I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 308: a gas

"Hey, breakfast," Nicole put the trays in front of Eric, and sat down on the other side. ⊙

Eric, who had just sat down at the table, looked at the things in the tray and asked, "Milk, and, I said, I don't like single-sided frying."

"Love not to eat, and, I have a notice to go to New York for a few days, come back, don't come here, you will continue to let the servant help you prepare breakfast." Ni can poke the salad in front of her with a fork Said.

Eric smiled: "I haven't been out yet. Drew left yesterday. Today you are gone. Isn't there me alone in the villa."

"Hey, that's what I am doing, anyway, you beckoning, there will be a woman willing to pounce on," Nicole said discouragedly.

"Okay, okay, I officially apologize for my behavior yesterday, Miss Kidman, forgive me, okay?"

"I don't forgive, you are a jerk, my... that hurts for a long time."

Eric laid out the newspaper on the table and said, "That is not to blame you. If you don't always seize every opportunity to call me, this will not happen."

"You... I don't talk to you," Nicole squinted at her mouth, screaming at the breakfast in front of her, squeaking the vegetable salad bite, as if biting Eric.

In the past, the girl always looked like a steady and steady look. Before Eric hadn't seen the girl's disappointment, this is the first time I saw Nicole playing a little temper. Actually, it looks really cute.

Laughing and getting up, took the milk from the refrigerator and poured a cup for himself, and pushed it to Nicole: "Would you like to drink a glass of milk? If you always eat salad, your body will not hold it. The body is good. How can you suddenly diet?" However, I still prefer the feeling of flesh."

Nicole glanced at Eric again and poured a glass of milk for himself.

Eric laughed, took a few mouthfuls of milk, and ate casually while looking at the newspaper in front of him.

After a while, Eric suddenly put down the tableware in his hand and took a newspaper up. The photos in the newspaper were clear at a glance. It was the scene when he met with Cruise yesterday. The photos were taken through the glass window. Eric and Nicole are just a back view, but the faces of Cruise and Paula Wagner are very clear.

"Tom Cruise criticized "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted" and suspected that Williams would fall out."

"The famous Hollywood director Eric Williams is in the midst of intense preparations, and the candidate for male and female protagonists has become the focus of attention. Yesterday, our reporter found Eric Williams and Tom Cruise Meet at a famous restaurant on Willer Boulevard in Hollywood, suspected that Eric Williams invited Tom Cruise to join his new film actor.

However, things seem to be very unsatisfactory, through the analysis of the lips of Tom Cruise. Our reporter found that the negotiations between the two sides seem to be very unsatisfactory.

Cruise, in the presence of Williams, said that the hero of "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted" is 'very stupid.' Tom Cruise didn't talk too much with Eric Williams about "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted", but instead of Williams's female companion, with Nicole "Sleepless in Seattle" Kidman talked very much. At first, Nicole Kidman was invited to join his new film. He also said that the heroine of "The Ghosts" has no room for play, just a vase that keeps crying.

After Cruise and Paula Wagner and Williams were separated, Williams and Nicole Kidman sat in the seat for a long time. Because of the back, we couldn’t know what the two men discussed, but for a while. After talking about it, Williams immediately got up and Nicole Kidman looked up anxiously.

Looking at the situation, our **** was very dissatisfied with Nicole Kidman's conversation with Tom Cruise, perhaps because she opposed Nicole Kidman's new film in Cruise, and she was angry and left, William. Between Sri Lanka and Nicole Kidman, it is likely that there was a crack because of Tom Cruise. ”

Eric reluctantly read the newspaper several times and handed it to Nicole: "Look, there is something wrong."

Nicole took the newspaper and read it in front of him, and then snorted: "There is nothing wrong with the newspaper, and there has indeed been a crack between us."

"Nicco, in fact, your little temper looks very cute, don't believe you to take a look at the mirror."

"Hey!" The girl snorted and ignored Eric's teasing and continued to eat breakfast.

Eric didn't have the heart of breakfast. Although he didn't care about falling out with Cruise, what happened in the newspaper, about Cruise's evaluation of "The Ghosts" has to cause him. Pay attention to it. If you don't clarify and counterattack as soon as possible, if the media turns their attention to the "Ghosts and Ghosts", it may cause a preconceived notion in the public. It’s too bad to have a reputation for a bad movie before it’s started.

Picking up the newspaper and coming to the living room, dialing Kapoor’s phone and negotiating with the other party, Kapoor said that he would contact the Cruises as soon as possible to make a statement.

There are no comments in the newspaper about Eric and Nicole, indicating that the paparazzi’s paparazzi really only know a part of the conversations in a few words, not recordings. Otherwise, Cruise and Paula Wagner leave. After that, the conversations between Eric and Nicole are more newsworthy and will definitely be exposed.

Putting down the topic, Eric returned to the living room again, and looked at Nicole, who was still eating breakfast slowly. He said: "The tabloid reporters will read the lips. It seems that they should be more careful in the future, even if no one is eavesdropping around. I can't talk indiscriminately."

Nicole rolled her eyes at Eric and ignored it. Eric continued to read the newspaper while eating breakfast. But this meal is not destined to be so calm, Eric quickly saw another pair of men and women in the other newspaper, the man looked attentively, and the girl's face was also a faint smile.

Shaking his head, Eric picked up the newspaper and got up again to go to the living room, dialed a phone call and explained it, and finally returned to the living room. Finish the breakfast.

Have had breakfast. Eric drove Nicole to the airport. Only to the headquarters of the fireflies.

When I came to the company, it was almost ten o'clock, but I just caught up with the meeting with Robert Shea at ten o'clock.

Because of the success of the box office of "Ninja Turtles", these days, Robert Shea’s mood is inevitably different. After all, when the firefly acquired the new line, the market value of the new line was only 150 million US dollars. Robert Shea screamed at Eric. At the time of the disaster, I barely knocked out 10% of the shares from Eric. Increased the total share of fireflies in the share of fireflies to 25%.

But then, "Ninja Turtles" was released. The movie received a $30 million box office in the first week. At the same time, Robert Shea was inevitably caught in a huge loss.

Because if he insisted on not selling new lines, then the success of "Ninja Turtles" will be exclusive to the new line.

Judging from the current box office trend, the film has more than $100 million at the box office without any problems in overseas markets, videotapes and surrounding markets. It’s also very easy to get a total of billions of profits, plus the film can develop a sequel. With this movie alone, the market value of the new line can at least double.

"If you didn't sell much at the beginning," Robert Shea said more than once in private, but everything didn't help.

In a small conference room with fireflies, four people sat down around a small conference table. Robert Shea introduced Eric to the two people around him. "Eric, this is my day." The selected script, you look at it first? Oh, and the two are Ronald Bass and Nancy Price, the screenwriter and author of the original novel."

Eric nodded and took the script and looked at the title of the cover. The eyebrows suddenly provoked and said "sleeping with the enemy."

In memory, this is a movie starring Julia, which looks like the box office is still very good.

"Eric, is there any problem?" Robert Shea saw the strangeness in Eric's expression, thinking that Eric was somewhat dissatisfied with the script, but this time, with the "Ninja Turtle" Pave the way, Robert Shea’s heart is also greatly increased. He even thinks that even if he fails once again, the Ninja Turtle has already turned a lot of money for the fireflies. The money should have been His, therefore, even if Eric is opposed, Robert Shea has no intention of compromising.

Eric shook his head: "Nothing." After that, Eric let go of the script and quickly flipped through the page.

After a few minutes, Eric watched the script and looked up at Robert Shea. "Robert, are you sure you want to make this movie?"

Robert Shea definitely nodded. "Eric, you said before, I won't intervene and I will pick the script. If I choose, you will sign it."

Eric heard the unwillingness of Robert Shea’s tone. Of course, he could understand why he smiled and said: "Of course, I will definitely speak, this thriller script is not bad, right. Do you have an actor?"

Robert Shea had already planned to dispute with Eric. Seeing that Eric did not mention any objections this time, the original inexplicable atmosphere could not be vented, and suddenly became awkward and silent, but Immediately said: "Yes, this is why I came here with Ronald Bass and Nancy Price. Ronald, for you."

Ronald Road, who has been sitting next to Robert Shea: "Mr. Williams, this is the case. After the script was written, I and Nancy agreed that the film was starred by Ms. Julia Roberts. Best, but we sent out an invitation, but Ms. Julia Roberts’s agent refused directly, and Mr. Shay said maybe you can help.”

"Robert, what do you mean?" Eric looked at Robert Shea again.

Robert Shea nodded. "I also think that Ms. Julia Roberts is the most suitable actress in this movie. I also personally called Kapoor Sid, but Kapoor said Julia. Ms. doesn't like this script, so she doesn't want to play. I think, with your relationship with Julia, you should be able to help persuade."

Eric Momo looked at the script for a while before nodding his head: "Well, I will try."

"Eric, we don't know your relationship with Julia, so please give me an accurate answer?" Robert Shea continued.

Eric picked up his eyebrows and thought about it. He nodded. "Well, I promise that Julia will play, but in terms of pay, you need to talk to Kapoor personally. Now uta is gone, I am with Kapoor is only a good friend relationship, so it is impossible to slap on Julia's pay."

"This is no problem at all," said Robert Shea. "Yes, this movie, I have a preliminary estimate. The budget is about $30 million. I am also planning to find a star of the a star to play."

Eric thought a little about the script he had just seen, and recalled the movie in his mind. He knew that the movie would have cost less than $30 million.

Looking at Robert Shea, who was eager to try to argue with himself, Eric chuckled and said, "Okay, $30 million."

Robert Shea’s savings were nowhere to vent again, and some irritatedly took a few cups of coffee in front of the cup. I don’t know why, he’s so excited today that he wants to quarrel with Eric. , or something else, but to the present position, Eric does not give him any chance.

"Ronald, Nancy, you should go to my office for a while, I will discuss some other things with Eric, and I will talk to you about the movie in a while."

"Okay, Mr. Shay," the two men were also the task of humanity training, and realized that the atmosphere between the two was not too harmonious, so they quickly left the office.

"Eric, about the overseas release of "Ninja Turtles", I think, it is best to give Disney the best distribution, Michael Eisner opened a high division, if you follow the plan, we do it ourselves In that case, I think we will earn at least $10 million less.” When the two went out, Robert Shea talked about the release of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

“Miss Eisner is in contact with you?” Eric asked in surprise.

"Of course," Robert Shea seems to feel that she caught the dissatisfaction in Eric's tone and immediately said: "Eric, I know that Michael Eisner did target you some time ago, but things have passed. Moreover, you also accepted the script of "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted", I think, this matter can be over. Moreover, my contact with Michael Eisner is also for the benefit of fireflies." (To be continued Search for astronomical literature, novels are better updated faster!

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