I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 634: It’s too generous.

I don't know how long it took, and there was a hint of warmth in the office. Kelly Haynes sat quietly across the desk, holding a pencil in her hand to help Eric add the score according to the memory, occasionally Answer the questions raised by the opposite man. ≤,

For Eric’s discovery of Ron Perelman’s purchase of the Firefly Group’s bonds in the Los Angeles Times, both Kasenberg and New York’s Chris concluded that there is no need to worry and hold the same view. Buffett also handed over a detailed personal letter to Eric, trying to make him feel at ease.

Because there are many precedents, Ron Perelman's mind is not difficult to guess, this Wall Street wolf is likely to want to use the Firefly internal reform animation department to cause this wind, and join forces with other creditors to settle in the Firefly Board. To obtain directorships and participate in the Group's business and management decisions.

If you think about it in the longer term, this is only the first step of the Ron Perelman plan.

After successfully entering the Firefly board, Ron Perelman needs to wait for the moment when the firefly business is in trouble.

Film and television media has always been a very risky industry. Although Hollywood has experienced hundreds of years of ups and downs, it is still the major movie companies. But in fact, the owners of these film companies have no idea how many times they have changed. Every time a film company suffers from bankruptcy because of the film failure, the original owner may take the initiative or be forced to transfer it to the next one.

After the completion of the current bond issuance, the cumulative debt of the Firefly Group will reach 10 billion US dollars. According to the various interest calculation formulas of different bonds, the total amount of final repayment is expected to be about 15 billion US dollars. According to the average 10-year bond timeframe, the Firefly Group will then need an average annual debt expenditure of $1.5 billion. Of course, this is only theoretical data, and, although it seems that this number even exceeds the annual profit of the fireflies in previous years. But in fact, according to the annual market value and revenue growth expectations of the Firefly Group, as well as the complex tax relief system, this expenditure will not become a burden for the Firefly Group.

but. All of this has a premise that the firefly's business performance has been in good shape.

However, in the concept of all industry people, a media group with a film and television business as its core. It is almost impossible to maintain a consistent level of performance. Perhaps the failure of several major production films or TV series in the next year or two may cause the financial of the Firefly Group to be tight, and the domino effect caused by the lack of power of the locomotive will also cause other businesses to slump. And thus a vicious circle.

What Ron Perelman is waiting for is the moment of the future.

Once the Firefly Group is in trouble, creditors can use the banner of protecting their own funds to make a debt-to-equity swap request to the Federal Trade Commission and the Firefly Board, whereby the creditor becomes the owner of the Firefly Group.

In the original time and space, MGM, who was heavily in debt, was on the verge of being dominated by creditors.

In a personal letter from Buffett, the sharp-eyed investment tycoon analyzed Ron Perelman's attempt to launch the attack. The biggest reliance was probably to join forces with the hand-painted animation department of Disney to put pressure on the firefly shareholders. Buffett said that if he did not see the information that night, because "Lion King" is expected to create huge profits. He will judge that Eric will save the Disney hand-painted animation department at all costs, and this may also be a credit for creditors to join the board.

However, since Eric has had good reason to reform the Disney animation department, Ron Perelman's deficiencies have not been established from the beginning. Buffett also eloquently stated that even if other conditions occur, Berkshire Hathaway will stand firm on the side of Eric and provide maximum assistance.

After reading a few documents, Eric looked up at Kelly and asked, "Have you seen Buffett's letter?"

Kelly shook her head and wondered, "What happened?"

"Let's take a look." Eric handed Buffett's personal letter.

Kelly quickly read the contents of the letter paper and thought for a moment. "I don't think there is any problem. Buffett said it makes sense."

"I don't mean this. Look at the last paragraph."

Kelly read the last paragraph, and the good-looking eyebrows picked up slightly, thought about it, or said: "Buffy-licensed Norbert Hill. Hathaway will stand firmly on the firefly side, it seems that there is no problem, I I think this is a good thing."

"According to Buffett's personality that has turned the pursuit of profit maximization into instinct. Don't you think this promise is too generous?"

Kelly smiled and said: "Eric, you are too suspicious, I think Mr. Buffett is doing this, more likely to be your ability, to pull you to Berkshire. Hathaway The successor, hehe."

Listening to Kelly's joke, Eric also laughed and no longer struggled with the problem.

After reviewing all the information again, Eric suddenly thought about the pigeons being put by Peter Schneider this morning. He looked up and asked: "Have you seen Peter Schneider at today's high-level meeting?"

Kelly said: "No, he and Roy Disney are not supposed to be on your side?"

Eric frowned and said quickly: "Kelly, help me inquire about the whereabouts of both of them?"

Kelly noticed that Eric suddenly became serious and said: "Now?"

"Yes, now, right away."

Kelly nodded, took out the mobile phone and address book, rummaged and started to make a phone call.

Eric picked up a pen and quickly wrote information on the firefly group, Disney Animation Department, Ron Perelman, Chris, Buffett, David West, etc. on a piece of draft paper. And the related words are connected by his usual lines, and a net is quickly formed.

The blank space in the middle of the net was quickly filled with another word by Eric.

It didn't take long for Kelly to put down the phone and said to Eric: "The two of them personally can't get through. I only heard Peter Schneider and Roy Disney go to New York. The situation is not clear. ""

When Eric heard of New York, he basically understood it and said: "Don't check it, they must have seen Ron Perelman."

Kelly immediately thought of the two executives going to see Ron Perelman's intentions and asked, "What about now?"

Eric’s smile has become somewhat mysterious. Road: "This is a good time to pay back."

Kelly was somewhat inexplicable, and Eric continued: "Tomorrow is the premiere of "The Charlie"?"

Kelly recalled Eric's schedule and asked: "Don't you say you don't plan to attend?"

"Go, be sure to go. And everyone goes together," Eric patted the table and said: "The three old men who are still in Los Angeles, and Chris of New York, let him fly over tomorrow. And Kasenberg and Michael Lynn..."

After thinking about it, Eric did not continue to add people.

The few people just mentioned are a community of interests closely related to the Firefly Group. Needless to say, Buffett’s shareholder status, Chris is definitely trustworthy. Kasenberg is the next ceo of fireflies. If he can’t even trust him, Eric will not have to continue playing in Hollywood. The final Michael Lynn is about to leave, but he is also a minority shareholder of the Firefly Group.

As for the other high-level executives, Eric temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​telling them, after all, the lesser the person in mind knows, the less the better.

Oh. There seems to be another insider.

In the original article on 2d animation industry analysis, Eric specifically asked the different staff of the assistant office to collect different information. The final summary work was done by Kelly personally, so she was only able to glimpse the 'evidence chain'. The whole picture. Moreover, whether Kelly is the first assistant of Eric, or the intimate relationship between the two, Eric does not want to exclude her.

Eric looked at Kelly Haynes in front of her and smiled: "You will come together tomorrow, watch the movie, everyone will talk."

Kelly realized at this time. Tomorrow is definitely not just a movie, so there is definitely something going on. However, Eric’s unhesitating trust also warmed her whole heart.

"Then let me inform them first?"

Eric shook his head and said: "These calls are still my own. Let's help you prepare a few premiere invitations. Also, don't forget to send a car to pick up Buffett tomorrow. There is Buffett, the three old men are sure. I don’t want to spend money. If they take a taxi outside the red carpet, I can’t afford to lose this person.”

"Oh Well."


"Lion King" experienced a record-breaking box office of more than $46 million for the first three days of the first three days. In the first seven days of the week, the total box office reached a staggering height of $69 million. Correspondingly, only the production cost of more than 63 million US dollars in the Western film "law enforcement" first week at the box office only poor 10 million in the early stage, Warner this original slamming "Lion King" purpose of the big production film not only failed to complete Instead of "real lie", "Star Trek 7" and "Saving Private Ryan" outside of "The Lion King", it has completely become the cannon fodder of this fiery summer file.

In the face of more than $70 million in direct losses, in order to give shareholders a confession, Warner involved the directors, producers and corresponding executives of the "Law Enforcement" became the Paramount "Beverly Hills Detective 3 After the second batch of hapless Hollywood's 'expulsion season'.

Eric himself did not expect that Kevin Costner had already experienced a quiet slap in the face of "Future Water World". The first part of the "Ship Impossible" of this time and space has entered post-production. Eric watched the sample in detail, and he was very satisfied with the results of Kevin Costner's version of Ethan Hunter and Brian De Palma.

Therefore, the only thing that Eric is worried about after the "Law of Law Enforcement" is that "Future Water World" will not be yellowed. If there is no such film 'force', then the flower film industry must be in the dish. The sequel to the "Spy" sequel to the lion of Kevin Costner.

The day before July, Eric’s new version of “The Charlie's Baby” held a grand premiere in Los Angeles.

After experiencing the "Rain Man" in 1988, MGM has been quiet for six years, during which most of the films were released in more than ten films, and the box office broke through 100 million. After many twists and turns, last year MGM’s two new helms, Ceo Frank Makasso and President John Cali, intend to complete the company’s recovery plan by issuing “The Bears” and “The Final Mirage Hero”. Ended with failure.

Now, the DreamWorks Production Company's ten film production plans and the 007 series restarted by its affiliates have become MGM's last fight. Once again, MGM's only way out is bankruptcy and liquidation, and the company's assets are auctioned to repay the huge debts of more than one billion dollars. The 75% MGM shares in the hands of Lyon Credit Bank in France will become a pile of waste paper.

Eric's mood is relatively relaxed compared to the high-level shareholders of MGM, Lyon Credit Bank and DreamWorks's major European shareholders who are nervous or worried or looking forward to it. For this film, Eric has spent enough thoughts, from the script to the actors, from the director to the producers, who are personally appointed by Eric according to the memory, and participate in the film production progress and final editing far more than others. the film.

Judging from the several previews of the new version of "Jianjiao Wa", the filmmakers and ordinary audiences who participated in the screening gave enough praise. If the film still fails, it can only be said that the sky does not help MGM.

As for Eric himself, he has experienced so much glory since he was born again. Although he has not changed too much to start looking forward to failure, he will never fear failure.

Although this plan did not participate in the premiere, but since the change of mind appeared on the scene, Eric also did his duty to do his duty. I was interviewed by a reporter on the red carpet. I also specially invited three girls to come to a group of photos to meet the gossip of the live media.

When Buffett’s three old men stepped out of a luxury car at the end of the red carpet, Eric immediately greeted him and greeted him. He ignored the media people who had become more boiling because of Buffett’s appearance. cinema.


Ps: Today is three thousand two thousand

*(To be continued.)

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