I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 126: Spielberg

Shaking his head slightly, Eric explained: "Tom, "The Dark War" is called the dark battle because its core is the rival play of the two protagonists. If the drama is too unbalanced, the film's excitement will be greatly reduced. Moreover, I think this movie is the biggest space for you to play. Hanks also needs to share the scene with Joe Pesci and others, and your role is completely a one-man show. There is no need to add it."

After hearing Eric's refusal, Cruise knew that Eric said it was very reasonable, but his face still showed a slight dissatisfaction.

Originally Eric did not have much opinion on the personal qualities of Cruise. He was not even interested in the rumors. Others have other people's living methods. Hollywood has a lot of celebrities in private. Cruise is at least a very dedicated and very hardworking person, and this is the original intention of Eric to start working with each other.

But now, Eric began to regret some, because Cruise's control desire is too strong, and Eric himself is also a person with strong desire to control, it is estimated that in the next "Dark War" shooting process, the dispute is affirmative It’s indispensable to think about it. Eric thinks that the main reason is that his qualifications are too shallow. Cruise has a sense of superiority from the bottom of his heart.

"So, Eric, about the bus girl, is Brooke Shields too... is it too high?" The height of one meter and seven is always the soft underbelly of Cruise, so it has just been rejected, in order to pick the impulse After saying this, Cruise regrets, this is not to play his own face.

I remembered that I saw the height of Brooklyn’s six feet (183cm) on the data. Eric’s mouth couldn’t help but pump it. If he put on high heels, it’s still worth it. It’s estimated to be at the awards ceremony today. Gina Davis hugs herself at an altitude.

Eric was forced to laugh at the face of Cruise, and advised: "Tom, you don't have to worry about this. You two are sitting in the bus or in the restaurant. There is no lens to walk side by side."

"Well," Cruise snorted and took a sip of red wine to cover up, and then hurried away.

Eric just turned and prepared to go back to the crowd, and Virginia didn't know where to get out and took Eric's arm.

"Oh, look too tight." Eric smiled slyly, how he could not see the careful eyes of Virginia.

The girl suddenly showed a wronged look and took back his arm: "If you look at which beauty, you will go."

"Forget it, let's go back," Eric looked at his watch. "You don't want to be afraid, as if I would fly away."

"Well," Virginia said, happily holding Eric's arm again: "Can I go to your house tonight?"

"Okay, but you are out of the limelight tonight, there must be a paparazzi outside."

Virginia had long thought about the countermeasures: "We took the elevator directly to the parking lot, and Mr. Kaid’s car left. Be careful not to have anything to do."

If it’s not a big crowd, Eric really wants to stretch out and pinch the girl’s face.

The two were preparing to leave, and there was a commotion at the entrance of the banquet hall. Eric seemed to hear the shouts like Mr. Spielberg, looking up, and a large group of people surrounded by a pair of glasses The middle-aged man walked into the banquet hall.

"Sure enough, Steven Spielberg, why is he here?" Virginia said curiously.

"Who knows," Eric shook his head and said, "Let's go and say hello, or it's a little rude."

"Well," Virginia was also obviously eager to try.

The two are planning to go forward, and Spielberg has come over to Eric.

In the eyes of everyone, Spielberg took the initiative to reach Eric: "Eric, I thought you would go to the Hilton Hotel. I went there to know that you are here, so I can find it." ”

"That's... don't know how to say it, Mr. Spielberg, if you want to see me, you can contact my agent to arrange a meeting," Eric shook hands with each other.

“Everyone is very busy, and today is very special, so I can take time out,” Spielberg explained. “Eric, I am looking for a room downstairs, let’s go there. Oh. This lady... can also come together."

"No problem," Eric nodded, pulling Viginia away with Spielberg in the eyes of the banquet hall.

After Eric’s departure, everyone whispered for a while, and then they started to work. Although they lost a chance to be close to Spielberg, they didn’t feel that they had too many qualifications, but Cruise always looked The figures of Spielberg and Eric disappeared at the door, and the bottom of my heart was even more lost. He originally thought that Spielberg was coming from the "Rain Man" crew, even running on his own, but did not expect the result to be like this.

For the cooperation with Spielberg, Cruise is not too urgent, he just hopes to make friends with Spielberg. As a representative of the Hollywood Jews, as long as they have a good relationship with Spielberg, it is equal to The Jewish circle in Hollywood has a good relationship.

Hollywood is a Jewish world. This is not a statement. Barry Diller, Michael Eisner and many other film company executives are Jewish, and Spielberg, Harrison Ford and other famous directors. And the stars are also Jews. Cruise is out of the CAA, wanting to get rid of the pure actor identity, step into the ranks of the producers, and the connection with the Hollywood Jewish circle is indispensable.

In the room downstairs in the banquet hall, the two sides sat down. The waiter took the coffee for a few people and then voluntarily quit the room, leaving only Spielberg and his assistant, as well as Eric and Virginia. personal.

"Eric, Drew is okay, I haven't seen her for a long time to visit me." Spielberg didn't rush to talk about business, but chatted casually.

Eric is not in a hurry, but she is glimpsed at the side of Virginia, who is sitting in a dangerous situation. She feels very embarrassed, and she is a big director. I am also a big director. It’s too much for me to lose face. Go back and have a good meal.

"Drew is the unintentional temper," Eric said with a smile. "Today she is at home. When I go back, I will teach my gimmicks. It is really rude to visit you for a long time."

"I heard people say that Drew's relationship with you is very strange. Like a father and a daughter, I didn't believe it. I heard that you just talked, I think this may be true. But it is also a good choice for you to follow you. Her parents... don’t say it, Eric, treat her well."

"I will," Eric nodded, and did not go deep into the news that Spielberg had heard from him. The other person's connections in Hollywood were completely unmatched.

Spielberg took a sip of coffee slowly and said: "Actually, I am looking for you today for the copyright of your Jurassic Park. I have been in contact with you several times before and I have been rejected. So I have to go out in person today, Eric, how about selling the movie copyright of Jurassic Park to me?"

Eric did not answer immediately. He took the coffee cup and lowered his head to think like it. In fact, he was very upset. It was impossible to sell the movie copyright of Jurassic Park to Spielberg. Even if, according to previous lives, Spielberg was the director of the film, Eric would not agree. Because he just remembered some data in his mind.

The previous Jurassic Park won more than 900 million US dollars at the box office, including North America 350 million US dollars, overseas 600 million US dollars, according to the local 55%, overseas 20% average, the film can finally get 3.1 Billion-dollar box office accounts, Universal Pictures' investment in the film is about 70 million US dollars, which means that minus the cost, the film can get huge profits of 240 million US dollars, it seems to be a ecstatic The number, because even in the past nine or three years, any movie giant has a maximum box office profit of only one year.

Everything has a **** turning point, called ‘but’.

However, Spielberg is not only known as the most savvy movie dealer, as the director of Jurassic Park, Spielberg signed a high proportion of the contract with the global with his personal strength and a series of negotiations. The end result is that Spielberg personally took away $250 million in the "Jurassic Park" project before and after!

Yes, it is more than 10 million more than the box office profit of Jurassic Park. In 1993, the era of DVD players has not yet arrived. The video tape market accounts for only 30% to 100% of the film revenue. Forty points, other peripheral broadcast rights have relatively less revenue. That is to say, most of the profits of the film "Jurassic Park" were actually taken away by Spielberg, and this was the result of the 1994 DreamWorks. If it weren't for the surrounding products of Jurassic Park and the theme parks that could bring huge profits, the global executives could only cry.

As for the rumors that Spielberg’s dissatisfaction caused the global investment in the Jurassic Park and the Schindler List, Spielberg’s solo flight to establish a dream factory has no credibility. .

I didn’t invest a penny, I took 250 million yuan before and after, but I still have dissatisfaction. There is still no reason to be reasonable under this day!

What Eric is upset about now is that he would not offend this Jewish director who has a huge network of people in Hollywood if he can be euphemistic and refusal to reject Spielberg.

"Mr. Spielberg, actually... I wrote this book, originally intended to be a director myself, so..." Eric organized the language: "So... I didn't plan to sell it." Lost the film and television copyright of Jurassic Park."

Spielberg smiled like an elder and analyzed Eric: "Eric, I have seen some of your movies, I think you are better at low-cost comedy or drama," I am afraid that you will not be able to shoot for a long time in a science fiction novel. I have not despised what you mean, but you are still too young and lack of experience. I am actually like this. I made my first short film from 1959, but it wasn't until 16 years later that I was able to make a science fiction film like "Jaws". Although your qualifications are much stronger than mine, it takes about ten years. Accumulate, maybe at that time, many people have forgotten the novel "Jurassic Park", and it is very risky to shoot. It is difficult to recover the cost if you don't pay attention."

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