I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 124: Oscar

The next day, "Hollywood Reporter" used a full four pages, the full text of "CAA Revelation: How the brokerage giant was formed", Eric is neither rare for the $800 draft fee, nor does it want this A false name, and more importantly, he could not explain the source of the details in this article, so he delivered it to the newspaper anonymously.

The publication of this article immediately caused a huge wave in the Hollywood circle, and the limelight almost overshadowed the upcoming 61st Academy Awards in a few days.

If most of the previous forces were still immersed in the pleasure of discrediting CAA, now they suddenly calm down and focus on this CAA Revelation. In the following days, the entire American media was boiling up, and they reprinted this highly professional article, and even followed the trend of a large number of papers on this article.

After reading this article at the top of other Hollywood brokerage companies, I found out why I couldn’t stop the rise of CAA. The majority of film companies have also thoroughly understood why their production costs will rise and then rise, and they are completely unable to reject this trend. Michael Owitz saw this article almost at the same time as the newspaper published. It took him half an hour to read the article, even if he couldn’t help but slap the book, the article about the broker’s business radius. The discussion almost coincided with his recent ideas, and it was more advanced. It was precisely because of this idea that he tried to participate in the acquisition of Sony and Colombia some time ago.

But after the filming, Orwitz immediately became angry and unable to add, even the idea of ​​killing. Because this article is equivalent to the CAA's business strategy directly in front of all competitors, CAA's opponents can only imitate the CAA's bundling strategy before, and it is not clear about the complicated operation process involved. With this article as a reference, as long as those competitors are slightly motivated, they will certainly make a series of reforms themselves. Even if they can't completely imitate the CAA model, they will not be in the face of CAA's expansion. force.

It is a pity that although the "Hollywood Reporter" deliberately published a statement on the front page of the prominent position to find the author of the article, but did not receive any response.

Two days after the article was published, the CEO of WMA stated in public that if the author of this article is willing, WMA can pay a 5 percent share in exchange for the position of the other party to join WMA as vice president. Although the scale of WMA is now surpassed by CAA, the other party is a veteran brokerage company with a history of 100 years. The difference between the size and CAA is not too big, and the value of 5 percent of the shares is also tens of millions of dollars. On the same day, someone brought the WMA with the ‘manuscript of CAA Revelation, and then it was a farce.

Under this storm, CAA changed again. After Tom Cruise and other A-level stars left, Tom Hanks chose to change jobs again, and the opponent’s job-hopping target was neither WMA nor ICM is a large brokerage firm, but UTA (Joint Elite Brokerage), whose size is not obvious to Eric.

Moreover, Hanks was not alone. He didn't know what method he used. He even persuaded a CAA broker who had been responsible for his brokerage affairs to jump with him.

This has caused a variety of speculations in the industry. CAA gold brokers are not so good. Most of them are started from the most basic mailers, step by step, for years or even For more than ten years, you must prove your strength and accumulate sufficient qualifications to be able to achieve a million-year-old gold medal broker. Once Hanks’ agent leaves, it is equal to giving up all previous qualifications. Even if he returns to CAA again, even if he is as good as any gold broker, he can only re-enter the broker from the bottom. Climb up step by step.

Under the witness of Kapoor, Hanks himself, Hanks agent Simon Wilson and a well-known notary public in Los Angeles, Eric and Hanks secretly signed the contract promised by Eric. Of course, Hanks is very kind enough not to let Eric set up a $100 million gambling fund. For Hanks' job hopping.

The only thing CAA can do is to ask Hanks for a small amount of liquidated damages and the payment of the "Dark War". After Hanks signed the actor contract with Firefly, Cruise learned about Hanks’s pay condition, and as Eric expected, he made a big concession on the score, and finally the day before the Oscar ceremony. The two sides quickly signed a contract to join the "Dark War" with a $5 million payout and a 5% North American profit share. This condition is in full compliance with Eric's expectations. "Dark War" also finally confirmed that April 5 is the start date.

On March 29th, after more than a month of preparations, the 61st Oscar Awards ceremony was officially held at the Los Angeles Citizens' Auditorium.

Eric will also be the guest of honor for this best supporting actress. It is said that the original organizers intend to invite Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson, the newlyweds, although Don Johnson is not very famous. But Melanie Griffiths this year, with a "worker girl" directly rose to the position of the first-line actress. Unfortunately, Melanie Griffith was destined to be unable to compete with Eric. After the contact with the Oscar organizers in Colombia, the other party quickly gave up the Melanie Griffiths and chose to be more famous. Eric.

"Eric, you can help me look at it again, is there any problem?" In the Lincoln car slowly driving to the Oscar red carpet, Virginia turned nervously to Eric, and the girl dreamed that she could So fast on the Oscar red carpet, the cheeks are slightly red because of the excitement.

Eric patted Virginia's little hand: "Okay, you are beautiful, Vicky, relax."

The girl still didn't feel confident. She reached out and touched the hair well. She remembered another thing. She asked: "Well... Eric, if the "Tie Iron Soldier" won the prize, you really let me go up. Do you accept the prize instead of others?"

"Of course," Eric nodded. "I don't want to be the first Oscar-winning animated short film I received on stage."

John Lassett, who should have come to the awards ceremony, has been completely involved in the workaholics because of the investment and decentralization of Eric. He can’t wait to live in Pixar’s office, or if Oscar’s invitation is sent to Richmond. John Russett almost forgot the short film shortlisted for Oscar. But after receiving the invitation, John Rasa called directly and said that he was too busy to leave. If the award was won, Eric would help him.

Eric did not persuade him. In the future, Pixar Animation is almost the overlord of the Oscar animation awards. It is not bad this time. At the beginning, Pixar reported this award mainly because he hoped to win more business for Pixar by winning an Oscar. At the same time, Eric did not want to board the Oscar podium. The first trophy was Oscar's best animated short film, so I gave this face to the girl around me.

As he said, Lincoln stopped at the entrance to the Oscar red carpet, and he was already able to hear the fans.

Eric first walked down the car, turned the other side of the car, and reached out to the gentleman with a gentleman, letting the girl hold herself, and slowly walked toward the red carpet at the prompt of the staff.

Perhaps the actress is born to be a red carpet creature. Virginia, who was still very nervous in the car, walked onto the red carpet and quickly relaxed. She gently held Eric’s arm and followed him step by step. From time to time. Gently waving the crowd, revealing a charming smile.

There are still seven or eight meters away from the movie area. Someone found Eric’s figure, and then the shouts rang. There were also a few girls’ love letters like Eric, I love you, compared to The stars on the red carpet are generally over 30 years old. Eric’s youth and handsomeness undoubtedly have great advantages.

In addition, his "return to the age of seventeen" was not released until recently, but also has a large number of fans in the youth group. If there is no staff to maintain order, there may be people who rush directly to the red carpet. This kind of thing has not happened. Eric slowed down, and his face smiled with a decent smile on his face, and then a scream of female voice.

Unconsciously, I had a fan, and Eric felt a little sigh of relief, holding Virginia to move on, and the girl was slightly lost, because no one shouted her name, she even noticed The hostility in the audience was not in the eyes of the girl fans, and this sentiment converges in the media area in front.

"Eric, look here!"

"Here, here."

"Eric, Virginia, are you close to some?"

Compared with fans who only pay attention to their favorite stars, the interview reporters in the media area easily recognized Virginia. They have already heard that Virginia is about to participate in the firefly investment, and Eric is personally responsible for the scriptwriting. a movie.

Hollywood has developed to this day, many things in the circle are already clear rules. If an obscure beautiful actress or even a handsome actor suddenly gets an important role in a movie, then many people will subconsciously ask: she (he Who has slept with? These beautiful actresses or handsome men have a chance to get a chance for no reason, and for them, they can't get anything but the body. Most people will not look down on these men and women and will only envy their opportunities.

In the eyes of the reporters, the raging gossip fire shines, while Eric and Virginia are trying to be as close as possible, while pressing the shutter frantically.

Finally passed through the media area, and when ABC's reporter caught Michelle Pfeiffer, Eric took the girl directly to the star waiting for the rest area.

"Hey, Mr. Williams, I am Robert Downey Jr.."

"Hello, Mr. Downey," Eric smiled and shook hands with each other. He just wanted to praise a few words about the other's work, but found that he did not remember the famous movie star who had a fame in the early years. A little girl around me: "This is Virginian Madsen."

Robert Downeyer politely shook hands with Virginia, and the other side just came to a familiar face, hoping to have a chance to cooperate in the future, so there was not much entanglement, and a few words with Eric, very I am leaving soon. Eric also took the initiative to start greetings with other people.

Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Dustin Hoffman, Melanie Griffith, Patrick Swayze, Gina Davis, Bruce Willis and wife M. Moore, Cher, Jane Fonda, Judy Foster, Sigourney Weaver...

For example, passing through the crowd, chatting with these still young stars, a few minutes later, after the staff reminded, the talents began to enter.

I don't know what the Oscar organizers thought about this time, and they didn't arrange the host.

After entering the auditorium and finding the location of the "Little Ghosts" crew, Eric walked away from the seat and walked backstage. Because his best supporting actress as a guest was placed in the first. There are no strict rules for the awards of the Oscars. In many cases, in order to attract the attention of the audience, the organizers will be the first to award the best supporting actor or best supporting actress.

"Hello, Eric, I am Tom Selik." Stepping into the background, a tall, strong man came to him: "Wait, I will lead you to the stage."

Eric reached out and shook hands with each other: "Thank you, Mr. Selik, I really like your "Three Daddy and One Baby". I heard that this movie is going to be a sequel?"

"Three Dais and One Baby" is the 87-year box office champion. This warm comedy can get the box office champion, and most of them are just lucky. Because there are no famous movies in the whole year of 87 years.

For Tom Selik, Eric has only seen "Three Dais and One Baby", and he is even more impressed with the image of the big Monica 20-year-old boyfriend in Friends.

After Eric intends to complete the "Dark War", the TV series for Fox is "Friends." Although I remember the image of Tom Selek’s Monica boyfriend, Eric knows that he must choose a newcomer. Now, Tom Selik’s career is still in full swing. If he invites the other party to play a TV series, he will not be defamed. The face is strange.

Tom Selik heard Eric mentioning his most proud work, haha ​​smiled: "Of course, but wait until next year, really, I don't want to hit your movie."

After about ten minutes of opening song and dance, Eric took the envelope of the winners handed over by the staff and walked on the podium under the guidance of Tom Selek.

The lines of all the guests were written by the previous scriptwriters. Therefore, the audience can see the whispers of the stars on the TV set. In fact, they cannot express their own verbal ability.

"Wow," went to the center of the stage. Eric helped the microphone and lamented: "Actually, after I received the invitation, I asked Alan Carr why, why do people have a female companion when they come to the stage, I It’s not fair to be alone. It’s not fair! Allen stared at me for a long time and said: Because you are too small!”

Eric said that the audience who was selling like a sneak squint and made a look of innocence.

The audience was silent for a second, and immediately burst into a sneer, and the applause rang. In the past six months, although Eric has made a series of amazing achievements in Hollywood, there are always people who take Eric’s Age says things, achieving such a great achievement at the age of eighteen seems to be a 'stain' of Eric's life. When people admire genius, they will always involuntarily reject genius.

After talking a few words and ridiculous words, after the audience laughed, Eric pulled back the topic: "Any movie, when the male and female protagonists show their acting skills, they always have a supporting role. And a good supporting role will make a movie even more brilliant, so let's see what movies are nominated for the best supporting actress."

After Eric finished speaking, he said a gesture, and the film clips of the best supporting actress nominations appeared on the big screen. They were Sigourney Weaver and Joan Chusak of "Working Girl", "Dangerous Relationships". Michelle Pfeiffer, Gina Davis of "The Unexpected Traveler" and Francis McDumond of "The Mississippi Burning".

As far as Eric personally, his least optimistic is Sigourney Weaver. The best women in the Golden Globe Awards that the other party used to get with the "Working Girl" are very good. In contrast, Eric prefers Michel Pfeiffer and Gina Davis, and he also believes that the winner should be one of the two.

After all the nominations were introduced, Eric slowly opened the envelope and glanced at the name, which was not what he expected.

"The best supporting actress is "The Unexpected Traveler", Gina Davis."

In the applause, a redhead with a height of more than one meter eight stood up in excitement and stood up to the stage with the rest of the "Unexpected Traveler" crew. The girl did not rush to pick up the little gold man, but excitedly hugged Eric, Eric could only smile and patted the girl's back. Gina Davis is taller than one meter eight. She is still wearing high heels, which is a little higher than Eric. When they are hugging, Eric looks really 'small'. This scene is not caused. A burst of laughter from the audience.

"Hey, Ms. Davis, can you let me go, are you sure you are not eating my tofu?" Eric took a few shots and saw the other person holding himself, so he whispered in the girl's ear.

"The little patience," Gina Davis whispered, quickly letting Eric, picking up the little gold man and starting his own speech.

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