I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 330: Not going to reason

"My reward, Eric, $20," Ivanka said bluntly, Lolita's little fanatics amused everyone around.

Eric also laughed, reached out and touched the wallet in his pocket, and curiously asked: "Ini, what do you want money to do?"

"I don't like Dad. I decided not to spend any more money in the future. I want to stand alone," Ivanka said.

Donald Trump, who was standing next to him, slammed his forehead, but his face was smiling.

Eric looked at Donald Trump and put the wallet he had just picked up in his hand. He asked again: "But, your tuition and meals are all your father's money?"

"I checked, this is my father's obligation as a father, but other than that, I don't want to spend my father's money anymore. You see, the rabbit puppet is what I bought to clean the room and make money," Ivan Na still said in a serious way, the serious little looks very cute, the bright eyes of the crystal are staring at Eric's wallet, as if afraid of Eric will pay the bill.

Eric looked down in the wallet and took out a $100 bill and handed it over: "Get it, the extra part is the reward for your outstanding performance."

"Don't let me be a child, my father has done this, I don't want to swear, $20 for $20."

The crowd watching the crowd finally laughed.

"Okay, okay," Eric shook his head with a smile and opened the wallet to find it, only to find that there was only a stack of hundred dollar bills inside: "Ini, you see that I have no change, what do you say? ”

Although the people around him must have a US$20 bill, Eric will show his wallet in front of Ivanka and want to tease the little girl.

Ivanka carefully explored the small head and looked at Eric's wallet. Suddenly, as the daughter of Donald Trump, the little girl has lived a life of worry-free life. Anyone who wants something will be bought for her, so there is little contact with money.

Because the parents suddenly divorced some time ago. Ivanka only came up with the idea of ​​making money. Now, in the face of such a 'complex' problem that I have never experienced before, I don’t know how to deal with it. Therefore, the little girl subconsciously looks at her father.

"Ini, if you want me to help, you have to pay the consulting fee, $20," Donald Trump said with a sigh of relief.

Ivanka glanced at his father angrily. Look at Eric again.

"$20," Ivanka repeated, and then his eyes looked at Eric without hesitation. Obviously, Little Loli was not going to reason.

Eric saw the deputy director gesturing to himself, saying that the next shot was ready, so there was no time to jok with Ivanka and put the $100 bill into Ivanka: "Hey, $100. Take it, the remaining 80 dollars will be the advance payment, and then you will be a guest four times in my movie."

Ivanka is dissatisfied with the return of Eric to the money in his hand. I heard the other person say this, thinking about it with a small head, I think this idea is actually good. The most important thing is that Eric didn't accept his ‘consultation fee’ like his own abominable father, so he nodded cheerfully: “No problem, but only four times.”

"Of course," Eric nodded, looking at Ivanka's small appearance, inexplicably remembering an old man who was always in a superhero movie, if there was always a puppet in his movie. The little girl who is a ghost is also very interesting, isn’t it?

After the shooting work starts again. Donald Trump also took his daughter away with great interest, the next few days. The exterior scene has basically been filmed, and Eric has started the most important indoor scenes.

The Sam and Molly homes are located in an apartment in Soho, Manhattan, New York. The Soho district was originally an old industrial area in New York. Later, due to the decline of manufacturing in New York, there were a lot of factory buildings vacant for a while. Because of the cheap rent, many types of art creators who came to New York to pursue their dreams. I gathered here and rented a cheap factory as my own studio. With decades of development, Soho has gradually become synonymous with contemporary art, and the concept of soho has spread throughout the era. world.

Molly is an artist in "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted", so the two live here are also very consistent with the identity of the play.

Because of the reports of the plane crash in the TV set, Sam’s pessimistic words caused Molly to lose sleep. Therefore, the girl got up and started to make ceramics alone, and Sam, who woke up in the middle, found her lover to leave and came to Molly. Studio.

Immediately, it also created the most classic drama in "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted."

"This scene I want to be able to shoot has some stage effect, the most important thing is the light, this scene is probably divided into two games, the first is to pull the embryo scene, here, you see, although there is a light here, but I I don't need it to come in handy in the lens, all I need is a top light effect. As for the second part, what I need is a high contrast lighting effect," Eric walked around the room with the crew's lighting engineer. Said, and the lighting engineer said that it is clear and easy to understand.

After some explanation, Eric went to the side of Nicholas Cage and Brigitte Fonda who were preparing. The original Cage was chatting with Brigitte Fonda easily. It can be seen that the two There are some relatives in the relationship. In fact, this is exactly what Eric needs. As a touching romantic film, if the hero and the hero do not call, unless the two actors’ acting skills reach a certain level, otherwise it is for the movie. A disaster.

This is also the case, although Brigitte Fonda is very beautiful, Eric has not shot as before, he needs the heroine to keep the call status with the actor.

In terms of movies and women, Eric has always been able to distinguish between primary and secondary relationships. In Eric's mind, the film has always been the most important, which is the foundation of his standing in Hollywood. As long as he can achieve enough in the film, then chasing a woman is just a matter of hand.

When I saw Eric coming over, the two people who were chatting were involuntarily trying to get up.

"Nothing, sit down," Eric waved his hand, pulled a chair and sat down opposite the two, casually saying, "What are you talking about?"

The two looked at each other and Brigitte said: "Cage said that there is a famous British troupe on Broadway that will perform "Hamlet" and ask if I want to see it." (To be continued)

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