I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 298: Oscar (below)

Although I have not expected any expectations for this award, Eric’s expression is still a little bit embarrassing, but at the same time he is also comforting himself in the heart, anyway, he is still young, it is not good to get the award too early. thing.

On the stage, after Jane Fangda introduced the best original script nomination, she looked around the stage slightly and didn't know whether it was intentional or not. Eric found that the woman's line of sight deliberately stayed on him for a while, but had not waited. Eric made any confirmation, and Jane Fangda lowered his head and opened the envelope. He took out the card with the name of the winner and looked at it. The surprised expression on his face flashed away, and then a smile appeared again. Look up and look at Eric here.

Eric can be sure that this time is definitely not his illusion. If the eyes may have been inadvertently, then this time, does it mean that...

The heart rushed a few times, and Eric unknowingly clenched his fist again, staring at Jane Fonda.

Jane Fonda seems to feel the urge of everyone in the audience, no longer sell off, close to the microphone and sing: "The best original script for Oscar is: "Small Island Cry"."

The most unlikely thing happened. Most of the people in the Los Angeles Music Hall were Hollywood immersed characters. Many people also expressed a surprised expression when they heard the name.

Although he had already been hinted in advance, Eric continued to open his eyes in disbelief, until someone around him stood up and Eric stood up.

The applause sounded thunderously.

At the same time, the scene that surprised everyone in the awards hall followed.

As Eric got up, more people followed, including a series of nominated "Island", "Seattle Night", "Dark War." All the fireflies-related crews, such as "Wind Beauty", have risen to the number of people in the five rows around Eric.

Although many people who got up immediately realized that this was not appropriate, it would be even more inappropriate to sit down. Therefore, it can only remain as it is.

After Eric’s simple hug with a few people in the neighborhood, he was under pressure from time. I can only rush to shake hands with other people standing up around, even if they are too far away to touch their fingers.

Even so, it took nearly a minute for Eric to get on the stage.

At this time, many people were seriously skeptical, shocked, helpless, and so on. Most of them were converted into envy. A small, best original script award can make such a big move, then, today, today. No one dared to ignore Eric's position in Hollywood.

The award-winning testimony of this award was prepared by Eric in advance, so it was easier to say than to get the best score more than an hour ago. Even Eric, while speaking of the award-winning testimony, also gave a part of his thoughts on why he won this award.

There is no doubt that this is the result of Oscar's pork.

Eric feels that he thinks Oscar is too simple. With his current influence in Hollywood, he still has nothing to gain in the case of two simultaneous nominations. Oscar’s impartiality will once again be questioned.

Moreover, this time the questioning will certainly come from the media, and perhaps from the ordinary people. As for the reason, or because of the incident some time ago, Eric has experienced a malicious suppression. If Oscar still gives him two empty-handed nominations, he will let him go empty-handed. Oscar was disappointed by some bad associations again.

As for why, in the end, why did you not get the best adaptation of the "Scent of the Woman" script adaptation, but the "Little Island Cry" best original script award, then. Eric understands that this is probably the result of a series of games behind. Although very interested in a series of insiders. But Eric knows that he has not yet reached the level of internal game that can reach the Oscars.

Think about it this way. All the way along with Jane Fangda and the award-winning guests walked into the background, the staff came to the Eric to pick up the little gold man who has no nameplate in his hand, and nailed the golden nameplate for him.

The next award was given by the best director. "Scented Woman" was also nominated by the best director. Therefore, Eric, who is waiting for the staff to nail the nameplate, is inevitably worried. At this time, Jane is awarded for him. Fangda has come over.

"Mr. Williams, congratulations," Jane Fonda reached out to Eric with a smile.

"Ms. Fang Da, thank you for the tips I just gave me." Although I was anxious, Eric still maintained good interests and flattered: "I have seen many of your movies, "Glory" and "Hua Street Killing King" Great, but my favorite is Golden Pond. The movie shows that the affection is moving."

“Thank you for your enjoyment,” Jane Fangda still smiles, and then said, “Mr. Williams, are you sure you want to start a party?”

Eric’s look was a little moving, and soon realized that this woman was not simply coming over to greet him. Although she did not know the purpose of the other party, she was able to establish some friendship with Hollywood’s famous performing arts family. It must be beneficial and harmless.

Therefore, Eric said without hesitation: "Yes, Ms. Fang Da, if you have time, welcome you to our celebration party after the ceremony, the third floor of the Beverly Hills Hotel."

"I will go," Jane Fonda nodded. She knew that Eric was also anxious to return to the hall, so she didn't say too much and left soon.

In spite of this, when Eric returned to the awards hall, he was still disappointed to find that the director of Oliver Stone, who was born on July 4th, was speaking his own award-winning speech, and the nearby "Scented Woman" "The team's Al Pacino saw Eric back and gave him a helpless look. As for Martin Brest, Eric did not see each other's expression, but in addition to the loss, Eric also Can't think of anything else.

Speaking of the film "born on July 4th", I have to talk about the sad reminder of Tom Co., Eric also remembered after seeing this movie. Tom Cruise would have relied on himself. The film won the first Oscar nomination for Best Actor.

It is a pity that Cruise missed the film because of the "Dark War".

The original Firefly and Cruise himself tried to win a nomination for the best actor, but unfortunately did not succeed, although Atango won the best actor nomination for the plot in the Golden Globe Awards with "Dark War", but I couldn't touch the Oscar, so Eric saw Cruise a few days ago, and the other side never gave him any good looks.

Cruise has already received enough rewards for "The Dark War". Therefore, although Eric has no help but to get the Oscar actor nomination for Cruise, he does not feel that he owes the other party. After all, Cruise The reward is much more than Hanks.

In this way, Judy Foster, the last best actress winner on the stage, has begun to introduce the nomination of the best actor. Listening to the introduction of the **** the stage, Eric suddenly thought that if "silence" The Lamb was able to be produced and released last year, and Judy Foster will probably be the best actress in Oscar.

This has to be said to be a pity.

"The best actor nominees are: Morgan Freeman, "Driving for Miss Daisy"; Al. Pacino, "Smell the Woman"; Daniel Day Lewis, "My Left Foot"; Kenneth Brana, "God of War Henry V", Robin Williams, "Death Poetry Society."

Every time a person is introduced, there will be a wonderful movie clip on the big screen behind Judy Foster.

Eric looked at Al Pacino, who had a slight waist and a little tightness in the distance. He could also feel the feelings of Al Pacino. Since 17 years ago, Al Pacino has been acquired. Five Oscar nominations, but all failed. With Al Ainino’s acting, it’s no exaggeration to say that “Oscar owes him a small golden man”.

As for the original Oscar winner actor Daniel Day Lewis, although the other side's acting is also very good, but Daniel Dai Lewis's disadvantage is also very obvious.

First of all, he is British, and this will definitely be discriminated against by Oscar, and there is no doubt.

Secondly, Daniel Day Lewis is only in his early thirties, but he has just reached the average age of the Oscar actor. Compared with Al Pacino, who is already fifty, he is even younger.

In the end, Daniel Day Lewis can't compete with Al Pacino, who has been in Hollywood for almost 20 years, both in terms of qualifications and connections.

The success of the previous Daniel Day Lewis has a great relationship with the Oscars. Although influenced by the butterfly effect, Eric can still think of some clues from the current list. Most of the nominated films should be the same as the previous ones, but in the list of nominated movies, except for the original "July 4th", which was originally known as Tom Cruise, the other films have no effect. force.

This time, things didn't go beyond Eric's surprise. After Judy Foster opened the envelope, he quickly read the name of Al Pacino.

In the warm applause, Al Pacino and the crew members of "Scent of Women" did not immediately come to power, but instead came to the back of Eric, Erik realized what the other party was going to do. Smiling and standing up, Jonathan Demi, who was sitting on the other side of Eric, let him know. (To be continued)

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