I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 317: Small vase

After breakfast, Eric took the girl to the manor outside, and a red and white Bell helicopter had already docked on the helipad.

The helicopter pilot saw Eric appearing and quickly jumped off the helicopter and walked over to the two. This is a tall white man with a size of nearly two meters. His face is faintly sly, his eyes are sharp, his words and demeanor. There are quite a few military styles, and it is estimated that the other party must be a veteran.

"Hello, Mr. Williams, I am Mark Bierman," said the tall man, walking to Eric and Famik Jensen himself.

"Hello, Mr. Bierman," Eric shook hands with the other side: "I must have known your mission?"

"Of course," Mark Bierman nodded and said to Famik Jensen: "Miss Jensen, come with me."

"Eric, I still think..." The girl looked at the helicopter and turned to Eric, still hesitating.

Eric licked the girl and kissed her on the other face: "Well, Fami, it's nothing, you will get used to it later."

"Miss Jensen, are you worried about airsickness? This can be assured that it takes only over ten minutes from here to Calabasas, very quickly."

See Mark Bierman opening, Famik Jensen did not say anything else, otherwise it would make Eric embarrassed, and soon the girl boarded the helicopter.

Eric stepped back and waved at the girl who was slowly taking off. He watched the helicopter drift away and eventually turned into a little white point, but he thought he might hire a dedicated helicopter team. This can save a lot of time between urban areas.

Moreover, helicopters are much cheaper than private jets. The price of a helicopter is only equivalent to a premium sports car. Even if you hire a team responsible for helicopter driving and maintenance, you can't spend much money a year. What's more, this can also protect your own *, the paparazzi are even more powerful. It is not realistic to chase a helicopter.

Back at the villa, Eric walked to the vicinity of the two-seat space chair last night. Seeing that there are still scattered red silks and debris, it is obvious that this is the expensive evening dress 'wreck' last night. I randomly pick up the scattered fabric and gather it into the trash. Eric walks up. Sitting down in the space chair, looking at the sponge outside the window, I was thinking about what happened yesterday.

Since some determination has been made, Eric will not intend to change it. Those women in the past. Even including Drew, Eric often said that they are 'you are my woman', but if they are determined to leave him, Eric does not have much to stop, the two are human Originally, he was very open to many things, but now he has decided not to let this happen.

Eric is determined to gather all the women he sees. This is not a delusion. He can give everything they want. Whether it is material or fame, the woman who can enter Hollywood. Isn't the pursuit of name and benefit?

Therefore, he gives them everything they want, then they must also give him what he wants. This is an equivalent exchange, very fair. Of course, all of this is based on strength, when Eric has enough power in Hollywood. Those who took what they wanted but didn't want to pay. Be sure to take a good look at this consequence.

Famik Jensen is the first of his plans to get along with him for a long time. Eric also almost figured out the character of this tall girl, proud, independent, and some feminist tendencies, but at the same time, Famik Jensen is also eager for Hollywood's bustling luxury, which is also the girl's breakfast time. In the end, there was no reason to reject Eric’s Beverly property.

Without Eric, it may take a long time for the girl to get it all. Former Famik Jensen has been in the position of a second-line actor in Hollywood, although he appeared in the "X-Men" series of piano. But compared to the big vase of Harry Berry, who plays the storm girl, the girl can only be regarded as a small vase. In the end, the girl in memory finally turned to the American TV series with many star-studded stars in Hollywood.

Now, although Famek Jensen played the heroine of "X-Files" under the arrangement of Eric, this TV series will definitely have a profound impact on the actor's image, but as long as Eric is willing, girl It is very easy to transform the big screen, and even the size screen can be developed at the same time.

Of course, if you want to get all of this, there must be a premise.

Thinking for a while, Eric smiled and got up.

Now, it's time to solve the problem of another woman.


Jennifer Connelly woke up very early, pulling the quilt and looking at the bedroom in confusion, with some dull pain after the hangover.

As a girl, she quickly realized that it was obviously a girl's room, and that there was no trace of infringement on her body. This discovery made her feel relieved.

There are only a few fuzzy segments in her mind, and it is difficult for her to remember what happened last night. She only remembers that she was a little sad, so she drank a lot of wine and was drunk.

Then, there is no more, and when I wake up, I find myself appearing here.

The faint morning light is gradually replaced by sunlight, and the bedroom is getting brighter and brighter, and it is difficult to block the curtains.

When she was at a loss, the bedroom door was pushed open, and she quickly pulled up the quilt and wrapped herself up, looking at the door a little.

The girl in dark blue long-sleeved t-shirt and jeans came in and saw her squinting and smiling, revealing two rabbit teeth: "Miss Connelly, are you awake?"

Jennifer Connelly vaguely remembered that this girl should be the daughter of Francis Coppola, Sophia Coppola, who had just met each other before she arrived at the party last night.

"Hello, Miss Coppola, please, here is..."

"This is my home, you were drunk last night, Eric let you sleep here."

Eric, Eric Williams.

She soon remembered that the young figure that she saw far away last night, I heard Sophia Coppola just say, I don't know why, Jennifer Connelly suddenly felt a little wronged, and then tears came out.

"What's wrong with you, is it still uncomfortable? You were really fierce last night. If it wasn't Eric, you might be..." Seeing the girl instantly became a tearful look, Sophia Coppola asked with concern Dao, soon, the girl felt that it was better not to mention the last night.

"I'm fine," Jennifer Connelly shook her head and hesitated before asking, "Where... what about him?"

"He? Oh, you mean Eric, he goes back," Sophia Coppola said.

The girl shrank in the quilt, and it was difficult to suppress a disappointment in her heart.

After saying a few words, Sophia Coppola sat down on the side of the dresser and sat down at the bedside. Some gossip asked: "Hey, Jane, what are you and Eric? It’s a matter of fact, he made a big fire for you last night. He almost hit the person who brought you. Everyone can see that he likes you very much. However, he said that he has not seen it for a year. is you?"

Jennifer Connelly heard this and groaned, but just shook her head, did not answer, she did not know how to answer.

Seeing the girl is not willing to say that Sofia is not reluctant, and then said: "Right, when he left last night, he turned out your address book, called a person named Jim Rest, and let the other party ten Go and find him, is Jim Rester your agent?"

The girl squatted again, whispered, and her heart raised a faint expectation. This expectation was not for her acting career, but because she heard that guy was still paying attention to herself.

Sophia Coppola said, a maid knocked at the door of the bedroom and said, "Miss, it’s time to have breakfast."

"Oh, let's come right now," the girl said, only to Jennifer Connelly. "Get up, let's go to the restaurant."

After more than ten minutes, Sophia took a simple wash and Jennifer Connelly came to the restaurant downstairs. At this time, there were several people in the restaurant, Francis Coppola, Sophia’s brother Roman Copo Pull, and Nicholas Cage, who didn't leave last night.

Seeing her daughter pulling Jennifer Connelly into the restaurant, Francis Coppola greeted her face and said, "Good morning, Miss Connelly, is it better to rest last night?"

"Very good, thank you for your concern, Mr. Coppola," Connery said cautiously, and nodded to the rest of the restaurant.

In a brief conversation last night, Francis Coppola looked at her with a look of a beautiful vase. Now, the tone of the conversation is like a harmonious elder, which makes Connery somewhat flattered. The girl is not aware. What to do next, but has been taken to the table by Sophia, the servant skillfully divided the two for breakfast.

"So, Sofia, do you really want to listen to the kid's words, do not play the role of Mary Corleone?" Francis Coppola and other two women sat down and quickly transferred the topic to the little daughter.

When I heard this, Connery suddenly raised a small ear. She was keenly aware that the kid in the mouth of Francis Coppola should be Eric Williams. Sophia soon confirmed Her guess.

"I think Eric is very reasonable. I didn't have any experience in film performance before. I don't want to ruin my father's efforts for my sake." (To be continued)

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