I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 760: Celebration party

Time went into December, the third week of "Screaming", although Thanksgiving passed, but with its popularity among the youth group, the film still received a $13.56 million box office, and the three-week cumulative box office reached 52.11 million. Dollar.

Relatively speaking, the "Jesus Warrior" issued by the Firefly Headquarters, although the first week of harvesting 42.57 million US dollars at the box office, people are overjoyed, but because of the box office decline of more than 40% for two consecutive weeks, the film's third week at the box office slipped to 15.6 million The US dollar has no big advantage compared with "Screaming Scream". With a weak weekly decline curve of "20% or so", this low-cost thriller may even be in the fourth week of the Jedi battle. "Police" to achieve the box office overtake.

However, although the box office curve is very different, the two films will have no suspense in the next few weeks in North America, as the two production costs are not more than 20 million, and even the production and distribution of the total cost is about 30 million movies. North American box office broke 100 million, these two films are undoubtedly the box office dark horses at the end of 1995, while the other films released in the same period, the three-week box office is only within 30 million US dollars, the corresponding film company will not lose money, The profits obtained are far from being comparable to "Screaming" and "The Jedi".

The unexpected success of "Screaming" has played a very significant role in promoting MGM's stock issuance plan in December.

In recent years, several major film companies in North America have basically completed the transformation and integration with the media group. Even Colombia and the world have backed by large multinational groups, and the business scope also covers all aspects of the film. And MGM, who has struggled for more than a decade in business difficulties and debt, is still limited to pure film production and distribution, if not in the integration of the flower series and DreamWorks production company's series of movies. After the copyright increased its strength, MGM wanted to issue additional shares, and it was estimated that even the investment banks that managed the business could not find it.

However, with the support of a series of big-selling movie copyrights such as "Charlie's Angel", "007", "Mission in the Dish", "Museum of the Museum", "Resident Evil" and "The Scream of Scream" which has just been successful at the box office. MGM's stock issuance in December was exceptionally smooth, and a total of 70 million shares of the issuance plan was sold out within one week of the official release.

Usually, a company tends to show a downward trend in the process of stock issuance. However, because of the positive stimulus of the box office success, MGM’s share price has not fallen, but instead The trend rose by 6%, and the price per share reached 15.8 US dollars. After the completion of the issuance, MGM's total share capital reached 435 million shares, and the market value reached a new high of 6.873 billion US dollars. With the huge investment of 1 billion US dollars in this additional issuance, MGM has completely got rid of the current situation of capital shortage, and the huge debt of 1.7 billion US dollars can no longer pose too much threat to it. The company officially entered a healthy development track.

Burbank, Firefly Group headquarters.

Kelly Hines knocked on the door of Eric's office and walked in.

"Eric, this is the selection of the "Want City" that has just been sent over New York. They have already compressed the candidates to eight."

Eric gestured to Kelly to sit down and flipped through the actor's information in her hand.

After Candice Bushnell disagreed with Elizabeth Hurley as the heroine, Eric put the casting rights on the production department of AE TV.

However, in the process of casting, Eric still added the original heroines to the audition list. At this time, the audition results from the New York side were turned over. Eric was surprised to find the female given by the crew. Among the two candidates of the main character Carly Bradshaw, Sarah Jessica Parker is still elected, and another candidate is Eric accident, Mary Luis Parker, the single poison in the original time and space. mom.

Just looking at the name, people who don't know may even think they are sisters, but Eric knows that the two people have nothing to do with it.

In the character evaluation column of the role table, Mary Luis Parker’s comments read: Has many years of Broadway stage performance experience, skillful, savvy and embarrassing, yet no lack of style, very fit with the heroine Carly Brad The identity of the female writer in Xiaocheng.

Because of the type of drama and the relationship between the ages, Eric’s impression of “Single Poison Mom” is much stronger than “Shangwang City”. Mary Luis Parker’s role in “Single Poison Mom” is like a wolf. The insects and tiger leopards are surrounded by the little sheep who are struggling to survive. Eric’s memory is more of a series of cute little eyes in the black and pure scorpion.

Sitting on the opposite side of Eric, Kelly noticed that his mouth was inexplicably revealing a strange smile, curious: "Eric, what's wrong?"

"Ah, no," Eric shook his head and drew a cross on Mary Louis Parker's profile.

Although between Sarah Jessica Parker and Mary Luis Parker, the latter makes Eric look more. However, because the memory of "Single Poison Mom" ​​is too deep, Eric can't substitute Mary Luis Parker into the heroine of "Want City", not to mention the original heroine has appeared on the final candidate list. Rick is no longer doing anything more than a snake.

Determined this, Eric turned over several other candidates, but this time no more acquaintances were found.

I will pass the information to Kelly, Eric said: "The heroine chooses Sarah Jessica Parker. I don't care about the other three heroines, let Anne decide for themselves."

Kelly wondered: "Eric, don't need to take a look at the videotape, probably send it tomorrow?"

Eric shook his head: "No, since they have already compressed the candidates to eight, these people are definitely very suitable."

"Okay, then I will go out first."

Kelly packed up the information and was about to leave. Eric called her: "Right, Drew will party at the Sharp Corner Manor tonight to celebrate the successful stock issuance and the box office success of "Scream". Do you want to come over?"

Kelly stopped and turned and shook her head. "I'm afraid I can't do it tonight. I promised Nina to take her to the movies."

"Oh, that's it, I won't delay you as a good mother."

"Oh, if it's okay, I am going back to the office."

Kelly smiled and left Eric's office, but in less than five minutes, she turned back.

"Eric, the new line called over and said that the English version of "Hong Fan District" that was cooperating with Golden Harvest has been completed. You originally mentioned it, now you want to see it?"

Eric nodded and looked at the watch. He said to Kelly: "Let them prepare, I will pass."

"Okay." Kelly nodded and left the office.

Eric was busy with some of his work, approaching the clock, got up and walked over to the office's filing cabinet and flipped a script, then left the office and walked toward the projection room of the office building.

After several years of development, the original new line film company has long been fully integrated into the firefly system. However, under Eric's arrangement, the new line team is still sticking to the original production strategy, and has not cut off some cooperation with the Golden Harvest film company across the ocean.

"Hong Fan District" is a film work that Jiahe once again tried to enter the North American market. It was mainly invested and produced by Golden Harvest. The new line only participated in a small part of the investment and related assistance during the filming process, and obtained the North American distribution rights of the film. . The film was produced last year and has been widely released in Asia. However, the North American release is scheduled for the Easter season next year.

Although the previous "Hong Fan District" more than 30 million US dollars in the North American box office converted into more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars, so Jiahe was overjoyed, but Eric is not too concerned about it, he is only interested in "Hong Fan District" to the male lead in North America Preheating effect.

At this point, another script in Eric's hands is the focus of his plan.

This is a script written by Ross Lamana. Although Ross La Manner seems to be unknown, this script is famous in the original time and space because it is called "Rush Hour."

At this time, the "Rush Hour" script is just an old-fashioned and simple double-lead crime action type film, and the "Jesus Warrior" and the former "Beverly Hills Detective" and "Deadly Weapons". The series is very similar, even the protagonist is not 100% sure to use Asians, the plot is also a little far from the original.

However, Eric’s fancy is just a synopsis of the general story of this script. As for the detailed plot, it will be modified in the future according to his own meaning.

There is also a small episode worth mentioning. The writer of "Rush Hour", Ross La Manner, also wrote another script called "Titanic", which is also a story about the big ship. Of course, this script has nothing to do with the project Cameron is shooting. Originally, the film company was interested in the script, but after the firefly released the Cameron version of the Titanic project, Ross La Manner This script is completely unattended.

In the screening room of the headquarters building, in addition to the new line of directors, Eric also saw a few Asian faces, but did not see the male lead.

"Mr. Williams, I will tell you about this, this is the producer of "Red Zone" Jonny Lee, and the agent of Jack, the agent of Jack." Seeing Eric coming, the new line The person in charge introduced Eric to a few people.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Chen, hello, welcome to Los Angeles," Eric shook hands with the other, then said: "So, let's watch the movie first."

The producer named Li said enthusiastically: "Of course, Mr. Williams, I am sure that will not let you down."

The crowd did not talk too much and walked into the screening room together.

Eric has seen this movie in the past, of course, the Mandarin version. At this time, looking at the English version of the special translation, there is certainly no problem in understanding the lines. Compared with the original in memory, it is very interesting. .

After the movie was finished, Eric patiently listened to the person in charge of the new line to introduce the release plan, just nodded and did not intervene. Instead, the script of "Rush Hour" in the hand was handed over to the person in charge of the new line and the agent of the actor.

"This is a script that I happened to see. I think this story is slightly modified. It is very suitable for Jack. I have written the detailed revisions in the script. However, I think if you shoot, Jack must have a lot of personal thoughts. So, Mr. Chen, you can take it back and discuss it with him. If you are interested, we can sign up immediately."

Although he also got a few pages of scripts, the producers of Jiahe found that Eric did not mention what they meant. He looked at Jack Cheng’s agent and thought about it. He still didn’t speak immediately.

However, Jack Cheng’s agent heard Eric’s words, but he was overjoyed and said: “Mr. Williams, you said that if Jack is willing, can we sign up immediately?”

"Of course," Eric smiled and nodded. "If all goes well, I hope the film will be released by the end of next year."

Mr. Chen asked again: "That, Mr. Williams, don't know if the film was made by the new line or by the firefly headquarters?"

Eric said: "The new line, however, Mr. Chen, several brands of Firefly, whether it is a new line, fireflies or Disney, the difference is only the type of film production, so you don't have to worry about the film made by the new line. , will be treated differently."

Although I really hope to cooperate, Mr. Chen continued to ask: "Mr. Williams, Jack's pay?"

"Oh, you discuss this with the new line," Eric smiled and said.

Although Ai Rui also thought about letting the other party sign three low-priced films in one breath, but also carefully consider it, there is no need to do so hurt, after all, a win-win situation is the best way to cooperate.

After watching the movie, it was nearly five o'clock. I talked about the "Rush Hour". Eric handed the follow-up work to the new team and hurriedly returned to the corner manor.

"Screaming Scream" entered the fourth week, and once again harvested 10.65 million US dollars at the box office. The total number of box office has reached more than 62 million. With the arrival of the next Christmas season, I believe that the box office of the film will rebound to a certain extent. Breaking billions is only a matter of time.

Coupled with the smooth implementation of the MGM stock issuance plan, the scorpion wrapped around Eric for a while and was allowed to hold a celebration party at Miaojiao Manor for the recent good situation of MGM.

Eric returned to the Pointe Manor. It was already six o'clock and the guests had already arrived.

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