I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 395: The outbreak of war

The word-of-mouth aspect of "Thriller" is very unpleasant because the anarchist political views expressed in the film are not very high. The evaluation of the film critics is not very high, but expresses the exciting visual scenes of surfing and skydiving in the film. approval. Therefore, the film is also destined to have no gains in the award season.

No matter how the outside media commented, after the Christmas, the fireflies began the merger and restructuring work in an orderly manner.

After detailed planning, Eric will gradually merge Pixar Studios, Digital Fields and Black Ant Films into Firefly Pictures, as these assets are all non-listed companies under the absolute control of Eric, so they merge The process is very smooth.

After the merger and reorganization, the fireflies will follow the mode of the large studios, in addition to film and television production, but also include special publicity, legal affairs, market research, strategic planning and other departments, but also have a relatively independent Pixar studio , Black Ant Film Company, New Line Film Company, Flower Film, Digital Field and other subsidiaries, in addition, Firefly also holds a 10% stake in Fox TV.

After more than four months of planning with the Prea Vista community, the New Year has just passed, and the firefly's studio base in Prea Vista has officially broken ground.

Although it is a non-listed company, outsiders cannot get detailed information on fireflies, but the fireflies have not smashed a series of actions.

Media attention to entertainment is still concentrated on Eric's personal wealth, and professional Hollywood magazines such as "Variety", the analysis of fireflies must be more professional, facing the integration and expansion of fireflies. Most professional media are taking a bad attitude.

After all, Eric has just experienced a 'failure' at the end of the year, "Ghost Detective" and "Thunderstorm". The two movies released at the end of the firefly, the total box office is likely to be only $100 million, compared to last year. The firefly produced the film to occupy the 'grand event' of the year-end holiday box office champion. This year's fireflies have been a little too bad.

Moreover, the evidence from the media that kept the attitude of dying is not only the box office at the end of the year, but also did not know that the Cameron couple had divorced as Catherine. The "Terminator 2" that Bigelow's husband's Cameron is making is also falling into the eyes of the media.

The media quickly discovered that the filming took more than three months. So far, the film that has just been smashed has so far cost more than 70 million. As a special effects movie, the post-production of the film will still cost a lot of money. The cost of the film is likely to reach an unprecedented height, perhaps the first film in history to cost more than $100 million.

If this is the only way, there may be some hope of recovering the cost. After all, Cameron’s film quality is still very guaranteed, and in the public survey, fans’ expectations for the Terminator sequel are also very high.

But many people think that the film's schedule is a fatal flaw.

In November last year, the 34-nation coalition forces assembled in the Middle East issued an ultimatum to the Saddam government, judging from the current situation. This war is definitely inevitable, and the time is likely to be at the end of January. And, until now. Not many people think that this war will end in a short period of time.

Therefore, since the second half of last year, in the face of the impact that war may have on the film and television industry, the seven major film studios have begun to formulate production reduction plans. In addition to "Terminator 2", there are no other big production films in the summer file. In the file, even Warner won the "Batman" at the box office of more than 200 million US dollars last year. In order to avoid the edge of the war, the sequel has been postponed to the summer of 1992. I can imagine if "Terminator 2" is released. If the war is still going on, this blockbuster box office will definitely be strongly impacted.

Once such a big film fails, it will be a very big blow to the ambitious fireflies.

Because of this concern, even Cameron himself, in a meeting, hinted at Eric, it is best to postpone the term of Terminator 2, even if it is postponed until the end of the year.

Eric has appeased and did not agree with Cameron. For the progress of the Gulf War, the whole world is no clearer than Eric, so putting Terminator 2 in this summer file is the most A good choice, even if the war ended prematurely, the seven big rushes will release some big productions in advance, but this summer file is not likely to compete with the "Terminator 2" with sufficient quality and guarantee.

Not only "Terminator 2", Eric also intends to put the "Toy Story" that Pixar Studio has completed in the summer file. I believe that the box office results of this 3D animation will definitely surprise many people. Rick not only invited Tom Hanks to dub the cowboy Hudi according to the original version, but also once again released a trailer for "Toy Story" on this year's Super Bowl.

The first two weeks of the New Year passed without knowing it. On January 15, the ultimatum date of the United*, the Iraqi army did not withdraw its intentions from Kuwait. Instead, it once again carried out a large-scale surge in the Saudi Arabian border.

Eric put down his work and came to New York again. After two months of deployment, Chris has used the $2 billion in funds to establish a large number of short positions in crude oil futures, and both are nervously waiting for the war.

Although Eric felt that his little butterfly might affect the progress of the war, he obviously overestimated his influence. At two o'clock on the morning of January 17, the United* launched an attack on the Iraqi army like the previous life. The violent carpet bombings took place for dozens of hours. In the face of the absolute air superiority of the United*, the Iraqi army’s room for counterattack was completely one-sided defeat.

At the end of January, United* eliminated all Iraqi troops stationed in Kuwait. Iraq lost 100,000 troops. The United* only suffered hundreds of casualties. The war shocked the world and international crude oil prices began to fall. Because of the prolonged expectations of this war, many oil trading companies bought large amounts of crude oil futures contracts before the war. The war only lasted for two weeks, and the crude oil futures trading department of countless companies announced that the liquidation was closed. It is said that because of this big loss, many companies have not opened the futures trading department for the next 20 years. How much is the size of the company has caused much damage to these companies. (To be continued)

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