I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 393: do not do that

Holding some warm coffee and drinking two slowly, Eric said: "This stock is definitely not for you. I only spent $1.5 billion on a new line of mergers and acquisitions a year ago. Now Robert Shea is I have given out 500 million to me. I don't want to see this situation again."

Elizabeth explained clearly: "You will also go to the layman, not to mention that 500 million is impossible. Even if you finally get 500 million, you will not lose money. A year ago, fireflies were like only one. The disability of a leg, even if there are several copyrights of hot movies, but there is nothing in the distribution channel, at most, it is worth 560 million US dollars, and it may be trapped at any time by the channel. But after the integration of the new line, Fireflies have developed into a junior large-scale studio in just one year. Although the valuation of 2 billion is somewhat virtual, 1.5 billion is definitely there. You are equal to one billion in a year, if there is no new line. Under the seven constraints, you may not be able to do this for ten years."

"Well, the analysis is very reasonable. Go back and write a paper."

"I have graduated well, and my grades are all a!" Elizabeth just raised her chin and wanted to swear a little, but soon said: "You are shifting the topic again. We are talking about Robert Shea’s hands now. The matter of the stock ● lyrics."

"I also replied to you, absolutely not, this is not in line with my development plan for fireflies."

Elizabeth got to the edge of Eric’s sofa and pulled the man’s arm and shook it. It’s very rare to say in a spoiled voice: “Re-discussing it~~”

Eric quickly pulled back his hand: "You don't look like this, it's too shocking."

It’s not easy to get the courage to make a little woman’s gesture. I almost wanted to pull Eric's arm back and bite it.

"Okay. There is no room for negotiation. But you can rest assured that Firefly will always have a good relationship with Fox."

Elizabeth shouted dissatisfiedly: "How to listen is like a pretext for people."

Eric reached out and squeezed the girl's chin: "Of course not, you are my woman, of course I will be pointing to you, Fox's thing is my business."

Elizabeth pulled Eric's claws away: "A **** who is still painting a naked woman said so, do you think I will believe your ghost?"

Even so, but Elizabeth's face is difficult to suppress a faint blush.

If she knows Eric's real thoughts, it is estimated that she will pick up the coffee pot on the round table and pour it on Eric's head.

Whether it is in memory or what you can see now. Murdoch’s two sons are very unbelievable guys, the standard dude. But Murdoch is obviously also the kind of patriarchal thought, although Elizabeth is the strongest among several children, but in the memory, Murdoch insisted on handing over the news group to the second son.

Since Eric came to this world and had a bad connection with Elizabeth, he certainly couldn’t let this happen again. Murdoch is now 60 years old and can’t take ten years. It is necessary to consider the issue of successors. Eric’s plan is of course to fully support Elizabeth’s control of News Corp.

what's mine is mine. My woman is also mine.

If it is not this ultimate goal. Why should he intervene in the tg-small company, and in order to get the "Silent Lamb" to get the Oscar, busy and cut off the "Dance with the Wolf", these are all to increase Elizabeth's family in the Murdoch family. Influence.

Thinking about it in his heart, Eric couldn’t help but look at the chick who was still beside him.

You have to be a little more angry, don't let me down.

The girl's gaze glanced at him, slightly dodging, and reached out and slammed it on Eric's shoulder: "What bad idea are you playing?"

"Speaking, what are you still owing me, or are you clearing your account now? I am in a good mood and can give you a 20% discount."

Elizabeth subconsciously wanted to hold her hips, and the arm suddenly slammed, but quickly stopped and blinked Eric: "You don't even think about it, I will never let you beat me again." It is."

Eric also just made a joke, looked at the little girl who was on the alert, and found a proper topic to ask: "How about the "Silence of the Lamb" public relations, I suggested that you find Miramack The Weinstein brothers of Sri Lanka assisted in public relations. Should you not forget it?"

I don't know why, Elizabeth feels very good with Eric's side, with a little warmth. She pulled a pillow cushion from the back of Eric under her knees and squatted on the armrest of Eric's left hand side of the sofa. She said, "Give them $1 million to lobby for money. I am doing this myself. Dad transferred a supervisor who specializes in Oscar public relations from Fox's announcement department. These days, almost every day with Judy and Jonathan, they are participating in lobbying parties."

"There is one more thing. Don't report the name of Drew on the best film. Julia also crossed out."

Elizabeth nodded and said: "Of course I know that if both of them are reported, the old man of the Oscar judges will feel that "The Silent Lamb" is eligible for the prize, and certainly will not vote for us. And I also decided to put Jonathan Demi with me to the best film, so the chances of winning the prize are even greater."

"Smart choices, this can be regarded as an adequate step for the Oscar jury. If you are a woman, the chances of winning will be greatly reduced, and female discrimination is already a deep-rooted thing. It can't be changed in a hundred years. Oscar is actually like this, you give it face, it gives you awards, everyone wins, and then everyone is happy."

Elizabeth pulled Eric's arm over the chin and looked up at Eric: "Where are you, when are you going to get a best director's Xiaojin?"

Eric shrugged and said with confidence: "With my current reputation in Hollywood, it doesn't matter if there is a small gold blessing."

"It’s arrogant. Look at your movies, all of them are commercial films. There is no possibility of taking Xiaojin people at all. You are the kind of fox that can't eat grapes."

Think about your special effects film plan for the next few years. It is even more embarrassing to take Oscar. However, if I choose Eric, he will definitely not give up the original plan and shoot what is going on. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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