I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 345: Two series of plans

Because of the rarity, the study looked even more messy. Books, drafts, folders, and other items were piled up on several tables, and the entire wall on the west was covered with drafts.

Walking down the spiral staircase, Cameron and Catherine Bigelow were attracted by the wall-mounted sub-pictures and various drafts. ...≦

"Eric, are these all you do?" The couple looked at the contents of the manuscript paper from south to north. Cameron asked incredulously because the contents of these manuscripts were too surprising. Although most of them are sketched sub-shot scripts, but there are all aspects related to film production, Cameron even sees a large part of the film special effects.

Feeling the surprise of the Cameron couple, Eric was very satisfied. Although he was sure to cooperate with the Cameron couple, Eric could see that although his movie department sold it, Cameron was still with him. Some contempt, even in "Terminator 2" is clearly a self-deprecating Kay.

Although others think about themselves, Eric generally does not care too much, but it is necessary to maintain long-term cooperation with such unruly people as Cameron and show enough strength to each other.

"This is my film plan for the next few years. In fact, when I was in New York, I started doing it occasionally. What you saw was the result of my work."

Cameron and Catherine Bigelow heard Eric’s words and turned their attention to the wall covered with manuscript paper. Just two people just looked at it roughly. At this time, Cameron noticed the contents of those sub-pictures. .

The monstrous tornado rolled up the entire house. The huge Tyrannosaurus chased the off-road vehicle. A few hundred meters high tsunami rushed to New York City. Washington, DC is shrouded in a huge shadow...

Cameron and Catherine Bigelow are more and more surprised, because in this era, these pictures usually only appear in cartoons or novels, but now it seems that Eric clearly wants to take these pictures into the minds of live-action movies. Moved to the big screen.

Catherine Bigelow is still calm, but Cameron’s eyes have revealed undisguised fanaticism, and he feels that a new era seems to be opening.

After reading these sub-pictures again, Cameron asked: "Eric. How do you plan to make these ideas into movies? I mean, do you have a detailed feasibility plan?"

“Of course,” Eric explained. “I will use the next decade or so to create two main series, in addition to the Jurassic Park series, which I adapted from the novel published two years ago. It is a disaster film series."

"Disaster film series?" Cameron turned his attention to the drafts again.

Eric walked to Cameron and pointed to the contents of some of the drafts in detail: "Yes, a series of disaster films that include at least five movies, you see. This is a script called "Tornado". Mainly describes a group of fanatical scientists chasing the story of the tornado; here is an idea of ​​alien invasion of the earth. Temporarily named "Independence Day", but it seems that the name involves additional copyright, I do not know if it can be obtained smoothly; There is a conception that the comet hits the Earth and the human face is destroyed. The script is called "The Great Heaven and Earth". Finally, here is a story of a global climate that has cooled sharply and most of the United States has been frozen. I call it "The Day After Tomorrow". The implication is that we never know what will happen after tomorrow."

Cameron and Catherine Bigelow listened together to listen to Eric's explanation. When Eric finished, Cameron stretched out his hand and stroked the painting on the wall for a long time before asking: "Eric, How are you going to achieve this, can the current technology be achieved?"

"Of course, as long as you are willing to spend money," Eric said confidently: "In fact, these two series are related to the two development directions of the future special effects movie that I imagined. I have talked with Stan and Ed before. Several times, I just came back from New York a few days ago. I also went to San Francisco specifically for these things."

Even with Cameron’s madness, I’m thinking of Eric’s Jurassic Park series and the disaster film series. It’s still incredible. As a director of technology flow, Cameron can do the current special effects technology. To what extent, it is clear that he knows that although Eric's films are forcibly filmed, they can certainly be made, but each one must be a high price.

Even Catherine Bigelow couldn't help but think that this little guy seemed to be more crazy than her husband.

Cameron did not seem to be too interested in the Jurassic Park series, but instead discussed with Eric the possibility of making a series of disaster films.

"Eric, you see, according to what you said, the relatively simple special "Tornado", how do you plan to show the tornado on the screen? As far as I know, the industrial light magic is now the most advanced. It is also difficult for special effects to show the tornado on the screen."

Eric turned over and took a document from his desk and handed it to James Cameron. Cameron looked at the file cover and felt a little unexpected. These should be very important for Eric, but Since Eric gave it to him, Cameron did not have any sentimentality. He opened it and looked at it. Catherine Bigelow also curiously gathered her husband to look at the contents of the document.

The document in front of it is roughly a project commissioned by a well-known physicist led by Stanford University to develop a fluid simulation software. The purpose of this fluid simulation software is to realize smoke, water, wind, etc. on the computer. Special effects.

When the Cameron couple read the documents in front of them, Eric said, "Professor Ron Fedix on the side of Stanford has confirmed the feasibility of the plan, and the research and development work has begun preparations. It takes about half a year. This software can be put into use. At that time, the scenes of tornadoes, tsunami, explosion smoke, etc. in several disaster films I mentioned can be realized by this software. In addition, Ed Carmore is now also Los Angeles is preparing a research team to develop a 3D modeling software that can collapse buildings and destroy cities. Ed Carmer will also optimize Pixar's original rendering software, Randerman. So that this software can adapt to the rendering work of live-action movies." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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