I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 348: Motivated

On the side of the upcoming astronomical tide in Australia, Johnny let go of Bodie. When he heard that his colleagues had vowed to say that Bodie had arrested him when he returned, Johnny murmured to say, "He won't come back."

When he found Bodie, Johnny also completed his first and last mission in his life, and he ended up with Angelo's wish, and then threw away the badge, began to pursue himself, or went to confusion.

Unlike Johnny, Boti understood his goals from the beginning. He traveled all over the world with his partners, looking for higher and more dangerous waves, burning his passion and pursuing the most natural wildness.

They live unscrupulously, disobey the power system, and do not rely on moral common sense. In this world of stifling spirit, they have created a system of their own. But this system is not destined for the real world, and the moment when Johnny Utah, who represents the rules of reality, broke into their lives, he was doomed to the end of their destruction.

At the moment when the script was finished, Eric understood why he had not seen the film in his previous life. The free and rebellious view expressed by The Shocking Point is incompatible with the conservative concept of life of most Orientals. It is doomed that this movie is not recognized by too many people. It is difficult to spread without recognition, and it can only be regarded as a classic in a small circle.

When I saw Eric put down the script, Catherine Bigelow rushed to prepare for the problems that Eric might have with the script, but Eric did not do so. Instead, he picked up the budget and continued to look at it.

"20 million dollars is not enough," Eric read the budget. Raised up and said to Catherine Bigelow: "If you follow the plot of the script, a large number of skydiving lenses and surfing stunts will definitely increase the cost to $30 million, plus the cost of the later announcement. The movie will get 8000. 10,000 can recover the cost."

80 million?

Catherine Bigelow stunned, and her last movie, "The Blue Sky," had a total box office of more than 8 million. Although it was less than three million in cost compared to "Blue Sky", the film was also given to investors. Earn money, but at this time I heard that the film needed $80 million at the box office to fully recover the cost. Catherine Bigelow was stunned.

She is still only a woman, not Cameron's crazy to desperate personality. What's more, even Cameron has a moment of collapse. When the film starts shooting, it will carry a $80 million box office mission. This kind of pressure is not what everyone has to bear. It is now 1990. In this era, Hollywood produces hundreds of movies every year, but the number of movies with more than $100 million in box office per year is often no more than 10, and the number of movies with more than $80 million is no more than 20.

What's more, Catherine Bigelow is very clear, "Thriller" is not a Hollywood commercial. This made her subconsciously look at Cameron. She originally wanted to shoot a satirical federal system to expose humanity. The surf glasses and skydiving lenses were not so many. In that case, the cost would not even exceed $10 million.

But the script was made with Cameron's staff. There is no doubt that those big scenes were added under Cameron's embarrassment.

Eric will give Catherine Bigelow a glimpse of Cameron's little tricks and confirm his guess.

He had previously seen Catherine Bigelow's previous "Blood Night" and "The Blue Sky", which is very clear about the style of Catherine Bigelow. So, just read the script. Basically, I can guess which plot is Cameron.

"Eric, the script can also make some adjustments to reduce unnecessary scenes, so $20 million is enough," said Catherine Bigelow, bowing his head and picking up the script in front of Eric. After a few turns, I quickly put it down again.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Eric seems to see Catherine Bigelow's face, his face slightly red, remembering the woman's little action to flip the script, Eric confirmed that he did not read it wrong, Catherine Bigelow just blushed. .

Obviously, the woman is using Cameron’s old tricks to make the film first. As for the filming, the money is spent, so that the investors can do it themselves. However, Catherine Bigelow obviously has no cheeks. Therefore, the unnatural expression will appear.

"But I think this script is very good, no need to make any changes," Eric took the script back and learned the movements of Catherine Bigelow and slammed it a few times.

"Ah, then..." Catherine Bigelow looked up with a happy look, Eric was very happy with the script, and the investment would definitely be no problem, but the woman looked up and saw Eric imitating that she had just flipped the script. The action, the face suddenly appeared a red blush, she realized that Eric was deliberate, this little guy clearly saw through the intentions of his own words.

Eric had wanted to sing another sentence, but when he saw the embarrassing appearance of Catherine Bigelow, he swallowed what he had said. Anyway, he had already taken the initiative, not to mention, Catherine Bigelow looked and Not as strong as James Cameron.

"Well, Kate, the budget thing, we will make appropriate adjustments when we are going to shoot in the future. Now let's talk about the script first. I want to know what your position on "The Shock Point" is, or that, What do you want to express?"

If you are a sophisticated person, you should understand that what Eric has just said about the budget is just to take the initiative in the negotiations, but Catherine Bigelow, who is usually very unsociable, does not realize this. When I heard Eric’s words, the woman quickly said: “I prefer this is a sports movie, a story about the pursuit of freedom. At the end of the story, the characters in the play have their own belongings, Taylor. Forgive Johnny, Angelo died under the robbery wall, Johnny left the f, and Bodie lost all his partners. He rushed to the sea without hesitation."

Eric nodded slightly: "What about the plot of robbery with the president's head?"

"Eric, first of all, I have to declare that describing this behavior. It does not mean that I recognize this behavior."

"Of course, I can understand this, or else the directors who filmed the murderous murder movies should be taken prisoner."

"No, it's different. The film directors who shoot those subjects are using **** lenses to satisfy the deep-eyed desires of human beings, but I just want to convey my views like people."

Ok, it’s still a young woman. A beautiful and introverted literary young woman, too loving.

Eric heard the woman's truth, and couldn't help but think of it. Then he said: "Kate, you can see from some lines, you want to convey, it should be a satire on the federal system. But have you ever thought about it? The most annoying thing for the audience is preaching, so, We just need to express these meanings in the storyline, but let us say it directly, but look at it..."

After Eric finished speaking, he quickly found a page and opened the script on the coffee table between the two.

Catherine Bigelow leaned forward slightly, and finally the whole person squatted on the floor and listened to Eric's point of view. Famik Jensen, who had been sitting quietly for a while, gradually noticed the two people who had been together. But subconsciously looking over Cameron, but seeing Cameron facing his back in the executive chair where Eric sat. Look at the script in front of you.

Although he didn't get along for a long time, Famik Jensen thought he had some understanding of Eric. At this time, I noticed that Eric seemed to be unconsciously mingled with Catherine Bigelow, and keenly felt that This little **** must have been tempted by the opposite woman, because Famik knows that the more Eric is performing, the more he is thinking about the bad thoughts.

It’s really bold enough, the husband can sit in the house, not to mention the age of the woman.

Famik Jensen watched with great interest for a while before he raised his wrist and pretended to look at his watch and said, "Eric, it’s already eleven, would you like me to prepare lunch?"

Eric, who was suddenly interrupted, did not show any dissatisfaction, but instead told Catherine Bigelow: "Kate, what you and Jim like to eat, I let Fami prepare."

Sure enough, Famik Jensen conficiently thought that if Eric really talked with Catherine Bigelow about the script, he suddenly interrupted and Eric’s temper would be very unhappy. But at this time, there is something unpleasant on the face of the little bastard.

However, Catherine Bigelow was discussing the script with Eric. When he was suddenly interrupted, his face was somewhat unnatural, but he did not show an unpleasant look. Hear Eric’s question, Catherine Bigelow. Said: "Just do whatever, I and Jim do not pay attention to these."

Eric said to Famik Jensen: "Take a few takeaways. According to the recipes we often order, right, let us take two pens first."

Famick Jensen stood up and went to the desk to draw two ballpoint pens from the pen holder. At the same time, he glanced at Cameron. Cameron frowned at the script and looked at the script. He seemed to be thinking about something. How to achieve the lens, obviously does not feel any feeling about the girl around.

Famik really wants to remind Cameron what to say, but she is not ignorant of Cameron. The big director is said to have been married three times. It is obviously a fancy guy. In this case, Famik has just Some of the thoughts that rose were suddenly dissipated.

The ball pen was handed to Eric and Catherine, and the two took the pen and quickly wrote and painted on the script.

Famik looked at it for a little while, then shrugged his shoulders and walked outside the study.

James Cameron and Catherine Bigelow stayed in Eric's villa for a whole day. Eric and Catherine Bigelow discussed in detail the details of the shooting, and Cameron also Rick’s several disaster film scripts were read again. In the end, Cameron’s interest in the play of “The Day of Solitary” was not fixed, but the script of “Sun” is indeed very suitable for Cameron. The multi-line narrative is very similar to the Terminator series, and Eric believes that Cameron will definitely be able to make this film even more exciting than Roland Emmerich.

However, Eric is not without any worries. "Japan" as a special effects blockbuster, even if you don't use Cameron, the budget is very amazing. If Cameron takes over, Eric is sure that the budget of this movie. It will at least double, or even close to 200 million.

In the memory of "Terminator 2", the North American box office is only 200 million US dollars. "Japan" and "Terminator 2" have no connotation, just a pure popcorn movie, obviously does not have "Titanic" The potential of this kind of movie box office explosion, in the absence of absolute certainty, Eric will not rush to hand "Japan" to Cameron, because the status of fireflies in Hollywood has just been determined, 200 million US dollars investment box office If you fail, you will definitely feel hurt. After all, Cameron is not omnipotent. Like Abyss, the investment is 80 million, and the box office is only 80 million. Although the subsequent overseas and dvd issuance can recover the cost, it is not bound to earn too much.

In the following days, Eric negotiated with Catherine Bigelow about "Thriller", and the preparation of "Terminator 2" was also carried out in an orderly manner, and inviting Schwarzenegger to star in At the time, there were some situations. Although Schwarzenegger was also an artist of icm, he obviously had no friendship with Eric. For the invitation of Terminator 2, the agent of the other party opened a price of 15 million US dollars. .

It is indeed a sky-high price. You must know that the top paid actor in Hollywood is usually only about $5 million. Schwarzenegger is equal to triple the average price. Eric can certainly not agree.

The two sides are in a stalemate. Although under the mediation of Cameron, Schwarzenegger himself is relieved, but there are still few concessions, and Schwarzenegger’s interest in starring in Terminator 2 is not Too high.

Eric made a detailed investigation and realized the truth of the matter. It turned out that the roots were actually in the Germans.

German, that's right.

However, speaking, it is not something that can be said in three or two sentences. It involves a lot of things, even starting from the merger of things and Germany.

It turned out that since the fall of the Berlin Wall, East Germany and West Germany merged. In order to bring the two countries together as quickly as possible, the German government could not avoid issuing a large amount of money, causing a certain degree of inflation. The German mark appreciated, just like The appreciation of the yen will certainly lead to the flow of domestic capital to the international market.

Of course, this is only the root cause. The next step is the tax reform. The personal income tax of German high-income people is as high as 51%. The rich people pay taxes every year, and in order to promote the development of the German film industry, the German government encourages Germans to invest in making movies. As long as the Germans put their income into the film, then the income of the year does not need to pay personal income tax, but there will be a certain percentage of tax rebates, and the restrictions on other countries must be employed in the country to hire domestic film practitioners. The German policy stipulates that the film does not even need to be photographed in Germany.

Inspired by this policy, Germany’s large sums of money quickly flowed to Hollywood, and these investors also thought they were not stupid. They were completely uninterested in those independent films, but only aimed at those big investment big productions and big stars. Join the movie.

Under the support of some powerful filmmakers in Hollywood, the Germans quickly took aim at the stars of Stallone and Schwarzenegger. The pay of Schwarzenegger and others also rose, and they all reported to the Germans. A price of 15 million US dollars. "Terminator 2" just hit the trend of this price increase. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: A few new pictures on the blog


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