I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 115: number

This is a secluded alley, walking more than ten meters to the left is the street, Eric took the girl just out of the alley, a thin figure will come over.

After being taken out of the hall by the security guard, Witt found that Eric did not come out and decisively ran to the back door. Eric and Jennifer were both rookies dealing with paparazzi. They only thought of the backdoor strategy and completely underestimated the paparazzi's savvy.

Witt didn't care about Eric's move from the back door. He didn't take pictures this time, because the camera stored a lot of intimate photos of two people, it is enough. Lifting a tape recorder to Eric, Witt asked: "Eric, may I ask Miss Jennifer Connelly to be your new girlfriend?"

Eric did not answer, pulling Jennifer Connelly to walk to the parking lot. But the girl is wearing high heels, destined to not go many pieces.

Wit also followed Eric and asked perseverance: "Eric, why are you coming to watch "Weilong Killing", is it worried that it threatens the box office of "Fengyue"?"

"Eric, when did the "Dark War" start shooting, did Cruise and Hanks encounter the strong obstruction of CAA like Richard Gere?"

Although Eric is a rookie in dealing with paparazzi, he still remembers the most useful one. In the face of the sudden emergence of paparazzi, no matter what the other party asks, how to provoke it, it is best not to say a word. Because no matter what you say, the paparazzi will interpret them according to their own wishes.

Seeing nothing in Eric, Witt decisively shifted his goal: "Jennifer, when did you start to interact with Eric? Don't you mind if Eric has another girlfriend named Jennifer?"

"Jennifer, will you star in the "Dark War" heroine?"

"Jennifer, would you move to Eric's Beverly Hills mansion?"


In the face of Waite's run-through question, Jennifer slowly showed an impatient look, and couldn't help but say something, Eric had pulled the girl to the side of the Lamborghini car, opened the door, and quickly put the girl Plugged in.

"Hey, Eric, you are so rude to Miss Jennifer, does it mean that you two have no relationship between men and women, then what is your relationship, is it a kind of transaction? Eric, Eric... ..."

Lamborghini's scissors door was pulled, and Witt could only take the sports car glass and ask for more questions. Unfortunately, he was destined to get no answer. The sports car slowly started and quickly disappeared into the traffic.

Along the way, Jennifer Connelly bowed and kept silent. Eric was neither a good man nor a too patient person. He planned to take the girl tonight with a bang.

It’s a pity that I had just happened. Many of the questions asked by the paparazzi were hinted at the direction of the actress and the male director’s kind of transaction. With the feeling of Jennifer, Eric could only give up temporarily.

Eric didn't even think about spending a sum of money to buy Witte's negatives, let him shut up, after all, only the other side is a paparazzi. However, it does not mean that the other party has been driving the recorder, so that he does not have the opportunity to speak. And this kind of thing also has no small risk. Once the price is not close to the purchase failure, it is only a small thing to watch a movie together, but it will be a big problem.

Lamborghini stopped at the door of the hotel where Jennifer lived. The girl was still sitting quietly there, not rushing to push the door and getting out, as if he was hesitating. Eric did not urge, his fingers beat the piano on the steering wheel. He thought that the girl had just been scared and needed to sit there to ease the mood.

"Mr. Williams," After a while, Jennifer Connelly finally looked up and for the first time took the courage to take the initiative to look at Eric, but there was more alienation in his tone: "You didn't call that name. Jennifer Aniston’s girl broke up, right?”

Eric’s finger on the steering wheel suddenly stopped, hesitated for a moment, or nodded: “Yes.”

Although I didn't expect too much, Jennifer Connelly's face still showed a blank look: "So, Mr. Williams, I think, I may not be too suitable for the role in "The Dark War", you Still think about other people."

"If it is because of the words of the paparazzi, Jennifer, I will not entangle you again in the future," Eric promised to open the river to ensure that the first thing to stabilize the girl.

Unsurprisingly, Jennifer Connelly’s face was struggling, and the pride of the girl finally defeated the desire for fame and fortune: “Sorry, Eric, even if we don’t have anything in the future, those newspapers will make irresponsible remarks. I don't want to be seen as a woman like that..."

Eric stared at the girl for a while and said, "Okay, as you wish."

Although he is overbearing, he is not a bully. Since Jennifer Connelly is so determined, Eric will no longer persist.

When I heard Eric, Jennifer Connelly didn't have a happy look. She knew what it meant to give up. Maybe for a long time, her career would be at a low tide.

The girl was about to push the door away, and Eric suddenly stopped the other person: "Jennifer, wait a moment."

Jennifer had to sit back and looked at Eric in confusion. Eric had been in the upper and lower pockets for a long time, and she couldn’t find a business card or something. She could only take the girl’s handbag from inside. I took out a lipstick and forced the girl to resist. The little hand quickly wrote a series of numbers on it: "This is my home phone. If there is any need for my help in the future, you can call me at any time."

Jennifer looked at the Arabic numbers in his hand and finally nodded and thanked him before he left the door. Going all the way to the hotel lobby, Jennifer Connelly dared to look back and found that Lamborghini was still in place, and the girl quickly turned her head and looked back.

Back to the hotel room, she felt a faint exhaustion, put the handbag on the coffee table, pulled the zipper behind her back and slid the long skirt, walked into the bathroom with the **, opened the faucet, and the girl looked down at her hand. A string of numbers, stretched a few hands, did not want to wash it off.

Finally, I sighed and returned to the living room to find the address book. I remembered the number and went back to the bathroom to continue bathing.

After more than twenty minutes, the girl was wearing a bathrobe, wiped her wet hair back to the living room with a towel, and just heard a knock on the door.

"Jane, I just heard a waiter say that you are back, how come you are back?" Agent Lester asked with a bad feeling in his heart.

"Sorry, Jim, I just rejected the role."

"You..." The hunch in my heart turned into reality. Rest’s lips trembled a few times, but turned into a sigh of relief: "Jane, you are too impulsive, do you know that the woman who submitted the information to the fireflies wants this role? There are more than two thousand and eight hundred children, but there are more than two hundred chances to get an audition. I heard that Eric Williams also rejected several Hollywood A-level actresses. Listen to the data, you You should understand how lucky you are."

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