I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 365: I can't be like you.

Eric originally planned to bring Murdoch to the small living room. After the old guy entered the door, he took the initiative to go to the Eric study room. Eric quickly agreed, and Murdoch personally became a commercial spy. He also recognized, not to mention even the study, the most important things are generally in the safe.

When Jennifer Connelly walked into the study with a pot of coffee, she saw an old man in his 60s carrying his hands and standing on the wall with the perfect mirror to look up at the paintings from above, and admire from time to time. Two sounds.

The girl quietly placed the coffee pot on the coffee table and walked lightly to Eric.

"Eric, is this part of the script of Jurassic Park?" Murdoch suddenly pointed to an area on the wall.

"Well, these are just preliminary thoughts," Eric nodded.

Elizabeth, standing next to her father, snorted dissatisfiedly: "I might even write the script."

Eric shrugged and made a look like what you said. Elizabeth suddenly became more proud. Murdoch did not seem to see her daughter and Eric bicker, and continued to point to the lens paintings of several disaster films: "What about these?"

Eric also did not explain to Murdoch in detail about Cameron, just faintly said: "This is another series."

"Tsunami, hurricane, strong earthquake, thousands of miles of ice, heaven and earth collision ... oh, if these scenes on the draft can be perfectly displayed on the big screen, the sensation caused by it is no less than the "Star Wars" of the year," Murdoch I sigh from the heart, Eric’s big investment in the digital field is not a secret in the industry. Many people think that Eric is more brain-blooded. Before seeing these drafts, Murdoch also had this idea, but seeing Eric's huge plan with his own eyes, the old guy immediately understood that Eric was not only hot-headed. Instead, there is a big game in the next game.

"It must not be comparable to "Star Wars", this series is difficult to replicate," Eric Truth said, not that he is modest, "Star Wars" has become a cultural symbol, the resulting peripheral value is difficult to estimate.

Although the planned Jurassic Park series and the disaster film series will definitely cause a huge sensation. But it is not realistic to want to exceed the influence of "Star Wars". Of course, if you only fight the box office, you will definitely have a fight.

Murdoch looked again and walked to the corner sofa to sit down. Connery felt that the study was not the place where he should stay. He sipped coffee for three people next to the coffee table and whispered to Eric: "Eric, I will go out first."

Eric nodded and looked at Elizabeth, who was sitting next to Murdoch: "Liz, someone sent a lot of scripts over the past few days. Isn't tg still not sure about the next movie? You can go with Jane. Pick it up."

See Eric to drive himself out with his small vase. Elizabeth raised her eyebrows dissatisfiedly, glaring at Eric. "How come you don't let me pick one here?"

Eric said in an understatement: "You can't support the project here."

Elizabeth, who felt scorned, was even more angry and was about to refute. But seeing his father made a look at himself, the girl screamed twice, but did not play a small temper, and stood up and got out, seeing Eric next to Connery, eyeballs standing up. Turned around. Three or two steps forward to hold the girl's arm in front of her: "Miss Connelly, you are so beautiful. Well, good fragrance. What perfume do you use?"

Connelly looked at Eric and was dragged away by Elizabeth. Hearing Elizabeth’s words quickly said: "Thank you, Miss Murdoch, Chanel...ah!"

Connelly was talking, suddenly felt that his hips were caught by a small hand, and he cried in surprise, looking at Elizabeth Elizabeth incredulously.

Because Eric is sitting in the direction of the exit, just seeing Elizabeth's avatars and reaching out to Connelly's hips, the girl turned to look at him like a demonstration, Eric's mouth Can't help but pumping, is this a cheaper one? Is it appropriate for a woman to do this?

Murdoch turned and looked at Eric's astonished look, only to see his daughter holding Connally's back on the ladder: "Eric, what's wrong?"

"Amount, nothing," Eric shook his head, took a coffee and took a sip of pressure and said with a shock.

After the two women left, the two men slowly sipped coffee, and after a while in Los Angeles, Murdoch tried to step into the subject: "Eric, I heard that you are raising funds recently?"

"Yes, because there are some things to do," Eric said, quickly thinking about Murdoch's intentions.

Less than 200 million U.S. dollars from several companies, including fireflies, must not be satisfied with Eric. The money can only be scaled up to 2 billion U.S. dollars according to 10 times leverage. The expected profit is far below Eric. Ke's expectation, he needs more chips.

Therefore, during this time, Eric is trying his best to raise more funds, and all the credit cards in his hands are overdrawn to the limit. Even the small treasury of Virginia and Nicole have not let go.

It was the best way to lend to the bank, but if you want to get a lot of money from the bank, it will take at least a month for the various procedures to add up. At that time, it has entered August, the Kuwait war broke out, and then the money came in. It is already late.

Eric’s speculation on crude oil futures is not a top secret. It’s easy to know the inside story with Murdoch’s strength. Although I don’t know what the little guy in front is going crazy this time, Murdoch’s from him Judging from the behavior, Eric is doing a gamble.

Everyone knows that the ten gambling and nine losers know that although Eric has made a staggering achievement in Hollywood in just two years, Murdoch definitely does not believe that Eric can replicate the same miracle on Wall Street. He keenly felt that this was a great opportunity.

Before entering this room, Murdoch’s original plan was to lend Eric a sum of money. If Eric would lose the money in the oil futures market, Murdoch could justifiably propose Fox TV 10 % of the shares were redeemed, although Eric had not intervened in Fox TV before, but the 10% stake was like a thorn that Murdoch had been fidgeting.

But seeing Eric’s huge plans for several special effects movies, Murdoch quickly changed his original plan. Compared to getting back the shares of TV stations, Murdoch felt that it would be more cost-effective to be able to buy fireflies. business.

"Eric, if you need money, Fox can borrow some of it for you."

"What about the conditions?" Murdoch opened the door, Eric did not turn around, put down the coffee cup in his hand, and asked seriously.

Murdoch leaned back on the sofa and smiled and said: "It depends on your sincerity."

"How much can Fox get, I mean, up to ten days?"

"Ten days?" Murdoch straightened again: "Eric, ten days is too short."

Eric said: "Mr. Murdoch, if I have enough time to go directly to the bank to borrow, to my current position, I think no matter which bank is willing to lend me hundreds of millions of dollars."

Murdoch narrowed his eyes and looked at Eric for a while, as if to find useful information from Eric's face, but the old fox quickly disappointed.

"This way, I will call first," Murdoch stood up and said.

Eric pointed to the desk not far away: "Please."

Murdoch walked to the desk next to the desk to dial a few calls, did not conceal Eric's meaning, directly speaking to the opposite side, Eric listened to the ear, Murdoch is roughly to News Corp. Learn about the financial situation.

Going back to the sofa and sitting down, Murdoch said to Eric: "In ten days, I can give you 80 million."

I noticed the look of Eric's disapproval. Murdoch had some fires, but there was some helplessness: "I know that you have put together nearly 200 million US dollars, but News Corp. is not alone. I can't be like you. All cash is taken away." (To be continued)

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