I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 320: Hang up

"Although the model effects are still the mainstream technology used in special effects movies, I am sure that from ten years to more than twenty years, cg special effects will definitely replace the model effects as the mainstream of special effects movies. About a decade ago, industrial light The devil made a full cg scene in the movie, and in Jim’s Abyss last year, even the full cg role has appeared. These are the most intuitive expressions of this trend,” said Clarke Restaurant. Eric is talking to Stan Winston and James Cameron on the opposite side.

Although both of them are special effects artists, in terms of professional special effects technology, Eric is certainly not able to make a big step. However, the identity of Eric's traversal makes his development of film special effects clearer than that of the opposite person. Therefore, after finding the topic, it is easy to get the initiative of the conversation.

"Eric, I don't agree with you. Although the scenes that cg effects can achieve are more diverse, it is still too expensive. In comparison, the model effects are much cheaper. You must know Jim's production. Terminator, the movie cost only $6.5 million. If you use cg special effects, maybe the $6.5 million will not cost enough for special effects," Stan Winston retorted.

"This is of course, I just said that cg special effects are the most important development trend of film special effects, but the model special effects will always play its useful role, say..." Eric suddenly turned to James Cameron without incident: Jim, have you ever thought about making a sequel to Terminator? I remember you said in an interview that you have a lot of regrets in the first Terminator."

Upon hearing this question, James Cameron and Stan Winston looked at each other in unison. Several people have been talking for more than half an hour, and the lunch is almost finished. James Cameron didn’t know it. How to raise this topic. I didn't expect Eric to ask for it.

"Eric, actually, I have already written the second script. But I am still looking for investors," James Cameron pretended to say. Although he is known as a tyrant on the studio, James Cameron is not a hot temper in peacetime. When the film is invested, the small means of playing is not lacking. Otherwise, it is impossible for the past life to overspend again. Get investment again and again.

Eric certainly understands the care of James Cameron, and. He also knows the situation of James Cameron. Although Cameron has not evolved into a card **** of later generations, as a passerby, Eric pays special attention to this name, and he keeps it everyday. Reading the good habits of reading magazines, I know a lot about the dynamics of Hollywood, so there will occasionally be news of James Cameron in the newspaper, Eric will subconsciously look at his eyes and keep in mind.

James Cameron’s "Abyss" made last year cost $70 million, just twice as much as Warner’s global sale of Batman last year, although it ended up with a series of praises and Oscar nominations. But the box office was very miserable. North America only got more than 50 million box office, while overseas box office only had 30 million dollars. The box office is not good, and the corresponding perimeter will certainly not be too good, so the film brought a loss of more than 30 million US dollars for Fox.

This is the only movie in the memory of Eric, James Cameron that makes investors lose money.

After being smashed, Fox could certainly not invest in Cameron’s new movie, not to mention the more expensive “Terminator 2”, although the film’s first box office was good, but This is not enough for Fox to take risks again, and the other six major studios that have not worked much with Cameron are even less likely to save money.

In memory. "Terminator 2" is a solitary film company called Caroca, which sold for about $100 million, and eventually got more than 500 million box office worldwide. For this movie destined to sell, although the investment is higher. But Eric is definitely not going to let it go, and he doesn't even want to let Cameron himself.

After calculating it, Eric continued to ask: "Jim, if you can, can you briefly talk about the story of Terminator 2?"

When James Cameron saw Eric interested in the film, he suddenly had a glimmer of hope: "Of course, please keep it secret, don't reveal it."

"That's for sure," Eric nodded, and Jennifer Connelly, who was very diligently doing vases next to him, said: "Jane..."

The girl smiled and smiled, revealing two small tiger teeth: "Do not worry, I will not."

"Then, the story is probably like this..." James Cameron simply said the first draft of his own outline, and heard that James Cameron’s idea of ​​liquid metal robots was narrowed by Jennifer Connelly. An incredibly surprised look.

There is already a complete movie in Eric’s memory, and James Cameron has no talent in telling stories in words, so he doesn’t show any strange look, just listening to Cameron’s narrative Occasionally, some differences between the Cameron story outline and the film are found. For example, in Cameron’s story outline, Linda Hamilton’s Sarah Connor is not locked into a mental hospital.

Of course, this is just a small and insignificant little detail, and in the whole process of the story, Cameron and Stan Winston have been silently paying attention to Eric's look and found that Eric's expression has not changed much, Cameron's heart Suddenly it feels a little bad. A story can't be of interest to investors, so the chances of getting an investment are slim.

"Jim, according to your idea, the cost of this movie is definitely not low. Have you ever made a preliminary budget?" Erick asked when Cameron finished.

"I have done it, although the liquid metal robot's conception cost may be a little bigger, but I only need seven... no, 60 million, I only need 60 million dollars to shoot this movie, liquid metal Robots don't have to use computer cg all the time. Some scenes can still use relatively cheap models. I have discussed with Stan," Cameron said, finally, unconsciously, he actively promoted to Eric. The pretense of pretend was also left behind. After all, among the people he knew, Eric was most likely to get the money. The funds for the fireflies that have been released before and after the Christmas file last year have already begun to be returned. Together with the videotapes and other surrounding areas, at least 400 million U.S. dollars can be raised for fireflies.

Stan Winston quickly added: "Yes, Eric, part of the scenario, we can replace with mercury or models, and a $60 million investment is enough."

Sixty million you can shoot out to see the ghost!

Eric’s heart twitched and his face became dignified: “60 million, almost ten times the previous investment. Fireflies have never operated such a big investment movie.”

"Eric, believe me, this movie will definitely not let you down..."

Cameron has to continue to say something, but was interrupted by Eric. Since James Cameron has not yet found an investor, it is still necessary to hang the appetite of the card god. It is too easy to get the investment card. Mellon’s squandering is even more unscrupulous, and Eric has just made plans to let Jeffrey be the producer of Terminator 2, but he will soon give up, and Jeffrey’s thrift and Cameron’s squandering are just two. At the extreme, it’s strange to put them together and don’t fight them.

"Sorry, Jim, I need to think carefully. The $60 million investment is not a small amount. Or let's talk about today's business, Stan, I think you must have guessed something. I plan to set up a film special effects company and want to invite. You and your team will join, and in the future this film company will be responsible for the special effects of most of the fireflies."

Stan Winston was not angry because Cameron was rejected. Eric's cautious reaction to Terminator 2 was almost doomed. If he agreed immediately, it would be abnormal: "Eric, why? Me, I mean, there are many excellent special effects teams in Hollywood?"

Eric remembered a sentence that Stan Winston had said in his previous life, and smiled and replied: "Because they are doing special effects, but you are using special effects."

Stan Winston had some movements, and this sentence just touched the most sensitive nerve in Stan Winston's heart. Once upon a time, Stan Winston's ideal was to be a film actor, but the ideal and reality are always different. After graduating from college, Stan Winston opened his own Winston studio after three years of makeup apprentices at Disney. Later, he discovered that he did not seem to completely renounce his ideals. He is playing with himself, but he is using special effects. Therefore, over the years, Stan Winston has always maintained the original passion for film special effects, and is often even described as ‘crazy’.

This consistent enthusiasm for film special effects is the most important factor in the success of Stan Winston. To be honest, if there is no Stan Winston, James Cameron can’t use 650 anyway. Ten thousand dollars to shoot the classic "Terminator".

You know, because of the serious lack of funds, the Terminator robot in the first part is just a simple metal model, without any mechanical kinetic energy device. Therefore, the special effects lens of the robot movement in the movie is almost frame-by-frame similar to the freeze frame. The animation method is taken, the film is 24 frames per second, and the one minute is 1440 frames. The number of pictures is several minutes. The workload is so complicated. If there is not enough faith and enthusiasm in the heart, No one can persist. (To be continued)

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