I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 387: Is it too urgent?

Eric thought that he and Connery’s anecdote would disappear after a while and Connery did not respond positively, but he far underestimated his influence and the media and the public. The curiosity of the matter, as the "New York Post" released him and Connery's intimate photos at Fox's headquarters, in just a few days, he and Connery became the focus of a lot of paparazzi chasing, also in various tabloids. There are a variety of gossips that catch the wind and shadow. ●⌒

Fox is of course secretly secretive. Although they dare not write too much to avoid embarrassing with Eric, they can't stop other media from catching up on this matter, and Fox is in the last two weeks before the release. The propaganda focus of "The Fighting Condor" is also completely placed on Jennifer Connelly. Because of the collateral effect brought by this scandal, the propaganda effect of "The Fighting Condor" is not only better than expected, but even Saved a lot of promotional budget.

In the face of a large number of paparazzi's trails, Eric has strengthened his own security and began to look forward to the era of media monopoly.

The American media channels of this era are quite scattered. There are more than 50 media companies with various platforms in the country, so the information dissemination is quite free. But after ten years, the US media industry has undergone a large number of mergers and acquisitions, and more than 90% of the information dissemination channels are in the hands of the six major media groups. At that time, as long as he had enough right to speak in Hollywood, this little thing that was harassed by the paparazzi would not even be solved by himself.

Originally, I planned to stay with a woman to accompany her before Joanna returned to Poland to visit her, but it was affected by this incident, and more important things to do at the end of the year. Eric, who did not want to regenerate the festival, had to blame the woman's little complaints. Moved to his own mansion in Beverly Hills.

Entering November. Eric began his final preparations for the expulsion of Robert Shea. In the weeks before November, he held several parties in the Beverly Mansion, inviting fireflies at all levels of management and staff to connect with each other. . At the same time, Eric also talked with Robert Shee’s deputy Michael Lynn.

After the "instinct" was completed in the first half of the year, Jeffrey was also preparing to rest on the farm in Maryland for half a year, and wait for Eric's "Tornado" project to start again next year. However, after learning about Eric's plan, Jeffrey hurried back to Los Angeles. I intend to help him stabilize the situation of fireflies after Eric launched.

Jeffrey had no relatives in Los Angeles. The plane flew from the east coast of Maryland to Los Angeles arrived at 7:30 on November 13th. Eric personally went to the airport to meet. In the pick-up hall, Jeffrey pulled a The small suitcase appeared in front of Eric, and embraced Eric with enthusiasm and handed the suitcase to the bodyguard who came with Eric. The two walked side by side.

"It’s really sad to see you so lonely. Jeffrey. Maybe you should find another companion."

"I don't have this kind of thinking, Chris won't accept it." Jeffrey shook his head and quickly said with a smile: "It's that you are very busy in the newspaper these days, another Jennifer, hehe."

"It’s Fox’s plan to promote the fight against the Condor. I don’t think it’s a big deal. It’s the default. I didn’t expect it to have such a big impact.”

Jeffrey said again: "But I don't think this girl has an aura of Aniston, it is too refined."

Although Aniston liked to make some small temper in front of him, it was also the character of the girl facing the lover. However, Xiaoyan’s treatment of others was more pleasing than Druid’s Xiaoni, although it was only a few times. Aniston has won the love of Jeffrey.

Eric couldn't help but sigh, Aniston's brokerage contract is still in Kapoor, so Eric can get the status of Xiao Yan Niu at any time.

Since breaking up at the beginning of the year, Aniston seems to have become a career-oriented woman, and she has been concentrating on the performance. The second season of "Friends" has now been broadcast more than half, and the average audience rating of more than 20 million is still eye-catching.

In addition, Aniston also received two movies, a guest with only five minutes of playing time, released in the summer file, the results are not bad. The other is a romantic comedy. During the Christmas period, Eric watched a trailer on TV. Warner produced it, and cooperated with Matt Dillon. It was a film with no impression at all. It should be The result of the butterfly effect.

Because of the influence of "Fengyue Beauty", which appeared in the early and successful years last year, Hollywood has a lot of love comedies this year. It is estimated that after the "Ghosts are not over", the proportion of this type of film will definitely increase in the next two years.

But unfortunately, although Eric has been silently paying attention to Aniston, he believes that Xiao Yan Niu is also paying attention to him, otherwise he will not receive the anonymous gift on his birthday this year, but two The individual has not seen each other for almost a year.

Jeffrey just subconsciously compared Aniston with Connelly and noticed Erik's low mood, so he did not go on.

All the way to the paparazzi who came to the airport had already raised the camera, but it was Jeffrey who came out with Eric. He just pressed the shutter a few times, and even a few of them were not willing to waste. Drop the camera directly. In the face of four or five bodyguards guarding Eric and Jeffrey, these paparazzi did not come together.

Eric and Jeffrey were escorted into the car. In addition to the driver, several of the remaining four bodyguards ran to the black Chevrolet behind.

"Is this too cautious?" Jeffrey couldn't help but say after the car started.

"The main thing is to prevent those paparazzi behind. I don't want to get out of it when I am surrounded by them," Eric pointed at the back of the car and said: "But in September, a Warner director was on vacation in Greece. When I was kidnapped, I was not only extorted a million dollars. I almost couldn’t come back alive. It’s always true that I’m always careful. I’m a high-risk kidnapper. What’s more, I don’t have any loved ones. No one can be found who has been tied for a ransom."

Jeffrey couldn’t help but smile: "How can we, we won't care."

Eric joked: "The key is that the kidnappers don't necessarily know these things. Maybe after they tied me, they suddenly found that there are no relatives who can be contacted, and they directly rip the ticket."

"In this case, I think you should get married soon."

"There is no such plan," Eric shook his head.

Jeffrey understands Eric's temper. The two people's life concepts are very different. He knows that it is useless to say anything. The two chat casually and come to the apartment in Jeffrey. Get off. After that, Eric walked in with Jeffrey: "I am helping you clean up in the morning, but I haven't bought it. You should go to the supermarket tomorrow. It is best to ask another maid."

"I don't need any servants. I am still under 60 years old, and I can't move."

Jeffrey said, and recruited Eric to sit down on the sofa and sip his own coffee. After a while, Jeffrey handed a cup of coffee to Eric, himself on the other side of the sofa. sit down.

Just because there were outsiders in the car, Jeffrey didn't open his mouth. At this time, he asked solemnly: "Eric, is this too urgent?"

Eric knew that Jeffrey was referring to the expulsion of Robert Shea and shook his head: "If Robert has the ability to make the firefly develop rapidly, even if he wants enough power, I can give it to him. But He has limited ability, chasing the power of the company without restraint, and has always been playing his own small abacus, which is destined to have no benefit to the development of fireflies."

Jeffrey added: "But he holds 25% of the shares in his hand?"

"This is also my biggest concern. I have enough confidence in the development prospects of fireflies. With the development of fireflies, if nothing is done, then a few years later, my contradiction with Robert is on the table. Coupled with the identity of Robert's shareholders, our two conflicts will have a greater impact on the company, so it is better to kick him out earlier."

"It seems that you have already thought about it. After Robert left, who are you going to take the helm?"

"Michael Lynn, Robert's current deputy, I have talked to him a few times, and promised some benefits. But I won't give him too much power, a company wants to develop quickly, only one voice is a must. Just like Disney, Time Warner is a negative example. Don't look at Warner and the era merged into the biggest Hollywood giant, but Time Warner's current personnel disputes have become more complicated, even affecting Warner's operations, even if it has Hollywood. The biggest scale, but it will definitely be exceeded in the future."

Three days after Jeffrey returned to Los Angeles, on Friday, November 16, with MGM's "Rocky 5", Fox's "The Fighting Condor" and the copy of Robert Shea's film "The Ghostbusters" The thriller comedy "Ghost Detective" was released at the same time, announcing the official arrival of the Thanksgiving schedule.

In addition to these films, the Thanksgiving-Christmas program will continue to have Coppola's "Godfather 3", Schwarzenegger's "Kindergarten Special Police", the 1987 annual box office champion "Three Daddy and One Baby" The sequel and many other films were released, and Catherine Bigelow’s "The Shocking Point" was also scheduled for December 21.

It is worth mentioning that the holiday schedule of the original time and space should have been the leader of the "Little Ghosts", arbitrarily occupying the top of the box office list for 10 weeks, squeezing other films, but because of "The devil" "Home" has appeared two years in advance, which means that more than 200 million box office originally belonging to "Little Ghosts" will be distributed to other films. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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