I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 369: We are all good people

When most people still have a negative attitude towards whether Iraq will invade Kuwait, the eight warriors assembled by Iraq on the Iko border will start attacking formations in just one day, starting at 6 am on August 1st, Kuwait. Radio communications in a silent state also begin to send encrypted information intensively. ●⌒

The United States, which has observed all of this through military spy satellites, realizes that Saddam seems to be really doing something.

But it was too late, the Pentagon had only had time to send a special war warning to the Kuwaiti authorities. At the early morning of August 2, local time in Kuwait, with the order of Saddam, Iraq’s 100,000 troops crossed the Iko border. In the territory of Kuwait, the news of the war spread throughout the world in less than an hour, shocking the world.

The moment of the outbreak of the war happened to be at 6:00 pm on August 1st, Eastern Time.

Before the close of the day, the well-invested investment institutions seized the last chance to enter the market and paid a large amount of money to the crude oil futures market. In just two or two hours before the close, the price of crude oil rose by 0.7 dollars to The price of 21.6 US dollars closed, the increase reached 3%.

However, for speculators who have invested huge sums of money in the crude oil futures market during this time, this is only the beginning. One door has been opened, some have set foot on paradise, and some have stepped into hell.

When the war started, everyone in the Eric team was relieved. Although they had a lot of doubts in their hearts, everyone had finally slept well for more than a month. The guns rumbled in a corner of the Persian Gulf. Sixty Soho hotel suites. Eric also sleeps very deeply with Xiao Nizi.

New York at midnight. The Persian Gulf happens to be the dawn. The Iraqi army occupied Kuwait’s entire territory in only eight hours. After seventeen hours, the fighting was completely over. Saddam announced to the world that Kuwait was merged into Iraq and became the nineteenth province of Iraq, while the Kuwaiti head of state Emir fled to Saudi Arabia with his family in a helicopter.

New York, Thursday, August 2.

Have a good rest all night. Eric had breakfast with Drew and met Chris and the trade team at nine o'clock. At this time, everyone on the team looked at Eric's eyes full of surprises and doubts, but Eric did. There is no meaning to explain to anyone.

A coffee shop on the 6th Avenue Street, Eric and Chris are sitting opposite each other. After that, Xiao Nizi, with a frog mirror, boring the coffee in front of him, and there is an hour before the opening of the crude oil futures trading. Everyone is there. Take a short break here.

"My father returned to the farm in Maryland at ten o'clock. Emily had already sent him to the airport. He also said that he would not see you again, this little **** who made him worry for a month." Chris mouth with a touch of faint The smile said, but the doubts in his eyes did not hide.

Eric laughed happily. "We still say something right."

Chris doesn't seem to be looking for the bottom. Continue: "Well, what are you going to do next?"

Eric shrugged: "I can do what I can, and then the stage for you professionals."

Chris nodded. What Eric did was a huge pressure. It took a month to get all the chips into the crude oil futures market. This is not an easy task. Chris completely couldn’t understand. In the end, Eric got the hunch from where he came from. There was no clue in the Kuwait war a month ago.

Now Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait has become a reality. These two countries account for a quarter of the proven oil reserves. Once the two countries merge, Saddam’s policy of reducing crude oil production and raising prices has been promoted, and international crude oil prices have soared. It is inevitable.

"Then you should always give me a general plan, for example, when will we quit this game?"

Eric looked at the traffic outside the window and sank for a while before saying, "Three months, we will clear the clearance within three months."

Chris showed an interesting look, his arms on the table and got closer, whispered: "Three months? Eric, can you tell me what you felt before this time?"

Eric sullenly whispered: "I predict that on the last day of October, there will be a lot of ghosts and ghosts appearing in the streets of the Federation. They will take away countless candy from thousands of households."

Drew, who had erected a small ear and listened to it, laughed out.

Chris also rolled his eyes.

After making a joke, Eric spread his hand: "Chris, I am not a **** stick, really. So don't ask me what I expected, this time I can take the situation, luck is a big component."

"Well, then I won't ask, I will leave you within three months according to your arrangement," Chris said, and began to concentrate on the snacks and coffee in front of him.

Eric also secretly sighed. He didn't know how to explain it to Chris. It seemed that he could never explain it forever.

Because the electronic trading system was only applied to the futures trading market in 1992, the current crude oil futures trading is still dominated by manual operations.

At 10 am, after the opening of the New Zealand crude oil futures, the price began to rise rapidly with a very steep curve.

Eric and Xiao Nizi turned around in the voice of the trading hall, and soon they couldn’t stand back.

As I said in the coffee shop, he can do it in July, and now everything can be handed over to Chris and the team.

Returning to the hotel with Drew, just entering the hall, Eric was stopped by the waitress at the front desk: "Mr. Williams, please wait."

Eric looked in disbelief. The waitress handed over a note pad with a phone number: "This is the phone that you came to call after you went out in the morning. They said that your mobile phone and the room landline could not get through. ?"

"Oh, I turned it off to prevent being disturbed," Eric explained. He took the sticky note and thanked him, and returned to the room with Drew.

"Eric, who is the phone?" In the elevator, Xiao Nizi leaned over his head and looked at the note paper in Eric's hand.

"There is a group of old men in Los Angeles." Eric said in an understatement.

Drew saw names such as Rupert Murdoch, Michael Eisner, and Steve Rose. I plucked my gaze boringly.

Back in the room, Eric connected the phone line and dialed back along the phone number in his hand.

When the phone was connected, Eric immediately became famous and made a bitter look: "Mr. Murdoch, sorry, I was not in a good mood before, I pulled the phone line away... No, no. No problem. It doesn't matter. ...it’s not good to say...”

A few minutes later, Eric just hung up and saw the situation where Xiao Nizi was holding a pillow and rolling it to the fun.

Eric reached out and gestured in front of his mouth, making a zipper movement, and the **** immediately nodded.

The trading team hired by Eric has previously signed a strict confidentiality contract, and they will also receive huge commissions from this transaction as beneficiaries. These people will certainly not disclose the detailed process of the transaction, Jeffrey. Not to mention the father and son, except that. Until the detailed process of this transaction, only Drew was alone. Although Eric knew that Xiao Nizi would not sell himself, it was explained at this time, so as not to accidentally say what was missing.

With Dru's savvy, Eric believes that he is just an action, and Shantou knows what to do.

After the explanation, Eric once again dialed back and hit it. Although many people know that Eric has made a big bet in the futures market, but it is bullish or short, but these people are not known. After all, before again, because the price of crude oil soared in a few months, the speculators who chose to go short were more than the long ones, because even if Iraq deployed a large number of troops on the Iraqi border, most people still do not believe that the Middle East will break out. The war, unfortunately, this time Saddam’s behavior is beyond the expectation of a large number of people.

It took some time to reply to the call one by one. Eric returned to the sofa to turn on the TV and chose the news channel of nbc. At this time, the news of the Middle East was being scrolled on the TV. Drew got tired and smiled and said: Eric, I think it must be unstoppable."

"Just delay the news," Eric said with a smile. "Those are old foxes, and they couldn't have won them."

Shantou made a face: "Then you just..."

"In case they get too excited about the news and how to do a heart attack, it seems that I am actually a good person," Eric made a joke, actually

Shantou laughed a few times and said: "I am also a good person."

After five and a half hours of trading, at 2:30 in the afternoon, the New York crude oil futures price soared from $21.6 at the opening to $23.5, an increase of 8.8%, and Eric’s account had a surplus of $600 million. .

At dinner, Chris informed Eric about the good news, but Eric saw a faint sadness from Chris's face. After asking, Chris revealed the truth: "I am at Morgan Stanley. After the close of the good friend, I called and asked me about the situation here. I consulted him about the news some time ago. He knows that I am cooking oil futures during this time."

“Well?” Eric asked in confusion, knowing that Chris just said it started.

Chris said quietly: "Morgan Stanley has a senior executive who misappropriated the headquarters for $120 million shorting crude oil futures, which is also ten times leverage. After the close of the afternoon, it jumped."

Eric also silenced. Chris adjusted his mood and said: "Eric, I don't know how you made your judgment this time. I believe that you did it because you have absolute control." But in the future, don't ever play this again."

Eric solemnly nodded: "I promise."

Chris got up and patted Eric's shoulder. He was about to leave. Drew, carrying a lot of shopping bags, slammed in and said: "Eric, when I passed Fifth Avenue, I saw it. Someone jumped off the building, broke down a place, so disgusting, I heard that there have been several jumps."

When Xiao Nizi Barabala finished speaking, she noticed that the faces of the two men in the room had become somewhat unsightly. They suddenly spit out their tongues and shrank their necks and slid into their rooms.

Chris shook his head and said, "I don't like this girl, it's awkward, and it's too cool."

Eric looked at Drew’s door and said, “When it wasn’t for Drew to match me and Jeffrey, there would be no me or no fireflies.”

Chris is obviously well aware of the original, shrugging: "Well, I didn't say it."

"Well, Chris, she's just a kid."

"The president will grow up," Chris shook his head again. "If you can't be 100% sure that you can manage her, let go early."

"I know," Eric smiled and sent Chris to the elevator door before returning to the room.

Xiao Nizi has returned to the living room at this time, sitting on the sofa with her legs screaming: "I have heard it."

Eric stepped forward on the skull's face: "Is Chris still yelling at you?"

"Hey," the girl twisted her head and tried to open Eric's hand.

"Chris has a colleague who just jumped off the building in the afternoon. You just said that you are so happy, do you still expect him to say something good about you?"

"But I just don't like him to say this to me. Eric, do you think that I am... I am such a person?"

Eric smashed his head into his arms and embraced him with compassion: "You are you, never mind what others say, you will always be my little girl."

"Well," Xiao Nizi put her chin on Eric's shoulder emotionally: "Eric, I love you."

"I know."

"When did you start loving me?"

"This difficulty is a bit big," Eric squeezed on the slender waist of his hoe, jokingly said: "Look, you are fatter recently, I don't like chubby."

"Where," Shantou immediately dissatisfiedly hammered Eric back: "I have weight every week, and I am not fat at all."

Drew said that the body sitting on Eric's knees leaned back slightly, picking up the hem of the small t-shirt and revealing the flat belly, twisting and twisting: "Hey, look."

"Well, little black girl," Eric once again tweeted. It has been a month since the tanning of the taro on the beach in Hawaii has been a lot of white, but the overall color is not as white as before.

"Don't ask me to be a little black girl," Shantou said, screaming at Eric's chest with his head.

"Okay, get up, let's go to dinner, what do you want to eat at night?"

"Hey, let me think about it..."


Before going to bed at night, Eric had heard no less than ten news because the price of crude oil soared and lost everything.

Although the face did not show up, still with Xiao Nizi haha, but Eric is still quite touched, the futures market is a gambling market, the contracts are all two-way, you gamble, and some people buy Falling, because today's crude oil prices have risen, Eric has invested $600 million in one day, which means that someone has lost 600 million.

Of course, those who are ignorant of all the price gambling in and out of everything, are not worthy of sympathy. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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