I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 638: What do I want to owe you?

"Mr. Kasenberg has personally started your project with an associated private equity fund under the Operations Group. Hathaway, State Street Global and Firefly Investment are also following up, if you want to be caught by Marvel. We probably also need a month," Kelly handed over the next document and said: "Also, several newspaper groups have made a second round of quotations for our paper-based assets. It’s $1.4 billion for Condé Nast. ≤,”

Eric quickly read the documents in his hand and said: "Let Jeffrey start the acquisition negotiations. Both Yahoo! and AOL need a lot of money. Tell Jeffery that there is no need to price too much. As long as the price It’s worth an estimated $1.5 billion, but I want the buyer to pay the cash as soon as possible.”

Kelly nodded, wrote down on the memo, and then looked up: "There are only serious things..."

Eric looked at the closed office door and joked: "Do you want to do something unfair here?"

Kelly gave him a blank look and handed the last document to Eric. "This is what Miss Murdoch has sent. The New York Post was intended to be published tomorrow, and she was stopped. She said Let yourself look at it. She can stop the New York Post report, but she can't control other newspapers. There is also a copy of the file related to this press release."

Eric looked at the headline of the press release, "The Darkness of the Gifted Girl," and the eyes suddenly smashed.

Seeing the name of Charlie in the article, Eric almost guessed the general content. I read the article roughly, and Eric determined his judgment.

In the original time and space, Charlize was nominated for the best actress in Oscar by virtue of "The Devil's Head". In the subsequent media public relations war, Charliez was again stunned by the media when he was fifteen years old when his father was shot and killed by her mother. Charlie, who was originally a simple victim, was even forced to be attached to the word 'uncle' by the unscrupulous media. Eric did not pay much attention to the wind, his own result, that is, Charlie still successfully won the Oscar-winning title.

Right now, perhaps because Fox's "Dumb and Agua 2" is about to be released. However, the box office momentum of "Jianjiao Wa" did not weaken. The New York Post did not know where to dig this news, so it played the same idea as the media in previous life, however. It may be that the firefly is taken care of, and the article does not take the deliberate distortion of the facts as in the original time and space, but the propensity of the lines between the lines will still lead to imagination.

"Since this matter has been excavated by the media, it is definitely unstoppable," Eric thought for a moment. Tear off a note pad and write a line of words, handed it to Kelly, saying: "You personally communicate with Icm, and let the public relations department try to cooperate as much as possible. According to this guideline, I don't want to see it. What a mess of news came out."

Kelly took over the paper that Eric handed over and saw the "frustrated family tragedy, the strong girl who came out of the shadows", nodded and said: "Mega's ceo Frank. Makasso I don't know the phone number here. I called the phone to me and wanted to talk to you about the time of "Jianjiao". MGM hopes to open two "Shenjiao" sequels at the same time."

"These things let them go to Jeffery, and the discussion is good..." Eric said halfway, looked up and said, "Is there something wrong?"

When Kelly was about to speak, Eric said with a sigh: "Oh, it must be Penny and they are three."

Kelly nodded. "The head of DreamWorks hopes to sign a two-time sequel with Miss Cruze, but Ms. Michels Sims has not responded."

Eric said: "I will help you to ask what the three of them are, and let MGM have peace of mind to issue it."


In the following days, under the cooperation of the Firefly Public Relations Department and the icm brokerage company and MGM. News about the past of Charlie's girlhood began to appear in the media, but most of the information expressed Charlie's full sympathy from the perspective of the victim, and at the same time advertised Charlie's experience of being alone in Hollywood. The girl was completely shaped into a self-improving girl who emerged smoothly from the dark shadows.

The first impression effect of ordinary people is very powerful. Since the first time they instilled such an idea into them, then in the future, there will be an article smearing Charliez in the media, which will only arouse the resentment of most people. At the same time, Charlie's popularity, which was originally weak in the "Jiaojiaowa" trio, also rose a lot in blessings.

In the second week of July, Fox's "Dumb and Agua 2" was also officially released, but it was only affected by the resurgence of the box office of "Lion King" and "Jiao Jiaowa". "Dumb and Agua 2" only got more than 33 million box office receipts in the first three days of the weekend, which is $4 million lower than "Jiaojiaowa". It is expected that the box office will be suspended within 45 million in the first week. However, compared to the "Gengjiao", which costs more than 80 million US dollars, the biggest cost of this vulgar comedy is only Jin. Kerry's pay, the total production budget is less than 40 million US dollars, so Fox in this film Still very profitable.

After returning to Los Angeles from Boston at the end of May, after more than a month of intense work, Eric checked all the movie projects that he had to take care of himself. The schedule was gradually relaxed, except for the distraction. He also put more time on the preparation of Wei Mi's big show.

In the studio of Wei Mi Daxiu Studio, Eric just sent a stack of singer tapes to the director of the Firefly Music Department. He just went through the European and East Asian tour to return to Los Angeles and the three girls and Penelope. My sister Monica walked into his office together, and Penelope and Kate still had a gorgeous angel wing in their hands.

Saying hello to Eric, Penelope couldn't wait to put a set of butterfly wing wings behind him, saying: "Eric, are these angel costumes to be worn on Wei Mi? So beautiful. ”

Eric smiled and saw the two women put the angel wings on their bodies. "You must have taken it on the shelf next to my office door. These are the wastes to be disposed of. The truly selected angel wings are all Saved in the vault."

Kate asked curiously: "These are all so beautiful. Those who are selected are definitely more amazing. Can we have a look?"

Eric shook his head and said: "When you give me a few tickets, you can't see anyone now."

Kate spit out his tongue at Eric and said, "True."

Eric didn't answer. After seeing Charliez, who was very quiet and obviously with thoughts coming in, he joked: "Charlie. Are you going to steal Kate's role in the sequel?"

"No, of course not," Charlize shook his head.

Eric just wants to continue to say something, Penelope heard Eric mention the film, and can't wait to stare at Kate gossip: "Eric. You don't know, when we went to Tokyo, Japan, there was The men saw Kate on the spot and cried on the spot. They also cried and wowed what they wanted to rush towards the stage and scared us."

Kate dissatisfiedly pushed Penelope away and said: "Why do you think he is coming to me, maybe he wants to pounce on you?"

Penelope smiled and said: "Although I don't understand the guy's Japanese, everyone on the scene of 'Selina' can hear it clearly."

Eric said: "I have seen it in the newspaper. Kate is now the most popular Western actress in Japan. How is it?"

Kate shook his head and said: "Not very good, people in that country are always weird."

"This is because of cultural differences. Different countries and different ethnic groups will have this feeling when they look at outsiders. Otherwise, there will be no such things as racism." Eric explained briefly and said: "Don't say This is, someone asked me to ask, what are your three plans for the sequel?"

The three women looked at each other and did not speak for a while.

Eric pointed his finger at Penelope: "Penny, you."

"Eric, we don't mind shooting sequels. But we don't want to keep the two sequels so tight. If we have one year, we will definitely be shaped."

Eric remembered that MGM wanted to add the two sequels to "Dream" to the DreamWorks' ten film projects, and the original ten films were planned to be within three years. When I heard Penelope's answer, Eric also understood it.

Gently tapping on the table and thinking about it for a while, seeing the three girls look at him more and more stunned, Eric suddenly smiled: "I don't have such confidence in me, I am worried that I sold you?"

Although Eric is very gentle in life, it is often very strong when it comes to movies. The three girls are really worried that Eric will force them to shoot one a year. When I heard Eric say this, Kate, who has the most aura in his mind, has relaxed and laughed: "Who makes you so inferior?"

Eric smiled and said: "It seems that I am looking for a time to let me help me remember what bad things I have done."

Kate squatted, and the little brain quickly recalled that he hadn't remembered anything for a while, but he still sighed with dissatisfaction.

Eric did not care about it. He patiently explained: "You must have thought too seriously. If you do this, you will change it into two years. In fact, the production plan of any film company in Hollywood is not fixed. Involving tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars in investment, the production process can not be overemphasized, it is normal to have a variety of changes during the period. Although the original agreement is ten films for three years, but for various reasons Unfinished, the remaining projects are either yellow or delayed, like Spielberg, who is still owed to several films around the world. It is said to be a contract more than ten years ago."

Penelope’s eyes turned and asked, “What about our pay?”

"Your pay can have little to do with me," Eric laughed again. "Although Firefly has a 30% interest in DreamWorks, but the film production funds come from Europe, so let Michelle talk to you." How high can it be, but don't play too much, be careful when you take a shot."

Kate asked: "How much do you think we are asking for?"

Eric thought about it and said: "The two collections will be packaged with about 12 million US dollars each. It is not necessary to mention the achievements. After all, you have three people. The average performance of each of the 18 million US dollars is already high, and the producers. Also invite other actors, the total expenditure of the actor may be 25 million. If you want too high a price, the producer can only compress the shooting budget, which will definitely affect the quality of the sequel, which is harmful to you."

Eric said that he was understated, but even Charlie, who had always had a lot of trouble, couldn’t help but swear. After all, the first part of their pay was only two or three hundred thousand dollars, but also suffered so much, and now the price suddenly soared to tens of millions. In the past, I never really thought I could make so much money.

After the surprise, Kate quickly thought of some things, saying: "More than 45 million, I heard that Nicole Kidman can earn more than 30 million with a mummy."

"Mummy" North American and overseas box office are very popular, and it is expected that various incomes will be added in the next few years. Can bring nearly 400 million US dollars in net profit to Universal Pictures, Michael Eisner is also because of the "mummy" box office explosion, after the heart surgery, easily regained the control of the world from Michael Owitz right.

However, the biggest profit for this film is undoubtedly Nicole. The 8% omni-channel share contract will bring Nicole no less than $30 million in revenue, which makes her the highest paid in Hollywood. Actress, it is estimated that it will be difficult to be surpassed in the next decade.

"Like Jack Nicholson's super high pay in Batman, Nicole got so much this time. It was just an accident. Global estimates have already regretted death. They originally only needed to spend $10 million. I can go to Nicole, but now I have paid three times more. Moreover, Nicole can participate in the lower sequel, and I can only honestly take a fixed pay."

Penelope said: "Then we will talk about the numbers you gave."

Eric nodded and looked at the angel wings beside him. He smiled and said: "These are to be worn in the interior and look good. Next to the fitting room, wear it and show it to me."

Kate immediately squinted and glanced at Eric. Penelope picked up his wings with a smile, and took Kate and went out: "Kate, let's try it, we don't have to show it to a guy."

The two women said that they had already left the office. Eric looked at Monica with her big eyes and pointed to the door: "You go too, help your sister change clothes."

"Well... um," the little girl who came out of the water seemed to realize what she was doing, and walked out in a flustered head.

When the office door closed, Eric asked Charlize: "Is there something wrong?"

"No." Charlize shook his head, hesitated, and said: "Michelle said to me, I also saw the note you wrote, I... I just want to thank you."

"Oh," Eric nodded and joked. "You know, I am a capitalist. You made money for me. Of course I have to cover you."

Charlize bit his lower lip and tangled for a moment, saying, "I, I don't want to owe you anything."

Eric smiled and said: "Although I really want to say that you don't owe me anything, but you know, men are vanity. So what I actually want to say is, if you feel owed to me, then I am still dying. I feel very satisfied whenever I think that a big beauty feels that I owe me an account."

Charlize finally couldn't hold back. After coming to this office, she laughed for the first time, but the girl quickly converges her expression, squinting at Eric with a sullen anger, saying: "You, privately. Is that what a girl is like?"

"Not necessarily, you have to look at people, for example, you have to do the opposite, use a term in the Eastern Art of War, called the swearing," Eric said with a smile on his face, continue to '侃侃And talk about ': "To Kate, this kind of proud little girl, it is necessary to be more appropriate, for Penny... no matter what method is used."

"You are such a jerk," Charlize couldn't help but laugh again, but the girl had moved to the door without knowing it.

Then, in Eric's astounding eyes, Charlize reached out and locked the office door, and then walked toward Eric in an imposing manner. Eric was about to get up in confusion, but was pressed by Charlie. In the large leather chair, the girl's slim body was deceived, and she reached out and pulled Eric's tie, like a kitten that suddenly became mad, but the hidden panic in the girl's expression completely sold her.

What Eric had just said, Charlize had already put the rip-off tie in front of Eric.

Then, the cool, thin lips kissed awkwardly.

When the pair of thin lips that trembled because of tension left themselves, and two small hands squirmed his shirt, Eric only subconsciously joked: "Charlie, you have to know that in the United States, certain crimes are not Just for men."

However, this sentence just fell, Eric suddenly felt bitten on the shoulder.

In the sound of the man sucking in the cool air, the girl with a slight tremor of voice still insisted on hate and said: "Let you, always deliberately ignore me."

"Queen's adult, here is the office, or let's go home and say, you can rest assured, I will definitely not let you go..."

"Shut up, don't move."


*ps: I saw "Royal Casino" today, and then I have this chapter...

*** (to be continued.)

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