I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 608: Some joke

Eric heard Chris's question and smiled lightly. He picked up the pen and drew a simple diagram of the long tail theory on the tablet. He said in a tone: "Of course it makes sense and it means great. Everyone knows that Hollywood exists. A lot of b-level companies?"

Although I don't know why Eric suddenly mentioned this, some of the people in the room nodded and curiously looked at the simple diagram drawn by Eric on the tablet.

Eric draws the long tail theory diagram of companies such as Google, Amazon and Naifei in the original time, saying: "For some b-level films in Hollywood, for example, the income structure of b-level films is like this picture. We can call it 'long tail picture'. The head of this picture represents a b-level film that has the honor to land in the theater at the box office. This part of the income occupies most of the area of ​​the long tail chart. Millions or even hundreds of thousands of b-class films, can be shown in the theater, almost will make a fortune. But most b-level films are difficult to get the qualification of the cinema, so ordinary people often I think it would be very difficult for b-level companies to survive, but it is not the case. Many b-level companies are very moist, and their rules of survival are like this illustration."

Eric said that with the pen in the head of the long tail chart, the head with the largest area is cut vertically with a dotted line, draw a fork, and then continue to cut out the area of ​​the block with a vertical line on the tail area, and explain it on the side. Dao: "Like the picture, even if they can't get the biggest income of the 'head', they can still get the head through the distribution of the videotape market, the revenue of cable TV broadcasting rights, and the vast overseas market copyright sales. A considerable amount of income. Moreover, as long as there are enough channels, the copyright sales revenue in overseas markets is very rich. Think about it, a b-class film with a cost of 2 million US dollars can recover a large part of the cost in the United States. But in the vast overseas market, even the whole copyright package is sold. The United Kingdom sells 200,000 US dollars, France sells 150,000 US dollars, then Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal... After Europe, there is also the same broad Asian market. And even some relatively wealthy Latin American countries, African countries, these scattered incomes add up. Enough for a small company to earn . Pours "Here, Eric will be in the hands of the pen aside and looked at a few people here, he said:"? Well, you see what come yet. "

Chris showed a thoughtful look. Tina Brown, who knows Hollywood better, retorted: "Eric, I think that in addition to the seven major Hollywood studios, there are very few small b-level companies that have the wide range of channels you have, you said This ideal state does not seem to exist."

"But the production company of famous b-level filmmakers like Roger Koeman, through the distribution method I said, is very moist in Hollywood, but it is a fact, isn't it?" Eric said with a smile: " Moreover, I am just using such an idealized example to demonstrate Yahoo's future profit model."

As an outstanding financial graduate, Chris understood it faster than a few others. “Eric, I think I know what you want to say. What do you mean. If a product 'The sales channels are large enough, so even if the profits from these channels are very negligible, they will still become an amazing data."

"Bingo," Eric raised his right hand and tried to make a snap, but unfortunately failed. He put down his arm in a few people's laughter and said: "With the current network environment, the entire network space already has dozens of Ten thousand different websites, if we can develop a set of simple and customer-approved advertising distribution technology, and pull 100,000 websites with good traffic to join Yahoo! Advertising Alliance, even if each website only has monthly Bringing us a negligible $10 in revenue, Yahoo earns $1 million a month, which is still far from enough to cover Yahoo’s current annual operating expenses. But in recent years, Internet users and The growth rate of the number of websites is very amazing. If the number of Yahoo! Advertising websites can increase tenfold and one hundred times in the next few years, then our revenue will increase geometrically."

Tina Brown asked again: "Eric, if I build a website and successfully develop to a certain scale, I will definitely not join the Yahoo! Advertising Alliance and choose to operate alone. It seems that I can get more. income?"

Eric pointed to the cross at the head of the long tail of the tablet, saying: "The focus of Yahoo's advertising alliance is not on these sites that are on the 'long tail' head. What we have to get is The 'head' produces a fairly large tail of profit."

Tina Brown smiled awkwardly, but she ignored the law that Eric had just finished.

Eric didn't mind, he continued: "And, I have previously mentioned with you the plan to fund a large number of small and medium-sized websites, which can be classified as part of the Yahoo! Advertising Alliance. Anyone who wants to get angel investment from Yahoo! The fund's website must be joined to the Yahoo! Advertising Alliance. Now it is still the initial stage of the online industry. I think there are not many investors who can choose from small and medium-sized websites. We can take this opportunity to pull in the websites with more potential. In the Yahoo! Advertising Alliance, through the channel effect of Yahoo's huge portal, then, at least in the next few years, most of the most powerful websites on the Internet will be from the Yahoo! Advertising Alliance. Even if these sites choose to leave in the future, I think Yahoo has also developed enough strength to break away from other profit channels."

The so-called other profit channels are of course search engine services.

Yahoo now has the initial function of the search engine, but because of the size constraints of the network industry, it has not yet released enough potential. The main reason why Yahoo failed in the original time and space is to blindly believe that the status of the portal is unshakable and ignore the development potential of the search engine. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for Google to replace it with the huge resources owned by Yahoo at that time. Now, Eric certainly won't make such a mistake.

This small high-level meeting was held until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. After Eric finished the two major development plans of Yahoo, Chris, Ian Gurnier, Tina Brown and others also spoke freely. Some suggestions of your own. At the end of the meeting, Eric and Chris left the Yahoo headquarters, but Ian G. Neil remained in the conference room and was eager to discuss.

Chris has participated in the board meeting of Nokia from Finland. When he returned to China, he came to Boston again. The whole person is very tired. When I got back to the hotel, I couldn’t wait to get into the room.

After the meeting was held today, Eric did not have much to do in Boston. Some of the details of Yahoo's subsequent development process can be discussed by e-mail. Eric can return to Los Angeles if his meeting with John Chambers and Steve Case is successful tomorrow. Compared to Chris. At this time, Eric remained in a state of excitement at the meeting, and did not participate in the tiredness after a full day of meetings.

Boston's May did not show any signs of heat in the summer. The afternoon's eyes were warm and awkward. After sending Chris back to the room, Eric changed a casual casual dress. Go down the stairs and walk out of the hotel.

It’s been a week since I came to Boston. Except for the gathering of all the employees of the company, Eric’s activities in these days have been limited to the Cambridge Hotel on Massachusetts Avenue and Yahoo’s headquarters a few hundred meters away. After finishing all the things, there is still some time in the afternoon, Eric will plan to walk around, this is his small habit after every city. Not to mention the West Avenue, which is not far from the hotel, which is less than two kilometers west of the West Avenue, crossing the Charles River, is the famous Harvard Business School, although Eric now has no previous generations of this family. The admiration of the business school of political and business celebrities. But he is still very curious.

Eric just stepped out of the hotel, Carter Moen took the time to come out and asked: "Boss, need a car?"

Because of the recent neglect of taking care of his personal image, Eric has grown a faint scorpion at this time, adding a bit of mature temperament to his whole person. From the pockets of the light-colored sunglasses, and the casual dress at this time, Eric believes that in addition to the extremely familiar relatives and friends, it is easy to recognize that he does not come: "I went to the other side of the river, No car."

Carter Moen nodded. Looking at Eric as a common young student on the street, he went to the front of the street with a leisurely attitude, and then followed up with another companion.

Turning into the West Avenue, although the name seems to be a commercial street, it is just a two-lane asphalt road. Most of the roads are red brick houses that trigger Eric’s mentality of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Boston’s brownstone culture is very popular, and these seemingly shabby red brick buildings are usually good middle-class and The rich and the poor can only afford to live in, low- and middle-income people can only live in cheap wooden houses.

A few hundred meters along the West Avenue, Eric saw the atm hall next to a supermarket. Realizing that there is no money on the body, you may use it later, and then you will take a few hundred dollars to take out your credit card.

Stepping out of the atm hall, I saw a girl in a light blue coat holding two full convenience bags heading for a red Ford on the street, carefully reaching out to open the trunk, and Eric took the initiative to say hello: Ms. Need help?"

"Thank you, you are really an enthusiast," the girl smiled and let her go, and Eric reached out and helped the other to open the trunk, nodded at each other and continued to move forward.

The girl carefully put the daily necessities in the convenience bag, closed the trunk, and looked up at the figure that Eric walked forward, only to remember the kind of deja vu feeling that had just been noticed when I noticed Erik’s face. But specifically, this is where the feeling comes from and there is no clue. In the end, this feeling can only be regarded as a common psychological perception.

However, although with sunglasses, but still a handsome guy.

Psychology thought so little, the girl quickly sneaked into her own idiot, just got out of the car, only to remember that some of the things that her roommates asked her to help have just forgotten to buy, and had to turn back to the supermarket again.

Once again, from the supermarket, the girl dropped a bag of things in her back in the back seat of the car and got into Ford. When she took out the key, she unconsciously blinked in front of her, and the figure was still in the field of vision. Inexplicably, there was some incitement. The girl drove up and went to Eric to slow down the speed. Pressing the window and courageously said to Eric: "I am going to the soldier factory in front, do you want to take a ride?"

Eric, standing on the curb, leaned slightly and waved at the girl sitting in the driver's seat of Ford's car. He smiled and said, "Thank you, I am over the river."

The girl in front of her eyes looks like her own age. She has a smooth, long-brown long hair, and her white face with light makeup looks very delicate. She has an obvious book. Eric himself will not refuse to come to this place in a different place, but if you go to the beautiful woman's car, the Carter Moen who followed behind the walk must be smashed. Mr. Bodyguard once explained him, for the sake of personal safety, don't do things that are too unexpected for them.

I thought that after the rejection, the girl would leave, but the other party smiled and said to Eric: "Don't you know that the river is the soldier factory?"

Eric squatted and shook his head honestly. He simply looked at the map and determined the location of Harvard Business School. I really don't know what the soldier factory said in the girl's mouth: "I am from Los Angeles, just I want to go to Harvard Business School."

"Would you like to apply for business school, maybe I can take you around," the girl looked at Eric, still pressing the speed, said: "Introduction, my name is Melanie."

Eric did not arbitrarily compose a pseudonym of interest, nor did he take the initiative to introduce himself. Listening to the accent of the girl, laughing and casually shifting the topic: "You are not from Georgia?"

“Oh,” Melanie asked in surprise. “How did you guess it?”

“Does anyone in your family like to read “Gone with the Wind”?” Eric asked at random.

"Yeah, my father, my name is from Melanie Hamilton in Gone with the Wind. I can't think of you guessing with this. It's great."

"Of course I can't guess this with your name," Eric said with a smile. "The main thing is that I can hear your Georgia accent. I have one... my friend is from Georgia."

In fact, the topic of "Gone with the Wind" is indeed Eric's guess, but the other is not Yimeng, because among the women around, Julia grew up in Georgia, and Eric felt the name in front of her. Melanie's girl is very similar to Julia in some pronunciation habits. Rebirth has been around for a long time, and it is easy to distinguish Eric from all over the United States and all kinds of people.

"Oh," Melanie patted the steering wheel and smiled. "I understand, you are imitating the joke of Conan Doyle and the coachman." (To be continued.)

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