I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 326: I only have this.

Although Eric tried to be active, but because of the girl's absent-mindedness, the atmosphere was always awkward.

After dinner, Eric looked at the girl who had cleaned up the mess and got up and said: "It’s not early, I think I should go back."

"You didn't drive, how come back?" asked the girl faintly.

Eric coughed twice and was about to say something. Joanna Pakula suddenly said, "Can you watch TV for a while?"

Eric’s look moved, nodded lightly, and sat back on the sofa honestly.

The girl packed the cutlery and then got into the bathroom. The soundproofing effect of the small apartment was very poor. Eric could clearly hear the sound of the water inside, and the heart suddenly produced a strange sway.

After a while, the girl was covered in a pink bathrobe, wet hair draped out of the bathroom, and turned off the light of the living room, the living room suddenly left only the flashing light of the TV.

Eric silently watched the girl turn off the TV set. After a while, a soft, naked, soft body leaned over and slammed on Eric, whispering: "I have heard of you." thing."

“Well?” Eric felt that the atmosphere was a little floating now, and the subconscious asked in confusion.

"About your business," Joanna Pakula repeated, and the movements on her hands did not stop. Eric's shirt button was untied, and the small tongue was gently swayed on Eric's cheek. Down, my mouth said intermittently: "I... I only have this, my... my requirements are not high."

Eric took a deep breath and took the initiative to take the girl's slender waist and pressed the other on the sofa and kissed him deeply.

The sun was shark by a slightly taller building outside the window, and there was only a chance to squeeze the analysis and drill through the curtains into the narrow bedroom. Although not too big a bed makes Eric feel a bit awkward, but the faint scent of the surrounding woman is a good combination of his emotions.

A long, light brown hair leans against her chest, and the woman's body is actually very tall. It was only less than ten centimeters lower than Eric, but it was shrunk in Eric's chest. But like a little girl, Eric's chest skin can clearly feel the faint heat of the girl's breathing.

Carefully rubbing the smooth back of the girl in the arms, Eric thought about whether it should be up now, the watch was placed on the bedside table, he was afraid that his movements were too big to disturb the girl, because he did not get it, so he did not know what it is. What time is it, though. I was a little crazy last night, and I didn’t go to sleep until one o'clock in the morning. It is definitely not early.

No mobile phone, although because of the filming of "The Dark War", Motorola provided him several ac, only a little bigger than the palm, but compared with the previous mobile phone is still very stupid, he does not like to take.

It is estimated that many people are now rushing to find him everywhere.

Joanna Pakula in her arms moved and opened her eyes, feeling that she was shrinking into a man's arms. After a brief fascination, it quickly rang the last night.

"i’m-sorry, Eric. What time is it?" The girl looked up and asked slyly.

Eric saw the girl woke up and took the watch on the bedside table with confidence: "9:40."

"It's been so late," the girl sighed, but did not rush to get out of bed, her body upright, pillowed on Eric's arm, and looked at Eric with a beautiful peach eye.

"Don't want to get up?" Eric asked curiously.

The girl shook her head: "Just, I don't know what to do when I get up."

"It's not good. If you don't have a goal, people will be easy to get old," Eric said softly.

"Oh, I am really much bigger than you." The girl said.

Eric comfortably groped for the girl's back: "You look like me, up to twenty-five."

"But after all, it is not twenty-five years old."

Eric kissed the girl's lips: "Well, don't talk about these sad things. If you don't want to get up, let's do something meaningful."

"Well... what?" The girl still didn't react, and she felt that she was under the arm of Eric, and she snorted in a short sigh. The girl quickly grabbed Eric's waist and slightly opened her mouth. , bear the impact of men.

"Yes, Allen, of course I am fine. I will go to the airport on time in the afternoon. You go to Malibu and let... people help me pack some luggage... Yes, there are people, you will know when you go... Also, buy another ticket."

Putting down the phone, Eric looked at the woman who was already dressed: "Go to New York with me, I have already helped people buy tickets."

Joanna Pakula hesitated: "You are going to make a movie, what am I going to do?"

"I have helped you think about the position, be my life assistant."

"Life Assistant?" The girl asked again, thought about it, or nodded: "Well, as you arrange, anyway, I have nothing in Los Angeles, but, my agent?"

“What do you think of your agent?” Eric asked.

"Alright," said the girl.

"Don't use this kind of uncertain tone, I mean, if you feel good, leave it, if you feel bad, fire him."

Joanna Pakula almost didn't think much, and quickly said: "That's still... fire it."

"This is over," Eric said with a smile. "Now call him, he is fired, then you are free, we go to New York."

"But... life assistant?"

Eric walked up to reveal the girl's waist: "Why, you don't want to?"

"No, I am just...somewhat scared." The girl blinked and said.

"afraid of what?"

Joanna Pakula hesitated, only slightly closed her eyes: "I am afraid that you just want to play with me, and when you are tired of playing, you will no longer care for me."

Eric pretended to be angry and said: "Do you think I am the kind of person?"

"Because I don't know, I am scared. I just want to settle down. You are the big boss of the fireflies. Help me arrange a movie and let me stabilize my career in Hollywood. This is not a high requirement. I promise that I won’t be entangled in you anymore, if you want to... I can still find me."

Eric listened to the girl and said, she only held the girl in her arms: "Do not worry, you will definitely not do this again, although you do not believe it, but I still promise that you can definitely become Hollywood. The top big star, the next movie, I will let you be my heroine." (To be continued)

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