I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 158: Reversing

In this era, the film critics' income mainly comes from two aspects: the public relations fee of the film company and the publication fee of the film and magazine. Of course, the top film critics will have other types of income, such as books or TV programs. of.

And George Northen is clearly not the top of the list, or the "Premiere" magazine will not easily dismiss George Nossen after being pressured by Colombia.

Because of the blacklist, when the film company is about to release new movies, George Northen will not receive a penny of public relations fees, and even the movie preview or the premiere invitation will not be received. If you can't participate in the screening or the premiere, you won't be able to get the first-hand viewing information that is ahead of the average audience. Newspapers and magazines are not too enthusiastic about the film reviews that have already been released, so the revenue of the film review fee will be greatly reduced. In both cases, the lost income exceeds 80% of the original income.

Therefore, being blacklisted by the six major film companies means that George Northen can no longer stay in the circle of film critics, and the fame created in the circle for many years has also vanished.

In fact, as a long-lasting old fritter, George Northren also knows the rules of the game in this circle. Many lines cannot be touched. Therefore, he has never done anything extraordinary before. After years of hard work, He also has a lot of fame in the industry, and each year's incomes add up to even an enviable six-figure.

Perhaps it was because of so many years of glory that George Nosson was somewhat self-righteous and forgot his duty, so he published several articles slamming "The Dark War" in succession. He was originally just because he felt that he was teased by Nicole. I want to export the gas and retaliate against each other. I didn’t think that I had underestimated the 'influence' of the professional article. It was too late to respond to it and directly ruined my own. career.

After the end of the first week, perhaps because of the storm, it may be because Eric boarded the "Sofia talk show" to promote the role, the first week of four working days, "Dark War" won more than 1,600 In the box office of Wanwan, the total box office in the first week reached more than 43 million, which is at least three million more than the estimated budget of Colombia after the first weekend of the box office. This data gives Colombia confidence.

At the same time, with the clarification of the "Dark War" gunners' question, the ‘topic marketing’ plan, which was negotiated in advance, was also launched. The incident opened in several entertainment newspapers and fiercely attacked the embedded advertisements in “Dark War”.

"More than 30 implant ads, are we really watching movies? 》

"Shuangtang teamed up with the advertisements, we are not watching ‘dark war’, ‘advertising war’”

"Eric Williams is not returning to the road!" 》

A series of very eye-catching headlines directly pushed the topic of "Dark War" to the cusp of the turmoil. The public opinion of the media was once again stunned after questioning the storm. Colombia also took advantage of the situation before other competitors did not react. In the direction of public opinion, most of the media’s comments on this matter were turned to ridicule.

Soon, the Los Angeles Times published an audience survey report, which was prepared in advance by Colombia. The target audience was those who had just come out from the "Dark War" playroom. The content was about the audience's advertisement in "The Dark War". the opinion of.

Among the random surveys of 1,000 people, 76% of the audience did not feel the existence of advertisements in the movie, 15% felt the existence of advertisements, but did not care much, 7% of the audience said that they were somewhat concerned about the advertisements, and the choice was very annoying. The advertisement is only 2% of the 寥寥.

In order to ensure their credibility, the Los Angeles Times also published a full stack of spot check report photos on the layout.

This report has set the tone for the "Dark War" implant advertising event.

Whenever this matter is mentioned, many people will feel that most people don't even feel the existence of advertising. In fact, this is nothing. In addition, some other gunmen's articles in Colombia are published, and the public's thinking direction has begun to be transferred.

Immediately, Colombia also began to clarify that there were indeed some advertisements in the film, but not as exaggerated as those of the 'irresponsible' media. Colombia has also taken out the gunman who just happened to question the storm, saying that this is a malicious attack on the "Dark War" by competitors.

As the guidance of public opinion continues, more and more people are beginning to be curious about what ads are in the Dark War, because as the survey shows, when a large number of people first watched the movie, I didn't even realize the existence of advertising in "The Dark War."

When Colombia’s competitors reacted and began to manipulate their own media to reverse the public opinion and lead the public to dislike the advertisements in the "Dark War", Colombia directly threw a blockbuster.

On the second weekend of the movie, early Saturday morning, several newspapers such as The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, and The Washington Post also published a statement from the Columbia company.

"Although according to the survey, the advertisements in the "Dark War" did not affect the movie-going experience of the majority of fans, but in order to thank the fans for their support, after the film production and distribution parties, we decided to "dark war" The $2 million in advertising fees received in the report will be returned to the fans. From the date of publication of this statement, viewers can send all the 12 implanted advertisements in the form of letters to the following address. 200 on-site selection of all the right lucky viewers, each rewarding $10,000 in cash."

Subsequently, this statement leaves a receiving address, a deadline, and a counter-brushing restriction such as a single letter for each citizen ID and repeated delivery.

For a moment, the entire American media was once again stunned. Even many viewers couldn’t help but react. This is a blatant hype.

But even if you find this, you can't stop the enthusiasm of many viewers. After all, it is now in the late 1980s. For many American families, $10,000 is a huge sum. Anyway, during the holiday, everyone had the habit of watching movies. If you watched the movie, if you took a few dozen cents to get an envelope and mailed your guesses, you might get a $10,000 prize. Why not? for. Moreover, the number of winnings for 200 people seems to be quite high.

On the second day after the announcement, many movie theaters that broadcast "The Dark War" appeared directly full. On the day of the announcement, "The Dark War" received a $13 million box office on the same day, and the box office on Sunday also reached. 11 million, plus Friday's more than 8 million US dollars at the box office, "Dark War" on the second weekend of three days, the total box office reached 32 million, miraculously achieved nearly 20% of the box office in the competitive summer file. It is also the only movie in this summer file that has a box office decline.

After the second day of the second week, "Dark War" once again received more than 49 million second-week box office, the total box office has reached 92 million.

In comparison, the five-week show, the box office has begun to weaken "Ghostbusters 2" has only got the box office of 90 million US dollars, and "Batman" was affected by the "Dark War" trend, the fourth week The box office fell again 44%, only got a box office of 16 million US dollars, although the cumulative box office reached 168 million, but in the next release week of "Batman", if the box office once again showed a drop of about 40%, the box office only Can be kept within 10 million, and with the "black war" box office trend, tens of millions of box office data per week may still last three to four weeks, and finally this summer file box office champion is really hard to say.

This result has made many film companies look dumbfounded. Even many of Columbia’s executives have a sense of ignorance that is too fast to adapt. Columbia’s stock has risen again quickly, with a total market capitalization within a few weeks. After breaking through $4.5 billion, Sony, which has already reached an initial agreement, became anxious. It was originally planned to complete the acquisition at the end of September, but the head of Sony made several requests, hoping to sign a final agreement in August. By the way, if the "Dark War" overtakes "Batman" to win the summer box office champion, the rise in the stock price is definitely not stopped.

When the third week of "Dark War" box office fell again 26%, won more than 38 million box office, the puzzled media can only attribute this trend to the masses' desire for flying.

Although many film companies also want to learn about the lucky draw model in Colombia, it is a pity that the release of the summer movie has ended. The "Dark War" can be said to be the last wave of the big production movie, which was released before. There is not much meaning in the film for similar propaganda.

The films released after the "Dark War" are basically not too optimistic about the money coming into the market at the end of the summer, so other film companies simply can't pull out 2 million, even if it is 1 million. Few people are willing to spend it. After all, this risk is too great. Even if a movie gets 100 million box office, after the theater is divided, the remaining half will need to be divided by investors, producers, and issuers. Finally, After paying taxes, profits are usually only in the millions. Like Eric, a "Little Devil's Home" has gotten hundreds of millions of shares, and there is nothing in the circle. Even the most profitable "Star Wars" series, only Lucas can not get such a high profit at the box office. .

This time, Colombia used the method of speculation to insert advertisements to achieve a major reversal of the box office, and it is also destined to become a classic marketing case studied by major film companies.

Eric is not worried about this way being learned, because this operation is completely a sword, and it is blunt, once or twice, the audience will feel that the implant advertisement is quite new. Once you use it a few times, the audience will definitely have the ‘I’m watching the movie for entertainment, not for the ad’s rebellious mentality, and then doing so will only be counterproductive.

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