiterating the fact that he is alone and will be sad.

In fact, he had been murderous against Chiyo before that, and he was not a big filial son.

Moreover, when he was Rennin, he gave up all this kind of kinship, because he gave up everything, so he could be Rennin, so he was able to kill himself bit by bit and turn himself into a living puppet.

"I thought I wouldn't need this technique in my life. It would be a good thing to be able to help you like this."

"You can at least resurrect those who want to be resurrected."

Chiyo said to Hatake Sosuke like a sigh.

When she developed this technique, it seemed like everything was late, and she couldn't resurrect her son and daughter-in-law.

Sasori escaped and became a betrayal, and disappeared and couldn't be tracked. Even if Chiyo wanted to give life to the puppet, no one would accept this gift.

After the reincarnation technique, Sunagakure held a grand funeral for Chiyo.

However, according to the end of life ceremony, these things had been arranged before her death.

Hatake Sosuke didn't let Tsunade know about this, and kept Uchiha Itachi's affairs here to the minimum. The fewer people who knew, the better.

Therefore, Feng Ying also concealed it. If Hatake Sosuke alone did these things, it would be a bit embarrassing.

But with the assistance of Chiyo, this kind of thing is not difficult.

Uchiha Itachi did come alive directly after that, referring to the resurrection on the instrument, but he showed no sign of awakening.

"Forget it, let's go, this guy doesn't mean anything. That technique is to sacrifice himself to bring back the dead."

"It's not bad to show him signs of life, other things can't be done."

Sasori pulled the hair of Ghost Lantern Manmoon and didn't want to stay in front of this glass window anymore.

"Hi, if you want to sit on my shoulders, just grab me lightly."

Ghost lantern full moon grinned in pain, whispered to Sasori, and then left.

The instrument made regular ticking sounds along with the ups and downs of Uchiha Itachi's chest breathing.

When Uchiha Itachi died, his head was blank, there was no revolving lantern, and no flashback memories. He just lost consciousness in an instant.

He seemed to be disconnected and then reconnected. After sinking into the darkness, he saw a glimmer of light, and then he seemed to be restarted again, and his mind quickly flashed back from childhood to childhood. Countless sights.

Messy memories and chaotic thoughts shattered in an instant, Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes almost instantly, and his fingers instinctively shrank slightly.

However, after opening his eyes, it was still dark, making Uchiha Itachi unclear for a moment whether he was alive or dead, or at the intersection between the Yin Cao Jifu and the Yang.

Although he was almost blind when he was alive, there is still a difference between not being able to see clearly and not being able to see. In short, it is a very confused state.

In this invisible situation, his sense of touch and hearing have been strengthened.

He heard regular and quite peaceful ticking sounds in his ears. What is that?

Also, this kind of touch.

Uchiha Itachi bends his fingers weirdly. This should be a person's cheek. When he bends his fingers, he can poke a soft cheek.

His palm was itchy by his eyelashes. This man's eyelashes are quite long, and his eyes are somewhat rounded like a child.

Sasuke doesn't have such long eyelashes, so his eyes have to be narrower and longer.

Uchiha Itachi paused for a while, unexpectedly he didn't turn out from his memory a person with similar eyes that he had touched.

According to this action, and the temperature at which the palm of his hand has been heated by the pillow, this person should be very familiar with him.

Uchiha Itachi frowned, his throat was a bit dry, probably because he didn't drink water.

He felt the eye in his palm open, and then the man sat up silently beside him.


Uchiha Itachi thought for a while but didn't come up with an answer, so he could barely ask in a dumb and dry voice.

"You wake up too slowly, right-a dozen seven sauces~".

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