I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 174: Windfall

"One...small thing?" Eric put his head on his thigh and put it on his face. "Is it a curse?"

"How is it possible, I will not be troubled!" Drew immediately denied: "Things are like this. In order to buy the copyright of this film, I am not looking for an agent."

"Oh," Eric immediately understood: "You promised to give the other side the benefits, and there is no ability to cash, and the benefits are definitely related to me, right?"

"Eric, you are so smart!" The girl shook his face in Eric's arms and looked up.

"Okay, don't pretend, let's be honest!" Eric couldn't help but knock on the door of his mind, which led to a struggle and protest.

"In fact, there is nothing," Xiao Nizi first gave Eric a shot of vaccination. "When I was looking for an agent, there was just a guy named Lawrence Bender who brought a friend at a party." I came to my side and took a script and said that I wanted to transfer it to you. They hope that you can invest."

"They can't contact me. It's fine to find you. It's a good understanding. But why do you want to invest in me? So many movie companies, the other party should be the top seven movie companies, even if it is not the seventh, the other two. Third-line movie companies should also be the first choice?"

Drew smiled at Eric's neck and said: "Because you have money, the newspaper is now full of news that you have gotten hundreds of millions of dollars."

Eric shrugged: "You should know that the division of "Little Ghosts" is almost empty. The achievements of "Fengyue" are counted. If you want to buy a film company to establish distribution channels, you will definitely spend it soon. The division of "Dark War" can not be spent any more. To save it for tax payment next year, I have to pay 35% of the income tax. In this case, I don’t have much cash. Oh, I found out that From the beginning of last year to the present one year, I was busy with one day and no money was saved."

The girl patted her on the shoulder: "Do not worry, Mr. Billionaire, if you have no money, I will raise you."

"If you have a woman to tell me about it in my life," Eric smiled and said: "Okay, then your topic, what is the guy called?"

"Lawrence Bender, the reason why he wants to invest in you, I think it is because both of them are too young, even if the script is good, the film companies will not be assured that the film will be handed over to him and his friends. After all, As long as it is a regular movie, a small investment will be in the millions of dollars. So, you understand."

"Then you promised, then let him be your agent... Is he capable of being your agent?" Eric thought of another question.

"That guy is very smart. He also opened a film company with his friend. You know, it is the kind of shell company that has applied for a registration fee. There is nothing. There are many movie companies like Hollywood. But the year before. He also produced a very low-cost movie. He personally worked as a producer, the friend was a director and screenwriter, but after the production was completed, the film was burned and a lot of money was lost because of a fire."

"It's a pity, Lawrence Bender is... Amount, wait, Lawrence Bender?" Eric suddenly raised his tone.

"Well?" Drew nodded, not sure.

Eric put the **** down from his knee and pointed to the coffee table: "Do you spell his name for me?"

Although Drew was a little confused, he walked to the coffee table and reached for a little water in the cup. After thinking about it, he hesitated to write two words on the coffee table: "Should... should it be so spelled?" After writing, Xiao Nizi turned her head and asked Eric indefinitely.

Eric licked his forehead and replaced the subtitle O in 'Laorence' with W and became 'Lawrence'. At the same time, he knocked on the cute poem: "I really want to know that you are doing at school." What's up, such a simple name will not fight, oh, speaking, I took a big sponsorship fee to send you to the boarding school, I have never seen your transcript, I will see it next time. Look."

"Hey, this is not necessary?" The girl smirked with a small mouth and smiled. The little hand held the table on the coffee table, and there was a posture ready to escape.

Eric did not pursue it again. The name on the coffee table was exactly the same as the name in the memory. When Drew just mentioned it, Eric did not reflect it, mainly because he used to read the English name in the past. It is generally translated into Chinese, and Drew's accent is completely incompatible with Eric's previous English. Eric has not thought of the name in his memory.

"Drew, what is the name of the friend of Lawrence Bender?" Eric asked again.

Shantou scratched his head and looked at his head: "It seems... maybe... Quentin Tarantino," said Drew, who saw Eric’s expression moving a little, asked : "Eric, you won't know them?"

Eric set his mind and did not let the gimmick see more abnormalities. He quickly thought of an excuse and nodded and admits: "I heard that I said that when you just said your name, there is a feeling of deja vu. It seems that when I was chatting with people, it was an ecstasy to listen to these two hapless things. I filmed a movie together. The result was finished and the film was burned."

Eric didn't mention the object of the chat, and he said it was very vague, so he didn't look back and ask for evidence. However, Drew obviously didn't doubt anything. Hear Eric's explanation and he believed.

"So, are you saying that they want me to invest in their movie and leave you a script?" Eric asked.

Drew shook his head. "No, I didn't want it. I wanted to tell you about it first. If you don't agree, I will send them to them."

"This is not good. If you promised, you can't use it to make a snake. We will definitely expand the production business in the future. Although they are still two small people, it will definitely have a little impact on the things you deal with." "Eric once again sat back on the sofa and thought about it: "Tomorrow, tomorrow at noon, you take them to the "Friends" studio. There is an hour of lunch break between the noon shots, let them bring the script. let me see."

"Eric, isn't it too much trouble, what do you see them, I think it's a waste of time, that... Kun... Quentin Tarantino is only in his twenties, can write a good script. The famous screenwriter in Hollywood is not thirty or forty years old. It is not good. I will come over to you to see the script. Is it necessary to see them?"

Eric smiled: "Don't you forget, I am still less than twenty years old?"

"Oh, I think you are at least forty years old," Shantou said, coming to Eric.

This intuition... is too accurate!

Eric touched Xiao Nizi's hair, but it quickly relieved. With such a shrewd temper, Shantou got along with him and found that his psychological age was not surprising. In fact, many people have discovered it.

"Okay, just say so, bring them over tomorrow, but don't be late, you know, I am very busy."

"Well," Drew responded, and soon spoke to Eric. "That, Eric, I have finished this, are there rewards?"

Eric patted the girl's back: "Yes, I helped you become a film company, but you haven't grown up yet, so I will be in my name for the time being, and I will be transferred to you when you are 18 years old. The copyright of the "Jin Yu Meng" that you bought will be placed under the name of this company."

"Wow, tell me, what's the name?" The girl's eyes sparkled and asked excitedly.


When the girl squatted for a moment, she said with a small mouth: "Flower film... a good rustic name, can't it be replaced?"


Eric stared at the baby face of Shantou. This is the name of your previous life: "How can it be rustic? Do you want to hear me?"

Drew’s head was on Eric’s chest. After thinking for a while, he looked up a little frustrated. Little Nizi had no talent in name: “That’s the first thing to do with the flower industry.”

Eric smiled and licked his head: "Okay, it’s so late, sleep."

Shantou grabbed Eric's arm and stopped him from standing up: "No, no, don't worry, Eric, there is still a month in the summer, and then give me something to do early, such as what to buy a movie copyright? ?"

"Well... let me think about it, give you a list tomorrow, and go to bed early," Eric said.

"Do not allow me to perfuse me, tomorrow I will!" Shantou does not care.

"No problem, I will definitely give it to you tomorrow." Eric said as he got up and walked up the stairs. He didn't go directly to the bedroom. Instead, he walked into the study and saw the **** coming up. Eric said: "Don't bother. I am, you go to sleep first, always staying up late and being careful not to be ugly when you are thirty."

"Hey!" The girl frowned and unwillingly turned and walked to the bedroom.

Eric was at the bottom left of the desk, looking for a notebook in front of him, picking up the pen at hand, thinking of the thing just now, a smile on his lips, and Quentin Tarantino, who was called the director of the 'Ghosts' in his previous life, would take the initiative. Come up. Although Lawrence Bender did not have Quentin's reputation, in fact, two people are old partners, Quentin's series of films are made by Lawrence Bender.

However, since the two butterflies who had not fancyed after two years have come over because of their butterfly effect, then the "Down Water Dog" and "Pulp Fiction", which are not known for their predecessors, will not appear. After all, the butterfly effect The influence is really big, maybe just a difference, Quentin missed the idea of ​​creating these two movies. At the same time, Eric is also very good about what script Quentin will come up with tomorrow.

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