I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 104: Director candidate

Sending Amy Pascal home, Eric took Jonathan Demi to find a coffee shop nearby. After two cups of coffee and some snacks, Eric took the lead: "Jonathan, let me talk about your understanding of the script "The Sound of the Island"."

Jonathan Demi, like a student who took the test, rationalized his thoughts and said: "Compared to movies that rely on violent plasma, sinister sounds or weird makeup to achieve horror effects, "The Island Cry "There will no doubt be created a new kind of psychological horror type of horror film. The script is full of Hitchcock-style suspense settings, although the plot is not complicated, but always firmly grasp the curiosity of the audience, and finally The end of the truth reveals that the reversal of the reincarnation of the ghosts is even more surprising. Eric, many people think that your success now benefits from God's favor. But if they have seen the script you created, I I believe that no one will think so, your talent is amazing."

Speaking, Jonathan Demi couldn't help but compliment it. Eric saw that the other person was really praised from the heart, not to please himself. He smiled and said: "Thank you for your compliment, Jonathan, you are against this. The understanding of the script is in place. However, this is not enough for me to hand over the film to you. Although I have not had time to pay attention to the responses of the other two director candidates, I believe that the other party will also be interested in this movie. What do you think is the advantage of the two horror masters, Wes Craven and William Fredkin?"

“Plasticity,” Jonathan Demi replied without hesitation: “Eric, I am more malleable than they are.”

Eric looked at the middle-aged man who was in his forties, and wondered: "Plasticity?"

Jonathan Demi explained without hesitation: "Yes, Eric, just because I have never filmed a horror film, this is my biggest advantage. I have been in the business for almost 20 years, I believe. My professionalism as a director is definitely no problem. I can shoot according to the psychological thrill of the script you wrote. But if you handed the "Small Island" to the two long-time masters of terror, they will People will definitely bring their own personal shooting style into the film, which may not be their personal intention, but the habit is very powerful. Therefore, they are likely to return "The Island Cry" to "Exorcist", " In the traditional horror film mode of Ghost Street, that would certainly be a very scary effect, but it will inevitably weaken the sensation caused by the reversal of ghosts at the end of the script."

Jonathan Demi finished, noticed the looseness in Eric’s expression, and quickly took out a thick piece of prepared information from his carry-on backpack, but did not hand it to Eric. He knows that if he does this, the other party may not have the patience to watch it. So just pick the most important pages from it and hand it to Eric.

"Eric, you see, this is some of my thoughts on "Small Island", and there are a few scripts that I envisioned. I think the film should focus on the creation of horror suspense, throwing it in stages. One after another, suspense that arouses the curiosity of the audience, so as to cover up the weakness of the script scene and the plot to the greatest extent, and will not make the audience feel dull. In the atmosphere, it should be more focused on the psychological oppression, not the senses. The stimulation of the aspect."

Eric looked down and carefully read a series of shooting ideas from Jonathan Demi's list, and carefully looked at a few sub-lens designs, fingers unconsciously tapping on the table a few times.

Jonathan Demi knows that the most critical moment is coming, and the right hand on the table is tightly clenched into a fist.

Compared to Eric's savvy director's experience, Jonathan's process of swaying in Hollywood is going to be a lot of trouble. He has shown a strong interest in movies since he was a child. Therefore, although the university was reading a veterinarian, but did not take the road, but instead turned to the United States, which was still very prosperous at the time, from the bottom of the handyman.

It was not until the age of 30 that he had the opportunity to participate in the production of some low-cost B-rated films. In 1977, Jonathan finally got the opportunity to direct the film for the first time, but the satirical drama describing the life of the civilian radio has been praised by the film critics. But it was a mess at the box office.

To be precise, there is no box office at all. In order to let more people appreciate his work, Jonathan had to pay for his own movie to let the theater in New York broadcast the movie to the audience free of charge.

That blow made Jonathan quiet for three years. In 1980, Jonathan's other work won two awards at Oscar, which made his career pick up again. But until now, his work has not done much in business. The box office is generally only a few million, and the highest one is able to break through 10 million.

In Hollywood, as a director wants to be recognized, it is completely impossible to have a movie that is not sold at the box office. Before studying Eric's personal experience, Jonathan found that the three movies related to Eric were able to sell at the box office. One of the biggest things in common was that the three films were scripts written by him personally.

Although it is not clear why Eric Williams will send himself a directorial invitation to "The Island", this does not prevent Jonathan from trying to seize this opportunity.

After receiving the invitation, Jonathan Demi took an overnight read of the script many times, and more than once, Eric's ingenious reversal set was smashed. Early the next morning, he replied to Jeffrey Hansen and expressed his willingness to direct the film.

Originally thought that the other party would soon contact themselves to discuss things like signing, but patiently waited for a few days, but things did not go down.

Jonathan Demi rushed to the Firefly headquarters and found Jeffrey. After learning about the original situation, Jonathan discovered that he had no experience in shooting horror films compared to two other long-awaited horror film masters. It seems to be the least competitive.

However, Jonathan did not give up. Jonathan Demi did not have a good performance in the film directed by the individual, but his vision was not bad. He was keenly aware that if the movie "Small Island" was filmed, it was at the box office and the awards. There will be something to do. Therefore, it is even more urgent to desperately want to get this opportunity.

It took a few days for Jonathan to rack his brains and come up with a set of words to convince Eric. At the same time, he also carried out a more profound analysis of "The Islet Cry" and made a lot of meticulous preparations. In order to keep up with the time and prevent the screen director from being decided in advance, Jonathan has been sleeping for less than three hours a day for a week.

The reason why I can sit in front of Eric in a spirited manner is that it is the one that hangs in the air.

Eric didn't notice Jonathan Demi's embarrassment. He thought about it for a while before he looked up. "Jonathan, can you wait a moment, I will call."

"Of course, no problem." Jonathan did not understand the intention of Eric's move, but he nodded. Eric did not make a direct decision, so Jonathan had a little more hope.

Eric got up and went to the counter at the coffee shop, talked to the waiter a few words, picked up the phone on the counter and dialed the number in the Jeffrey office.

"Jeffrey, it's me... I forgot to ask about it. It's about the director of "The Islet Cry"... Yes, Wes Craven and William Fredkin have they responded... ... um... um... ok, I know... In fact, Jonathan Demi came to me personally. I think his idea is good, and he is very enthusiastic about this movie. I think I can give it to him. An opportunity... Yes, reject him, just like that, then I hang up... I know I know, I have a measure."

Hanging up the phone, Eric returned to his seat.

Jonathan knew that the last moment was definitely coming, and he couldn't help but sit up straight and look at Eric with his face.

"Jonathan, when I sent out the invitation, I said that the heroine of this movie has already been settled. Do you have any opinions on this?"

Jonathan Demi’s face was unpleasant, and he knew that Eric’s question was to give the film to him: “No, I have no opinion. The actor’s choice is the producer’s power.” After hesitating, Jonathan still couldn't help but ask: "Eric, the heroine is... Is your girlfriend named Jennifer Aniston?"

Eric shook his head and said, "No."

Jonathan Demi couldn’t let go of his concerns until he had a question. After he denied the answer, he closed his mouth decisively. It’s not Jennifer Aniston. Jonathan Demi was worried that Eric specifically mentioned this. The condition is to raise your girlfriend.

But the girl is too young after all. To play the single mother of the script, Grace, it is hard enough to make up.

As for the relationship between the real heroine and Eric, that is not what Jonathan needs to pay attention to.

"So, Eric, isn't it..."

Eric nodded: "Yes, Jonathan, you got the opportunity to direct the film. Mr. William Fredkin just wants to direct another film, naturally rejecting the invitation. Mr. Weiss Craven The script also showed a strong interest. But there was concern about the default heroine, and the words you just convinced did have some truth, so I let Jeffrey reject him."

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