I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 338: Dumb bomb

At the end of May, "Ghosts and Ghosts" was officially sealed in Manhattan, New York, and Eric returned to Los Angeles with the crew to start post-production.

At the same time, as the North American primary, middle and primary schools began to take off, the summer program in 1990 officially arrived.

On May 25th, Universal Pictures' "Back to the Future 3" and Disney's "Viacock Attack" released by Bo Wei International were released in more than 2,000 theaters.

The film "Back to the Future 3" was quite rushed. After all, "Back to the Future 2" was released at the end of last year. As for the reason, it was almost exactly the same as last year's restart of the "Ghostbusters" series in Colombia. The acquisition of global parent company mca and the Japanese Panasonic consortium has entered the final stage. In order to sell mca for a good price, Universal Pictures needs better performance support.

Because of the time constraints, although this "Back to the Future 3" was produced by Spielberg as the producer, directed by Robert Zemikis, but after the film was released, it was criticized by many film critics, even if there is a large part of the series of **** Fans support that they still only got a $19 million box office for the first three days of the weekend.

However, if compared with another movie released in the same period, the results of "Back to the Future 3" can only be described with a bright eye.

That is Disney's "Firebird Attack", which is a story about the American Apache helicopter pilots. Compared with the controversy over the quality of the "Back to the Future 3" film, after a hot publicity, After the release, "Firebird Attack" immediately became a dud, not a lot of splashes.

The film is very similar to Tom Cruise’s fame in the world’s $350 million box office, so the film was occasionally mentioned by film critics, and only a comment on the poor imitation of Zhuang Zhi Ling Yun .

The same 2,000 theaters, "Firebird Attack" only got a poor $6 million box office, the box office results for fans who signed a two- to three-week release with Disney fans complained. Three weeks later, the $30 million film will face the fate of the downside, counting the cost of the issue. The film will bring Disney a loss of at least $30 million.

Disney's first summer cannon became a dud, and Eric should have been very schadenfreaked. Because of the movie's actor, Eric is not happy.

Because this 3,000-dollar movie actor is Nicholas Cage, Eric’s actor, "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted."

On the morning of May 29th, when Eric and the "Ghosts" were just out of the Los Angeles airport, they were blocked by a large group of paparazzi, and they asked Eric about the "Firebird Attack". . Eric got up early in the morning and flew back to Los Angeles. He still knew nothing about the "Firebird Attack". How can there be any opinion, plus the paralyzed trap of the dog-claw problem, Eric is even more unlikely to cope with it, only to silently leave under the protection of the bodyguard.

But his silence was obviously not a good idea. The next day, the tabloid appeared, 'Williams was asked about the cold face of "The Firebird Attack", the article from Eric talked about Nicholas. Cage, soon turned his target to the late "Ghosts".

Just as there are examples of the "back to the future 3" rush to make the box office unsatisfactory, many media have begun to question the quality of the film "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted".

When things got bouncing, Eric had left Los Angeles to fly to San Francisco.

after all. This kind of thing can only be dealt with by Firefly and Disney's propaganda department. Eric only needs to let the agent make some statements. I believe that Disney has just experienced a box office failure, and certainly will not be taken lightly in "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted".

Although Los Angeles to San Francisco is not too far away. It only takes more than an hour to fly, but since it has been busy, Eric has not been here for more than a year, and last time came to buy Pixar.

Over the past year or so, Eric of Pixar’s affairs has been handed over to John Lasseter. The two of them communicated by telephone most of the time. Even if they need to discuss in person, they are all John R. Go to Los Angeles.

Because Eric did not hesitate to inject money, Pixar is no longer a shabby animation studio in the small building of Richmond, San Francisco.

At this time, Pixar headquarters has moved to a small town called Emeryville near Berkeley. The number of employees has increased to more than 300, and the team of engineers dedicated to technical support for 3D animation has more than 100 people. Compared to the Pixar scale at the time of the acquisition, it is no exaggeration for the current team to describe it with luxury.

"John. Compared to Steve Jobs, my boss is like an angel, right?" Hearing with John La Sette, who was out of the Pixar office building, Eric said the first sentence.

"Of course, Eric, let's go in." John Lasseter knew that Eric was joking with himself, and after shaking hands with Allen and Joanna behind Eric, John Lasseter said "Of course, Eric, let's go in."

Eric followed John La Sette into the office building and pretended to be unhappy: "But, "Toy Story" I originally only promised to invest 30 million, but now, the money you spend is close to 30 million. I didn't even see the shadow of the cartoon."

Even if John Rissett knew that Eric was not blaming him, he was still a bit stunned. The first part of the previous Toy Story was completed under extremely difficult circumstances, so the cost was only $30 million. Many details. It’s done quite rough.

After receiving sufficient financial support from Eric, John Lasseter’s perfectionist tendency as an artist has almost become a positive thing.

So the animation is now two-thirds complete, but the cost is close to $30 million. Fortunately, John Lasseter is not as squandered as Cameron. After all, he is not 100% ok on 3D animation. Confidence, in order to minimize the impact and loss that may be caused by failure in the future, John Lassett consumes funds to be very restrained.

In the past life, because of the success of the first part of "Toy Story", the cost of the second part directly rose to 100 million US dollars, and the cost of the third part was as high as 200 million. Thus, in the pursuit of perfection, John as the director La Sette is a type of person with James Cameron, he is just as crazy as Cameron. (To be continued)

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