I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 359: Biggest opportunity

Jennifer Connelly woke up very early, looking at the empty bed side, the girl realized that Eric had not returned to sleep in the bedroom all night, this discovery made her somewhat lost, two people only had a relationship the night before, according to Common sense, men should be very obsessed with her body during this time.

However, Jennifer Connelly quickly found a reason to comfort herself. From the situation that Eric hurried away from the party last night, there must be something important. Even though I thought about it, the girl was still a little absent-minded. After simply washing, she didn't even change her clothes. She walked downstairs wearing a sling nightdress.

In the villa, the kitchen, gym, and terrace did not see Eric. The girl remembered that Eric came back to the study on the basement floor last night. The security measures were the most strict. room. The other rooms in the villa are ordinary door locks, and many times they are not locked. You can enter the door by pushing the door. Only that room is the most advanced password lock, and even the door is a special alloy security door. Although she was very curious about the contents of the room, Jennifer Connelly was very aware of the size, and Eric did not take her in, she did not ask.

Standing at the door of the study room for a while, Jennifer Connelly did not know if he should disturb Eric. Maybe Eric had finished the matter last night and went to sleep in the study room. Maybe it was just five in the morning. At the o'clock, people who suddenly wake up after staying up late, their temper is very bad.

But Jennifer Connelly soon felt that she was waiting in the bedroom, and Eric was unlikely to sleep in the study, although it didn't take long. But Jennifer Connelly has figured out some of Eric's little habits between the bed. For example, when you sleep, you like to hold a woman. The night before, because she was not used to it, she took off from Eric's arms several times, but she was taken back by the sleeping man.

What can be in the study, can you sleep with a few big books?

The idea made the girl feel a little funny and proud, and made up her mind to press the doorbell.

"Jane?" The intercom from the doorbell sent Eric's voice, a little bit tired in the plain.

"It's me, Eric. I just want to see if you are not there."

"Oh, it’s already five o'clock," Eric screamed again in the intercom, and then said, "Baby, help me prepare a breakfast, please, I have some things to deal with."

Seeing Eric didn't even open the door, the girl dissatisfied and made a face to the intercom, and said: "Okay, I will go."

In the study, Eric once again looked at the pages of the pages in front of the manuscript. This is the memory of the Gulf War that he has racked his brains last night, if these data are passed out. After a period of time, it proved to be written at the end of June 1990, rather than the post-mortem of some fake gods, it will definitely cause an uproar in the future.

Therefore, these things should not have been written. The reason why they still appear on paper, or because Eric needs a clear vein, the memories of the previous wars of the Gulf War are quite fragmented, and Eric can only list one time. The table, and then in the forty years of life in the past, any time I heard about the Gulf War, bit by bit in a chronological order and think about it.

In order to be as safe as possible, Eric wrote it in Chinese, and even the data used in it was Chinese characters, without an Arabic numeral.

The human brain does not have a search engine like the Internet. The memory of the past life is imprinted in the mind like a hard disk, but it is also a messy hard disk with huge information. Even if the data stored in different hard disk partitions after being classified in the real world is too much, it is quite troublesome to find a file, let alone look for a bay that is not too concerned from the memories of the past few decades. War information.

Because the search for information leads to excessive brain use, Eric now has a sense of dizziness. If it is not realized that this is a big opportunity for him, the strong excitement offsets most of the fatigue, and Eric estimates that he has fainted. It is.

After reading the information again, Eric put the thin sheets of paper into the paper bag and stuffed it into the safe of the study. He did not intend to take the sheets out of the study. The well-organized information has been recorded in my mind. As long as I take it out for a few moments, Eric will make sure that I will not forget it. When things pass, he will destroy these things in the first place.

Once again, the safe was replaced with a new password. After the lock, Eric relaxed and stretched back to the desk.

In addition to a large number of newspapers on the desk, there are several books spread out, "Futures Basics", "Introduction to Oil Futures" and a "Finance Terminology", which he bought for the night, early yesterday morning. A little sent to the villa.

The biggest opportunity for this war is of course oil futures. In the memory, after the war of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, the price of crude oil in the international market soared from about 20 dollars to a high of 40 dollars in just two months, Eric It is impossible to use these few introductory books to play the oil futures market. Professional things must be handed over to professional people. These books are only intended to know each other when professionals make certain behaviors. What is being done so as to properly point out the correct direction.

Eric then put some selected newspapers containing important information into a briefcase, which was used as a reason for his 'inference' of the Kuwait war. There is such a scorpion to cover up. It is said that being used as a brain is much stronger.

After packing up the desk, Eric sat down again and picked up the "Finance Terminology Manual" and looked up. After only a few minutes, a bunch of strange words on the manual made Eric create a mess. Feeling, he also understands why Westerners have so many people with dyslexia (Tom Cruise, Steven Spielberg, Jennifer Aniston, Malone, Brando, Keira Knight Li, Ubi Goldberg...).

For the Chinese character futures nouns that belong to hieroglyphics, people can roughly guess their meaning based on the surface meaning of the words such as opening, closing, long, and short. But for English words, it is a long list of letters, there is no basis for guessing, can only be confirmed by a thick dictionary or terminology manual. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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