I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 342: depressed

After spending an afternoon in the "Instinct" studio, I checked the progress of the film. Eric stayed at the hotel where the "Instinct" crew lived. The crew also specially held a small reception.

The next morning, Eric left the instinct crew to attend a small high-level regular meeting at Cisco's San Jose headquarters in the southern San Francisco Bay, and then hurried back to Los Angeles.

Less than two days after he left Los Angeles, he received no more than ten calls to urge him to go back. Most of them were inside the fireflies, which made Eric's resentment against Robert Shea deeper.

As the firefly ceo, these should be things that Robert Shea has to deal with. The current affairs of the fireflies are not too complicated. As long as they have a little thought, they can take care of these things.

However, to disappoint Eric, Robert Shea has put more energy into his personal filming of "The Sleeping with the Enemy", all about Robert "The Sleeping with the Enemy". Xie Yi is personally involved. It is estimated that this is the only project that Eric in the Firefly Film Company does not have to worry about. If Eric is very satisfied with the film after reading the preliminary clip of the donkey, he is estimated to be with Robert. Shee turned her face.

It is a normal phenomenon for executives of the Hollywood Film Company to stabilize their position by operating successful film projects. Therefore, Robert Shea pays so much attention to the behavior of the movie "Sleeping with the Enemy". Not difficult to understand.

However, Robert Shea’s behavior is completely contrary to Eric’s plan. What he doesn't know is that if he can fully devote himself to the company's business, he will definitely become one of the most powerful people in Hollywood in the future. But Robert Shea wants to prove himself by making a movie, and wants to take part of the power that is not his own. This behavior makes Eric more and more intolerable.

Fly to the plane in Los Angeles. Eric Eyebrows wrinkled and thought about how to solve the current situation of fireflies. Joanna Pakula’s soft voice came from the ear: “Eric, would you like something to drink?”

Eric looked to the side, a blonde stewardess staring at herself with a smile. There is a small cart in front of it.

"Give me a cup of pure water."

The blonde stewardess nodded and handed over the glass of water for Eric. Eric reached for the hand and his arm crossed Joanna's chest. The girl subconsciously shrank back and forth, seemingly trying to melt the whole body into the seat.

After the flight attendant left, Eric was helpless: "Joe, relax a little, I am not a tiger. I didn't mean it last night. I drink a little."

Joanna Pakula’s face was red, and she remembered the picture she saw last night.

It was after the small inauguration of the "Instinct" crew for the script of Eric. Because of the feeling of being tired, Joanna left in advance. When she left, Eric directly put her room card in her hand, meaning Needless to say, the girl was very obedient to pick it up and returned to Eric's suite, and Joanna slept very quickly after taking a shower.

I don't know how long it has been. Joanna heard some noise from the living room outside the bedroom. At first she thought Eric was back and didn't care too much.

Confused for a while. When Joanna didn't see Eric entering the bedroom, she noticed something unusual. She carefully walked down the bed with bare feet and opened the bedroom door to the outside living room. She almost cried out in surprise.

In the living room, Eric comfortably leaned against a single sofa on her side, her face flushed, and a few sighs of satisfaction were heard from time to time. On the carpet in front of the man, two girls with half-naked clothes were placed, leaning against his legs. The hand used the ground to help Eric, and the sucking sound made Joanna instantly redden.

Joanna soon recognized it. The two women were the two heroines of Instinct, playing Diana Ryan of Catherine and Jenny Tripleyhorn of Beth. Because of the growth environment. Joanna is still conservative in this regard, so suddenly saw this situation, Joanna brain became blank. I wanted to go back to bed and pretend to sleep, but the intense curiosity prompted her to continue watching.

After more than ten minutes, Joanna saw Eric suddenly reaching out and pressing Dion Lane's head between her legs for a while before releasing the girl. Then, Joanna heard that Eric didn’t know what to say to the two women. The two women who were already half-naked in the clothes all gave off a sweet tone, but they quickly pulled off the messy pieces of the cloth. I climbed to the coffee table opposite Eric and kissed it together.

Then, there is nothing left then.

Eric hasn't appreciated how long the two beautiful women's bodies* have heard the movement of a woman in the bedroom falling softly on the ground. Fortunately, Eric’s drunkenness was not too strong, and he soon remembered the details of Joanna’s arrival in his bedroom at the reception.

After the two women were sent away, Eric returned to the bedroom and comforted before Joanna relaxed.

However, in those cases last night, Joanna apparently could not forget for a long time.

At this point, I heard Eric's apologetic apology. Joanna bit her lip and finally whispered, "Eric, would you do that to me?"

"Of course not, they want to please me, I just play with them, you are my woman."

Joanna knows that Eric is telling the truth. This kind of thing is more common in Hollywood. Joanna hasn’t received a similar suggestion over the years. If she can let go of the rules of Hollywood, she won’t come. The United States has done nothing for ten years.

However, the girl still couldn’t help but whispered: "I was just your woman, not your lover."

Eric took the girl over: "If you say a lover, you must feel that I am hypocritical, right?"

"Don't you know that women are very happy to be cheated?"

"Lying is very laborious. You know that I am very busy. I don't have much time to ponder this kind of thing. I have arranged for your future. If you want, you will become a Hollywood star. You can take every one. The movie has a million-dollar pay and can win an Oscar. If you are tired and don't want to act in the future, you can switch to other things at will. We can also have a few children, watch them grow up day by day, and then become unintentional. Without lungs, try every means to seize our property."

When Joanna heard Eric’s last sentence, she couldn’t help but laugh and said, “It seems, except love and marriage.”

"Love and marriage are very unreliable, especially in the United States. Did you know the two women last night?"

Joanna nodded.

Eric went on to say: "Dean Lynn, who plays Catherine. She was divorced after 13 days of birth, and she played Beth's Jenny Tripleyhorn. When she was three years old, her parents divorced."

"Then you," Joanna asked subconsciously.

Eric thought for a moment and said faintly: "I don't know who my mother is."

Joanna squinted at Eric's arm and tightened her arms. (To be continued)

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