I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 300: Too late

The spacious party hall is full of people, this is the Oscar celebration party being held by the Firefly Film Company.

In general, in addition to those award-winning film crews, only the seven major Hollywood film companies will hold a similar party after the Golden Globe or Oscar to invite a number of Hollywood stars to participate, and second- and third-line movie companies will not do this.

This is not a question of money, but a manifestation of strength. Because second- and third-line film companies hold similar parties, they will encounter the embarrassing situation that no heavyweight stars come to join, which will make them even more humiliating.

But the fireflies are different. Although the fireflies are still in the position of second-tier movie companies, the huge influence of the fireflies on the awards and the box office this year, except for the stars of the original uta, are mostly present. Other Hollywood stars looking for opportunities are also everywhere.

"I feel that the college is still too conservative. The four films that you personally guided this year have achieved great success at the box office. Except for "Little Ghost 2" is a pure comedy, I think the other three get the best. The nomination of the director is completely fine, especially the "Dark War", it is a pity." Harvey Weinstein fat face to the side of Eric is full of sincerity.

Eric happened to meet with the Weinstein brothers after the Oscar ceremony. He was going to have a chance to talk, but the Weinstein brothers heard the fireflies hold a celebration party and directly took the "My Left Foot" crew. People got together, and although "My Left Foot" won five nominations, but eventually returned empty-handed, the Weinstein brothers canceled the original celebration party, and the "My Left Foot" crew members did not complain.

Eric smiled with red wine in his hand: "Harvey, this is nothing. I am so young now, when there are more opportunities in the future, it is not a good thing to get the award too early. It is easy for one to lose direction and change. Have to stand still."

"No, no." Harvey Weinstein immediately shook his head and said: "Eric, in fact, I think the firefly's tactics have a lot of mistakes, just like the two best script nominations you get. If you let me do it, I will definitely not report a best original script and a best adapted script, not that your script is not good enough, but that the two scripts are good enough, which will make both nominations As for the reason, I think you can definitely think about it now. There is also "The Smell of Women", only got one of the best actor, and some are a pity."

"I think that the performance of Mr. Daniel Day Lewis in "My Left Foot" is also very good. If there is no "Scent of Women", perhaps this best actor should be his," Eric looked at. Not far from Daniel Day Lewis, he continued: "I heard that Daniel was indulging in the role when he was performing. He even regarded himself as a disabled person and often helped to eat."

Harvey Weinstein looked around and only slightly lowered his voice: "Actually. I was originally preparing for the best actor in public relations, because "My Left Foot" is good enough, but it is a British after all. The film, the protagonist of the film is also an Irish artist, so although "My Left Foot" won five nominations, the most likely will only be the best actor, but after the "Scent of Women" appeared I know that Daniel's best actress is definitely not playing. The best film is even less likely. So I changed the PR to the best director. Unfortunately, I finally couldn't compete with Oliver Stone. After all, the other party is the big director of Hollywood for many years. Jim Sheridan is the first to direct the film. After all, this time, Miramax is not lucky."

Eric nodded and nodded, and continued to wait for Harvey to go on. He knew that Harvey had paved so much, certainly not to disclose such a little insider to him.

Sure enough, after a brief pause, Harvey Weinstein used his eyes to look forward to the discussion with a few people. Robert Shea pointed to the finger and said: "Eric, I know the fireflies Oscar. Public relations is led by Mr. Robert Shea, but you also saw a good movie like "Sweet Woman", and compared to "My Left Foot", "Scent of Women" is typical. American values, director Martin Brest's qualifications are enough, have these advantages, and finally only got a best actor award, the best director and best film are passing by, this is a pity Things. If "Sweet Woman" is operated by Miramax, I believe that at least one of the best directors and best films can be won."

After listening to Harvey Weinstein, Eric said with some regrets: "Harvey, you said it makes a lot of sense, but now the fireflies are no longer in the position of Miramax. When I was planning to expand the fireflies, I have investigated some information about Miramax, knowing that your brothers have bought films in Europe or the Far East all the year round and then brought them back to the local distribution. Then, you must have many foundations and contacts abroad. My original plan is, Let Robert Shea be responsible for the North American distribution, and give the expansion of overseas channels to your brothers."

When Harvey Weinstein heard Eric's words, he couldn't help but stick out his tongue and licked his interfering lips. The overseas channel of the firefly movie expanded, which is a very big cake. You know, the first few films that Eric personally directed, the overseas box office and the local box office scores are similar, and even the "Fengyue Beauty" box office overseas is 100 million dollars higher than the local.

The reason why the Weinstein brothers focused on the selection of art films to attack Oscar, in the end, is still lack of strength, gaining fame through winning prizes, and then earning box office and surrounding profits, can be regarded as a method of slanting the sword. After all, Hollywood also has an Oscar every year. If there is a chance to release a big commercial, then the Weinstein brothers will definitely not hesitate to change the route.

"That... Eric, I think now..."

Eric shook his head. "It's too late. Harvey, Firefly and the new line are now integrated. Although I am still the biggest shareholder of Firefly, I must also consider Robert's feelings compared to the current fireflies. The power of Miramax is too weak, and then follow the original plan, then Robert will certainly not want your brothers to split the power to issue this overseas."

Harvey Weinstein's face flashed a trace of loss. Soon it was said: "Eric, actually. I am better at public relations awards, maybe we can..."

"Harvey, you think, so many people are keen on Oscar, what is it for?"

Harvey Weinstein paused and spit out a word: "Benefit."

Eric smiled and said: "You see, this is right. So, any large film company, although they value Oscar, there is no one that puts Oscar in the first place, they make movies. Most of them are also commercial films. Fireflies are also the same, and in the next few years, the main energy of fireflies will be placed on commercial films, and when they have developed to a certain strength and scale, they will be involved in the field of art films. The icing on the cake."

"Eric, don't you think that these two things can go hand in hand?" Harvey said reluctantly.

"Of course it is ok. So, we are still very likely to cooperate, but the merger is impossible. Yes, there is just one lucky film that I am very optimistic about. The producer of this movie is here today. Would you like me to introduce it to you?"

Harvey Weinstein nodded in a lost position, and Eric quickly found Eliza and Julia with Harvey, and the two girls were sitting on a sofa in the corner and whispering something.

"Hey, two beautiful women. Can I sit down?" Eric asked.

When I heard Eric's voice, Julia's body suddenly became stiff. And Elizabeth lifted her calf and smashed it to Eric: "Go away, the ghost."

Eric quickly flashed aside. Looking at the black sharp heel, the heart wiped the cold sweat, and at the same time, he suddenly found that the two women in front of him seemed to have smashed on his calves, and they were still the same one, and it really was a group of people.

"Liz, don't you be so good, I have already said that I am modest, hey, I will introduce you to you."

Elizabeth heard Eric say this, reluctantly stood up, Julia also followed up, his eyes fluttering a few times, only to focus on Eric's face, barely revealing a smile.

Elizabeth looked at the fat man around Eric: "Do you say him, Harvey Weinstein, I know."

Harvey looked at Eric with a puzzled look. Now in Hollywood, it is estimated that there are few women who dare to sneak into Eric without hesitation, so he has a strong curiosity about Elizabeth's identity.

Eric quickly said: "Harvey, this is the second daughter of Elizabeth Murdoch, Mr. Rupert Murdoch."

"Ah, Miss Murdoch, hello, I don't think you know me, it's a great honor," Harvey Weinstein immediately smiled and stretched out the fat big hand.

Elizabeth stunned Harvey with her hand and then turned her eyes to Eric: "Is there anything?"

"This is the case. I think that after the "Silence of the Lamb" is produced, there will definitely be some work in the Oscar next year, and Harvey is very good at public relations in this respect, so I will introduce you to know."

"Oh..." Elizabeth sighed with a long voice, and her expression became slightly angry: "So, the fireflies made money after the release, and then the lottery didn't matter?"

Eric puts his hand: "Of course not, Liz, you must have misunderstood, I mean, Harvey is very good at public relations awards, so I want to give them the public relations of the "Lamb of the Silence" next year, rest assured, All public relations fees are paid by fireflies."

Elizabeth listened to Eric, saying, he snorted and raised his chin. "It's almost the same." The girl finished, turning her eyes to Harvey Weinstein, with an enquiry in her eyes.

Being able to get in touch with the little princess of News Corp., Harvey Weinstein certainly can't ask for it. Although he only listened to some words, Harvey was keenly aware that Elizabeth is now a producer, which is a good opportunity. If you take the relationship and cooperate, with the financial resources of the Murdoch family, will Miramax continue to use this to continue to make small noises?

Thinking of this, Harvey’s face was more diligent, and every pleat on the fat face said with a smile: “I have no problem here, Miss Murdoch, I am honored to be able to cooperate with you.”

When things were finished, Elizabeth waved at Eric and Harvey: "So, if there is nothing else, you can leave."

The two big men suddenly looked at each other, and Harvey thought that this did not leave a contact information. Eric recalled the situation in which the past courts saw the imperial courts and the little eunuchs.

Elizabeth just had to pull Julia to sit down again and suddenly thought of something. He said to Eric: "That, you stay, I still have something to ask you."

Seeing this situation, Harvey can only leave for a while.

After Harvey went away, Elizabeth asked: "Mr. Williams, I heard that "The Ghosts Are Not Already" has already started."

Eric’s mouth was pumped, and he said with a nod: “Yes, Miss Murdoch, do you have any instructions?”

Elizabeth hasn't said anything yet, and Julia has been amused by the two people's gestures and laughed.

The atmosphere was destroyed, and Elizabeth suddenly pretended to be angry with Julia, until Julia giggled and begged for mercy, and Elizabeth was willing to stop.

"Oh, I said, this is a big audience. You should pay attention to the impact."

"You want to manage, you bastard."

"Amount, okay, I don't care, Queen Majesty has something to say," Eric smiled and raised his hand to make a surrender. No way, his eyes fluttered for a while, and he was in debt for a lifetime. I don't know anything about you!

"I mean, the heroine of your lower movie, what do you think of Julia?"

Eric looked at Julia and hesitated to speak. Elizabeth raised her eyebrows: "Don't agree, this role is fixed."

"Liz, don't do this, and I don't want to..." Julia reacted and quickly pulled Elizabeth. Elizabeth appeasefully shot Julia's thigh and said, "Relax, I will be with you when shooting, and I won't give any hateful guy any chance." (To be continued)

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