I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 377: Very hot

Eric stopped the car and walked to the "Thriller" movie that pulled up the cordon. N∈

This is a community called Fox Mountain in the southwest of Culver City. Of course, this Fox has nothing to do with Fox Films. If you want to care about it, you can only blame the weak talent of Westerners.

The staff at the studio recognized Eric at a glance, greeted with enthusiasm, and opened the cordon to let Eric walk in.

In front of it was a temporarily blocked street. Before it was approached, Eric could smell the pungent smell of gasoline burning, bypassing a trailer that assembled the props, and Eric saw a streetside Outside the gas station, several cars are still smoking, and several workers are busy with fire extinguishers.

Looking around the scene, Eric quickly found Catherine Bigelow's figure, and the typical dress of a woman was too good to recognize.

The white baseball cap, a close-fitting white long-sleeved t-shirt, is covered with a black short-sleeved t-shirt, and the lower body is a simple washed jeans with a shoulder bag attached to the waist, which looks very capable.

At this time, Catherine Bigelow was holding a table with the two male protagonists Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayz, and waved a few strokes from time to time.

According to the script, this scene should be that Utah discovered the identity of the bank robbers of Bowie and others, and stayed outside the bank where Bodie stepped on the point, and finally evolved into a chase scene.

An assistant director of the crew saw Eric appear and ran over and asked, "Mr. Williams, do you need me to call Ms. Bigelow?"

Eric shook his head: "No, how is the shooting progress?"

"Not bad. Seven shots have been completed today. The next step is Utah's pursuit of Bodie's play." The deputy director explained.

Eric said with satisfaction: "Give me a place to rest, I will come and see, do not bother her work."

"No problem, please come here," the deputy director led Eric to a specially opened rest area. It seems that this should be for the actors.

A middle-aged man with silver hair was sitting in a chair drinking water and saw Eric appearing before he stood up: "Mr. Williams. Hello."

"Gary, call me Eric. Just the scene should be very tired?" Eric smiled and shook hands.

The silver-haired middle-aged man is named Gary Busce, who plays Utah’s boss Angelo Pappas in this movie. Eric had seen a lot of Gary Buse’s films in the past. In fact, Gary Busce and Virginia’s brother Michael Madsen, in the parallel world, two people are the kind of participants. Ten Hollywood films, but the actor who has always been extremely weak.

"Yes, my morning show has been completed. Keanu and Pat will be very tired next time. They have a long chase to shoot. Maybe it may not be finished all day," Gary. Sae said with a smile, took a bottle of water from the next box and handed it to Eric.

Eric took it and pulled a folding chair to sit next to Gary Buss and chatted with the other.

As the Catherine Bigelow shouted in the shooting field, another shot began.

Eric discovered that the place where the two big men sat, just facing the director's monitor more than ten meters away, Catherine Bigelow still did not notice Eric at this time, back to the monitor, commanded After the filming began, the woman stood behind her monitor with her shoulders, staring at the shadow of the guitar played by Utah and the masked Patrick Swayze.

Eric and Gary Busce stopped talking and agreed to gaze at the back of a woman more than ten meters away. Some people often say that a white cover is ugly, in fact, a high can also cover a hundred ugly. Of course, Catherine Bigelow is not only ugly, but also very beautiful, not to mention the height of 1 meter 82.

After a while, Gary Busce turned his head and noticed that Eric’s gaze was the same as himself. He focused on Catherine Bigelow, who was not far away. The middle-aged man licked his mouth and smiled. “It’s hot. , isn't it?"

Eric and Gary Busce looked at each other and the two big men showed a little wretched smile at the same time.

"Yeah, it's hot."

Gary Busce seems to have found a friend, and said very straightforwardly: "It's really cheap for Cameron's bastard."

"Hah, this..."

Gary Busce turned to Catherine Bigelow, who was not far away. The shots of Utah and Botty did not pass. The woman walked over and discussed with two male protagonists: "Eric, actually, I know Kate. It has been more than ten years."

"Wow, I don't really know this," Eric looked at Gary Busce with surprise.

Gary Busce said with a bit of recollection: "That should be 1977. I can't remember the exact time. I was playing a drama on Broadway at that time, and I occasionally took a few movies. I remember one day, I A friend introduced me to Kate and said that she wanted to shoot a short film and was looking for a male lead. I still remember seeing Kate for the first time in a coffee shop in Soho, Manhattan, when she was Wearing a black turtleneck sweater, black jeans, brown hair, a very awkward look, with the unique intellectual atmosphere of the Soho art girl. She is not sociable, and now see strangers They will all blush. At the first sight of her, I was hooked on her like many men around her."

“Later?” Eric asked with great interest.

"Later, I participated in her short film, which seems to be called "The Beaters", telling the story of two men's duels, and I became a good friend with her. Over the years, all of us have entered middle age. However, she has almost no change in appearance and size, which makes many of her female friends crazy."

Eric asked slyly: "Is it just a good friend?"

Gary Busser shrugged: "I am married very early, otherwise I will pursue her, but the difficulty is definitely great. She is a very independent woman. Very talented. And her self-control ability is very strong. The heart is a feminist For many years, she has been single, and all of us have thought that she will continue to be single, and she did not expect that she suddenly married Cameron three years ago."

“It’s a heartbreaking result,” Eric snarled.

Gary Busehaha smiled a few times and honestly said: "Of course, watching the goddess in my heart marry another man. How could it be heartbreaking."

The two laughed a few times and once again looked at Catherine Bigelow at the shooting scene. The woman then talked to the crew of the crew again, and gestured from time to time. The lighting engineer seemed to have different opinions and danced. Arguing with women.

Seeing this scene, Gary Buse said with emotion: "In Hollywood, it is really difficult for a woman to be a director. If I have not done it for a long time, it is difficult for her to persist for so long."

Eric did not mean to help. He believes that with Catherine Bigelow's strong character, he will not want to intervene. Looking at the dispute between the woman and the lighting engineer, Eric nodded: "It is true. As a director, in addition to personal professionalism, not only requires strong control, but also high physical requirements. High-intensity work is difficult for most women, so whether it is Hollywood or other film circles, female directors are not too productive."

The two chatted casually, and after more than an hour, near noon, the crew also temporarily stopped working to rest and have lunch.

Catherine Bigelow was finally notified and knew that Eric had come to the crew.

"Hey, Eric, how come you?" Catherine Bigelow came over enthusiastically and hugged with Eric and asked.

Eric greeted the two male protagonists who were next to Catherine Bigelow and replied: "I passed by, just come over and see."

Catherine did not believe to stretch out her fingers and drew a big circle in the air: "You mean, you went to Burbank from Malibu, ‘passed by here?”

Eric turned his eyes and pointed to the west. "Who told you that I went to Burbank, the firefly team was on a field trip to the Prea Vista area about three kilometers west, where the fireflies were going to build. At the studio base, I left the group."

Catherine Bigelow nodded and looked to the west and asked, "Will you not be there?"

"Professional things are of course handed over to professional people. I can't help too much in the presence, as long as I finally look at the results they give."

Gary Buser interjected at this time: "Eric, Catherine, lunch is good, let's talk while eating."

The place where the crew dine is not far from a small restaurant. This can be seen as the difference between the team and the other side of the ocean. When Eric participated in some filmings, most of the time he took lunch was taken at the logistics. For a lunch, just find a place to do something.

This kind of dining means that the crew's expenses increase, but these small details are written into the contract under the supervision of various trade unions in Hollywood. If you want to make a good movie in Hollywood, you have to compromise the trade union.

Of course, there are also people who can sign sub-contracts and change these rules.

However, this requires sufficient strength and strength. There are very few people in Hollywood who can do this. According to Eric, even if Spielberg is one, he can even ask the actors to sign a contract to abandon the union's salary standard, giving the actor extremely Low pay, but in order to work with Spielberg, most actors often choose to compromise.

With Eric's current strength in Hollywood, he also has the ruin of breaking the rules, but he has not yet encountered the need to do so.

After taking some lunch, Eric and Catherine Bigelow chose a table to sit down. They might think that the director and the producer had something to discuss. Some of the stars in the room didn’t come to the excitement, although Gary Busce I really wanted to come over, but Patrick Swayze pulled them to their table.

"Little guy, I thought you wouldn't come back to the studio anymore," no one is near, and Catherine Bigelow immediately changed the name that made Eric depressed.

“As a producer, is it not a reasonable thing for me to appear here?”

"Of course, but when you appeared, you ran to New York for more than a month. When you came back, the movie was turned on." Catherine said without complaint.

"That's because I have a very important thing to do, rest assured, I will come to the crew often for some time."

Catherine Bigelow apparently has gone out of a certain circle, so she did not ask how much Eric had earned like everyone else. The woman did not even ask him what he was going to do in New York. He just said: "Is it not?" You don't need to prepare your own movie?"

Eric swallowed the food in his mouth and wiped his mouth and said: "I decided to slow down and I have to give other film companies a way to live."

"It’s...no big words," Catherine Bigelow laughed, but when she thought about the results of those movies before Eric, the woman suddenly found that Eric’s exaggeration seemed to make sense, according to the box office’s announcement. Data, the summer file "Ghosts are not" is by far the only box office that may break 200 million US dollars this year.

"Right, this year, you are not going to guide "Little Ghosts" again?"

Eric shook his head and said: "I have completely handed over this project to others. I will not intervene in the future. I will only hang at most one producer's title."

"I have seen the second part, it is quite interesting."

"Thank you for your approval," Eric said.

"But I found out that the movies you used before are too lacking in content. I think that filming should convey something to the audience. This is also the purpose of my choice to be a director. I originally studied painting, but someone told me later. Movies can more easily convey their ideas to others, unlike paintings, which require a certain amount of accumulation to understand the meaning."

Eric shook his head: "Catherine, I don't agree with you. My movie has been conveying a variety of information to the audience, but these things are more subtle, and I think this is the right way to communicate.

Viewers often only see what they want to see, just like a thousand readers in the eyes of a thousand Hamlet, they only accept the Hamlet from their own ideas. So if you want to convey your opinion to the audience, you have to resonate with them so that you don't have to say it, they can understand what you want to convey from your film. Otherwise, even if it is cleverly preaching, it will often only have the opposite effect. Just like the "Surprising Point" you are shooting now, I have watched the script several times. Do you know what I saw from your script? "To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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