I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 160: Jin Yumeng

It should have been a chat with a friend in the past life. During that time, there was just a movie called "Beijing Meets Seattle". The two chatted about the movie at random, and finally began to trace back as they said. In the end, many inspirations such as "Gray Garden", "Seattle Sleepless", "Love Story" and so on were all inspired by Gary Grant and Deborah's famous "Jin Yumeng".

Of course, this is not the point. Erik thinks that the friend has accidentally mentioned that it seems that because of the popularity of "Sleepless Night in Seattle", the video of "Jin Yumeng" was fired and sold in a short time. 2 million boxes, which is an unexpected windfall for the copyrighted film company.

"Jin Yu Meng" is already an old movie 40 years ago. Although the two stars were Hollywood stars at the time, the time has passed so long, and this movie is not as infinite as the movie like 007. Shooting a sequel, so there is no commercial value, maybe one or two million can buy out all the copyright of this movie. Moreover, Eric considers that he will shoot "Seattle Night Sleepless" in the future, and he must obtain some authorization from the copyright party of "Jin Yumeng". After the other party knows about this, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be able to sit on the ground, but it is better. Buy all the copyrights.

Seeing Eric’s thoughts of something slightly excitement, Shantou couldn’t stand the temper, scratching Eric’s chest and hurriedly asked: “Eric, is there any good movie for me, let’s talk about it. ?"

"The movie doesn't, but if you want to make a fortune, there is a good chance," Eric picked up the pen and wrote the movie title of "Jin Yumeng" on paper: "Do you know this movie?"

Drew looked at his eyes wide and shook his head in earnest: "I don't know."

Eric can only patiently explain; "Do you always remember that I told you about my next movie?"

The position of the room in the room of the Nicole outside Shantou was a small mouth: "Of course."

"In the setting of the movie, the heroine Annie likes to watch "Jin Yumeng" very much. I think that if the "Night of Seattle Sleeps" is released, the sales volume of "Jin Yumeng" will definitely increase, so you If you want to make money, you can use the time of the holiday to find a way to buy all the copyrights of this movie. This is an old movie 40 years ago. If the price is right, the film company will definitely be willing to sell it."

Drew has a blind trust in Eric. If Eric says to other people, it is estimated that the other party will doubt it, but Drew has no doubts in this regard, but asks: "But, buy it. Where did I release the videotape?"

"Fireflies have recently begun to build their own distribution channels, including video tape channels," Eric said, remembering that "Little Ghosts" and the three movie contracts signed to Fox, there was a hint of helplessness and regret.

At the beginning, he was so isolated and prosperous. Many things were not considered too comprehensive. Therefore, when signing the agreement, the film and video rights of the film and the rights of the TV broadcast rights were handed over to the Fox agent. The fireflies can only be divided equally. It looks good. After all, many of the films produced by independent film companies have no qualifications for the movie. They are usually bought at a price, and he can enjoy the split. However, giving the agent to Fox is equivalent to losing a large amount of income compared to the issue. After all, after the release process, the film's fame and reputation have been determined. If you can have your own video distribution channel, then even if it is not as comprehensive as a big company, you can still get a profit by cutting a large piece of cake. After that, I got a lot more.

Moreover, through this period of time, he learned that small companies with publishing capabilities, even if they hand over the distribution rights of their films to those movie giants, usually do not transfer the surrounding copyrights such as videotapes, with the surrounding revenue of the movie. The proportion of total movie revenue is getting bigger and bigger. The income of these peripheral copyrights is likely to be an important source of funds for a second- and third-line movie company. Those second- and third-line movie companies have obtained good film and television resources every year. The peripheral benefits can support the day-to-day operations of the film company, without the need to repeatedly draw funds from box office receipts or investors, as long as there is no huge loss of investment, these film companies can survive.

Therefore, Eric is also eager to establish its own distribution channel as soon as possible. Next, the three films of "Small Island Cry", "Smell the Woman" and "Steel Magnolia" and the copyright of "Friends" are definitely not Will let it go again.

"But, Eric, I have no money." Drew’s eyes glared at Erik.

Eric couldn't help but pinch the white and tender face of the girl: "You don't have a card, just brush it, earning yours..." Erickton said here, remembering that Westerners have no dowry. The saying can only be changed: "I made a small treasury and lost my money."

"Then I will do it," Drew licked his face and licked Eric's face. The small mouth was about to smash into Eric's lips, but he was still in front of a big hand, so no. Mind out the little tongue and slammed it in Eric.

"You must have been a cat in your life, so you like to slap your hands." Eric took the girl off his lap: "Okay, now that something has been done, there is money to make it, you can go to sleep." ”

"Eric, you haven't slept me for a long time," said Shantou with a look of resentment.

"I am a law-abiding citizen," Eric said, screaming at the ‘abandon’ and pushing his head toward the door. “And there are outsiders here.”

Drew heard the word "outsiders" and seemed to be very happy. He rushed to kiss Eric's face and kissed him.

Eric looked at the closed study door and smiled and shook his head. He turned his attention to the display and began the finishing of the "Friends" script. Barry Diller personally called Eric to pay attention to "Friends". The filming process, although the US drama is broadcast while shooting, "Friends" is no exception, but now it is almost August, the TV series will start in September, Eric will only have one month left.

"Eric, this is today's newspaper," the next morning, after Erik's routine exercise, he returned to the living room after bathing, and Nicole thoughtfully placed the newspaper on the coffee table in front of Eric.

"Thank you, Nicole." Eric appreciatively appreciative of the girl's new pink maid costume, only picked up the newspaper and looked up, Nicole returned to the kitchen again.

A moment later, Eric saw the name of a movie in the newspaper. The film was also released in Colombia. I didn't expect the result to be good. Moreover, the name was "When Harry met Sally", the starring role was hosted. Billy Christo of Oscar for many times, and Meg Ryan, the original female host of "Sleep in Seattle".

Eric still likes this very sweet actress, but it seems that the other side's star route is very rough, it comes down to it, maybe it can be considered that this sweetheart's selection is very bad, looks like her more successful two The films are all co-operated with Tom Hanks, one is "Seattle Sleepless" and the other is "E-Love Letter" a few years later. Nothing else is outstanding.

The reason why she said that her eyes are not good, because this sweetheart has passed by a series of big movies, it seems very magical, since the 1990s, she has refused "Fengyue Beauty", refused "People are not in love", and even refused to let the nameless Sharon Stone fly into the sky "instinct", of course, is not willing to take off, but this sweetheart arrived in the new century, in order to transform Unscrupulously took off, but also wanted to imitate the success of an instinct, and participated in a similar type of "naked carcass cutting", but unfortunately this film did not have the good luck of the "instinct" that year, directly flutter In the Java country.

Looking at the box office data in the newspaper "When Harry meets Sally", it is estimated that this sweetheart will be a little bit hot. Because of Eric’s sake, Hollywood’s history has already experienced a great deviation. I know that this sweetheart will not be as lucky as ever in this time and space.

"Nicone, can you come over?" Eric looked at the newspaper "When Harry met Sally," but he remembered the image of the other person in "Sleep in Seattle" and shouted Busy girl in the kitchen.

"Is there anything?" Nicole quickly came out with a small shovel in his hand.

"That, forget it, you should be busy first, have breakfast and talk."

"Oh," the girl turned around inexplicably and walked back.

On the dining table, Drew snorted and ate breakfast, took a paper towel and wiped the mouth, and hurriedly got up and wanted to go outside.

"Come back, sit down, drink the milk," Eric pointed at the milk that had left most of the cup and glanced at the girl: "You are rushing back to Mars, so hurry."

Shantou reluctantly sat back in the chair and explained: "I am going to find someone to buy the copyright of the movie."

"Let's finish eating breakfast," Eric ignored Drew's explanation and repeated.

"Hey," Shantou took a small nose and picked up the milk and poured it on his head. "That's it."

"Okay, go crazy."

“Hate,” Drew took another paper towel, rubbed his mouth and went out to the restaurant door. He suddenly turned around and glanced at Nicole, turning his eyes to Eric: “I am not at home. At the time, you are not allowed to mess around."


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