Ghost Lantern Full Moon regretted his choice this time while running away.

If you go back from Konoha Village honestly, nothing will happen.

Thinking of this, he started to complain about his amiable teacher Sosuke again.

Otherwise, he had to go back to the village by himself to find his brother and Kimimaro. I don't have to suffer this sin myself.

"The more I think about it, the more angry it gets."

Although angry, I have to run out before talking. The current situation of the full moon is not optimistic.

The long-distance escape and the uninterrupted attacks from the beast road caused the chakra of the full moon to be consumed quickly.

And also summoned a third Summoning beast: the crab.

You can fight on land and water, and you can also use Water Style.

Seeing that Ghost Lantern Fully Moon couldn't escape like this, he planned to expand the Hydration Technique outside his body to become a transparent monster the size of a tail beast.

Fighting seven to five is counted as relying on this chaos created after fighting to escape.

But as soon as he unfolded it, he felt entangled in something.

Slowly emerging around him, a huge chameleon wrapped his tongue and limbs around him.

"The fourth one?!"

Ghost Lantern Manmoon was beaten back into a human form under his surprise and the collision of the rhinoceros.

Upon seeing this, the beast caused the crab to immediately attack the full moon with Water Style.

But it always feels wrong.

Crab's Water Style felt like it was stopped by something before it hit the full moon.

Animal Dao vaguely saw a figure in the mist. She had silver hair and her eyes seemed to be covered by something.

The mist dissipated and the full moon disappeared.

It was not that he died under the attack of a crab, but was rescued by someone.


Animal Dao also has some doubts.

Origami gathered on the side of the animal road, and it was Konan who came.

"Nagato, there is no need to be so serious about a kid of unknown origin. Your body..."

The junction of the country of rain and the country of fire.

The rain stopped and returned to a familiar place, Hatake Sosuke and Full Moon were walking side by side.

Hatake Sosuke hammered the full moon.

"Smelly kid hurry up, it will only cause me trouble."

"I know, I know."

Ghost Lantern Manyue also realized that he was almost in trouble this time.

Fortunately, when Hatake Sosuke had just left the country of the wind, he discovered that the full moon was returning to the village in the wrong direction and followed it.

There is nothing wrong with Itachi. With Sasori and Shisui here, he can relax and follow the full moon.

"You still slipped very fast, I can't keep up as soon as I enter the country of rain."

"Ms. Sosuke, how did you say I was discovered? Obviously I was very careful along the way."

"The rain is problematic."

"Huh? Rain, is there such a wide range of perception ninjutsu?"

Hatake Sosuke discovered the rain problem from the beginning. On this road, I have been using this Cang's ability to shuttle in places that can't be rained, and this is slower than the full moon.

Although this trip to the Land of Rain was an accident, there were also unexpected gains.

"Rinnegan? It's funny."

When Ghost Lantern Manmoon saw Hatake Sosuke this way, he couldn't help but admire it again.

I was amazed when I saw the people and abilities who possessed Rinnegan. Teacher Sosuke seemed to be overjoyed when she met a baby.

"Interesting? I don't think that the Summoning beast of that weird is really more pervert. Especially the chameleon, it really gave me a jump."

"Or you are too weak, the chameleon in the rain is very conspicuous."

Under the circumstances at that time, Full Moon focused all his attention on how to escape and deal with the three Summoning beasts in front of him. And Konan never showed up, also distracting the full moon. Naturally, the appearance of the chameleon is not noticed.

Hatake Sosuke, who is in the perspective of God, is ridiculous to see the full moon's performance.

If you continue to maintain the Hydration Technique, you will escape. He didn't even need to shoot himself, but he wanted to fight back. Also caught the enemy's loopholes trap.

Thinking of this, Hatake Sosuke glanced at the full moon, then chuckled.

The ghost lantern blushed all over the moon.

"What are you laughing at, Mrs. Sosuke. I'm sure I can escape safely without you. I'm very strong."

Hard-mouthed after the daily event.

"Well, just take it as it is, go and eat something."

Hatake Sosuke patted the full moon and walked to the Maruko shop on the side of the road.

"Sure enough, the three-color dumplings of the country of fire are the best."

Hatake Sosuke is really a dessert control, yelling every bite...

Ghost Lantern Manmoon had a black line on his face, and everyone around was watching them. Embarrassing cancer is about to commit.

Not all of them were attracted by Hatake Sosuke's exaggerated comments on desserts.

Many young women are also attracted by Hatake Sosuke's silver hair. Even wearing a blindfold, Hatake Sosuke couldn't hide the beautiful face of Hatake Sosuke.

Without sitting for a full moon, he pulled Hatake Sosuke away in protest. Sosuke complained and packed two strings of three-color balls and left his tender hometown.

"The young people nowadays are really impetuous, and they don't think about the elderly at all."

"The elderly can't attract the attention of the whole shop in the Maruko shop."

"Are you full moon jealous of me, but jealousy is useless. You are so stingy that no girl would like you."

Sure enough, the two were not on the same channel.

Speaking of the full moon, I am also curious, what kind of eyes are under the blindfold.

From the beginning, I felt that Mr. Sosuke could be strong in both force and brain power, but later I felt that his personality was very frivolous. Now I am curious about what he looks like.

"If you have a chance, you must take it off and have a look."

"Don't mumble yourself, hurry up, you have lost a lot of time in the country of rain."

Hatake Sosuke pulled back the full moon's thoughts.

"It's really troublesome, Sasuke is going to fight Eight Tails, why should he ask for a helper? So, Teacher Sosuke, you can just go and help him secretly."

"I really think I am omnipotent, I don't have time to care about him."

Speaking of Sasuke, Hatake Sosuke was furious.

I always feel that I have Mangekyō Sharingan, the invincible bastard in the world.

"The two of them went to catch Eight Tails, and that was for nothing. It really made him die a dozen or seven and there is no way to explain it."

Eight Tails, the perfect Jinchūriki. The only person in Jinchūriki who can fully use the power of the tail beast. Raikage's younger brother, even without the power of the tail beast, has a strong book strength.

Only Sasuke and a medical ninja who just owned Sharingan, plus an unstable factor that will run away from time to time.

The success rate of arrest is zero.

"Oh, if Sasuke is really as strong as his brother."


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